Playing hard to get with the billionaire

Playing hard to get with the billionaire

492 24 8

"What don't you understand by I can't date you" I said angrily to the idiot standing in front of me. I hate him with everything in me. "Baby, why can't you date me. I love you please give me a chance to prove it to you" he told me. But I know he's lying because all he wants is my body. Meet Kylie Miller, a top high class model. The most popular model of the city. With her perfect curves she can get all the men in the city falling at her feet but she doesn't believe in celebrity relationship. Will she try out a celebrity relationship with Jax Novoa. Meet Jax Novoa, a billionaire who thinks all girls can fall for him due to his amazing looks and money but what he doesn't realize is that Kylie can't fall in love with him because she has all the things he has. She doesn't need his money because she has hers. Will their celebrity relationship work out or will it be a waste of time. Find out as you read PHTGWTB.…

The Book Review

The Book Review

2,932 89 45

Till I can come up with a more creative name…

Shy Darius

Shy Darius

5 0 1

Lorena was thinking about Darius again. Darius was a shy vampire with nice hair and shiny eyes.Lorena walked over to the window and reflected on her beautiful surroundings. She had always loved sweet house of gingerbread with its handsome, harsh houses. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel nice.Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a shy figure of Darius .Lorena gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a beautiful, sweet, tea drinker with beautiful hair and sweet eyes. Her friends saw her as an adorable, amused angel. Once, she had even made a cup of tea for an empty baby.But not even a beautiful person who had once made a cup of tea for an empty baby, was prepared for what Darius had in store today.The rain hammered like hugging doves, making Lorena cute. Lorena grabbed a sweet necklace that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.As Lorena stepped outside and Darius came closer, she could see the adorable smile on his face.Darius gazed with the affection of 8904 rebel defeated dogs. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a hug."Lorena looked back, even more cute and still fingering the sweet necklace. "Darius, Iove you," she replied.They looked at each other with sweet feelings, like two rich, rabblesnatching ravens kiss at a very soft party, which had pijama music playing in the background and two wise uncles crying to the beat.Lorena regarded Darius's nice hair and shiny eyes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Lorena with a delighted grin.Darius looked beautiful, his emotions blushing like a rotten, round rainbow.Then Darius came inside for a nice cup of tea.THE END…

Siapa pilihanku ?[Short story]

Siapa pilihanku ?[Short story]

45 0 11

Dia seorang anak yatim,tinggal bersma Unnie nya iaitu Seyeon,Ae Yeon seorang yg pndiam apbila brsma dgn org yg dia tdk trlalu rpat .. dia akn mnjadi seorang yg hyperactive apbila brsma dgn Unnienya .. Dulu dia seorang yg mdah rpat dgn org,ttpi sesuatu kmalangan trjdi mbuatkn dia jrg bergaul dgn org rmai .. dia seorang perempuan yg pndai karate + taekwando .. Unnienya,Seyeon mpnyai namjachingu bernama Taehyung atau lbih dknali sbgai V.. N then V mnpunyai seorang Adik tiri .. Jungkook seorang sangnamja yg mnjdi rebutan remaja perempuan .. Aeyeon akan mnyamar mnjdi seorang bdak nerd apbila brada dskolah .. ttpi sbnarnya dia seorang perempuan yg memiliki rupa yg cantik .. Dia berpindah skolah kerana kmlangan yg brlaku .. Skrg dia hnya tggal brsma Unnienya .. wlaupun dia mmpunyai saudara yg lain iaitu,halmeoninya dan juga Shamcon nya .. wlaupun brjauhan,dia ttap akn mlwt kdua² mreka .. Khidupannya dskolah bru mnjdi kucar-kacir dsbb kn skumpulan wanita yg suka mbulinya .. walaupun bgitu,dia ttap tabah.. ttpi akibat trllu marah,edentitinya trbongkar.. Dan itu mnyebabkn rmai llki ingin rapat dengannya dan ingin mnjadi namjachingunya .. banyak prkara yg trjdi dan namja-namja yg mminatinya berusaha utk mndptkn hatinya .. Adakah mereka berjaya ?? Siapakah pilihan Aeyeon ??Dan siapa yg mnjdi penghalang cintanya ??Semuanya akn terjawap ddlm story ini .. Story by :Hyperwink_0712…

↳ 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 - 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫

↳ 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 - 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫

58 0 3

"you know new york, you're not gonna get anywhere in life with that attitude," cole remarked, with a cocky smile plastered all over his face as he places his fingers on lara's chin, forcing her to look up."says who?" she retorted, raising a brow, her face only inches away from the beautiful blue-eyed boy infront of him, her reply making his smirk grow.→lara howard, a 16 year old adopted girl, always known for her attitude and her petty fights, who recently lost all family she had apart from her 15 year old younger sister had to rebuild her entire life, moving to the silver springs in colorado with practically strangers.however, during the journey she met a certain walter boy who she instantly clicked with and had a connection with him. she shortly finds out she relates to him more than she had ever related to anyone before, creating a stronger connection between the two of lara is yet to solve problems with the only person that's left in her family, she realises that she's not the only one needing to fix broken things with their sibling, but it seems easier than it will lara react to all the problems she creates due to her terrible "attitude" as she gains feelings for the supposedly "wrong" guy and will she be able to fix the relationship with her sister where trust has been broken, hearts have been broken and the entire family is broken?[delilah's note] hello! i'm delilah the author of this book <3 i would just first like to say that i'm quite a new author and i only wrote one book which i'm updating when i can be bothered so don't expect this to be the new freaking shakespear ⁉️⁉️ anyway as always i hope you enjoy and please vote 😰😰…

Divided Heart  [DISCONTINUED]

Divided Heart [DISCONTINUED]

8,230 631 38

Meet Avery Henderson. A simple 19 year old girl with a dream to go to London, England. When she got accepted in a prestigious university in the land of her dreams, she was so ecstatic. The bad news: She has no place to stay there at London. But seems like luck returned back to her with a help of an old friend. Everything's perfect. She's determined to stay as this quiet and studious girl. There's only one teeny tiny problem: She's going to live with a bunch of teenage boys. But, what if those boys were the famous British-Irish Boy Band, One Direction, can she still resist them? They say you can only have one path to follow, but with this crazy boys, think you can still manage to be in living your life in one direction?Sprinkle some love, anger, hate, fun, and even add a pinch of crazy hormones to make this fantasy a reality*Title Before: Live & Love in One Direction…

Hating You

Hating You

6 1 2

Meredith siempre ha vivido en una familia acomodada, siendo hija única, ella pensaba que tenía el mundo a sus pies, incluso ahora, con veintiún años cumplidos lo sigue pensando, y ¿cómo no hacerlo? Sus padres siempre le han dado todo. Pero toda esta idea cambia cuando ellos pierden mucho dinero debido a las apuestas de su padre, en donde tendrá que pagar con algo más importante que el dinero; su hija.El señor Beaford es un hombre mayor, pero con mucho poder adquisitivo, se ha casado más veces de las que podría contar y con un hijo único que desea que se convierta en el próximo dueño de su productora, pero no lo hará, sabe de lo que su hijo es capaz y el como podría ensuciar el nombre de su querida compañía, y aunque suene como un pensamiento antiguo, él sabe que lo que su hijo necesita es una mujer, una mujer que pueda mandarlo, que pueda hacer que siente cabeza, alguien fuerte e independiente. Así que, sabiendo sobre la hija de su colega, él decide apostar en una noche tranquila, ganando la mano de Meredith para su hijo.Spencer nunca ha sido alguien tranquilo, desde pequeño solía llorar hasta obtener lo que quería y eso no mejoró al crecer. Recordaba perfectamente todos los matrimonios de su padre, desde que se divorció de su mamá, mujer tras mujer, de las cuales se iban encariñando hasta que lo dejaban, por eso no quería que lo dejaran como lo habían hecho antes, y empezó a tener aventuras, personas de las cuales nunca podría enamorarse. Pero, cuando su padre le habla sobre que lo ha hecho por él, él acepta casarse, pero nunca aceptaría amarla, no pensaba poder amar a nadie en realidad. ¿Qué sería una chica más?Pero Meredith no quería esto, ella quería casarse bajo sus propios términos, pero, después de una corta boda en un juzgado tan pequeño como el corazón de Spencer, ella dice no desear verlo nunca más. Ambos dicen odiar al otro, pero el destino es más fuerte a veces, o tal vez el corazón lo sea.…

Covid 19 Pandemic; USA Women Want Dates, More Fun

Covid 19 Pandemic; USA Women Want Dates, More Fun

17 0 1…

weight loss center in karaikal

weight loss center in karaikal

1 0 1

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Avril Lavigne Updates

Avril Lavigne Updates

14,091 527 104

This is a book where you can find the latest Facts, Quotes, Lyrics of Avril Lavigne's songs, and News about Avril Lavigne! What's New?:Memes…

Bored Ramblings (Book of random thoughts)

Bored Ramblings (Book of random thoughts)

1,217 268 200

The title says it all..I ramble, I rant, I question.…

n e w   h e a r t

n e w h e a r t

61 6 3

"The past is the past." A saying sixteen year old Hailee Ross will never grow up to believe. Previously having an abusive boyfriend has made her confidence go plummeting down within one month. She believes that everyone she begins to trust will hurt her and leave her in the dust; beat up and heart broken. That is until seventeen year old Taehyung moves to a small town in North Carolina. His extremely rude attitude draws many girls to the new hottie in school, but Hailee can see right through that tough-guy image.[Warning! This story will have sexual content, curse words and there may be some triggering parts! So if you don't like that, I wouldn't recommend reading this!]contact information:Twitter~ @Tropciolwt_Tumblr~ @Tropico-lwt…

Study Sessions

Study Sessions

31 4 1

What happens when things between you and your tutor, who happens to be one of your brothers friends, get a little intense. a namjoonXreader oneshot…