Volání démonů

Volání démonů

28 6 2

Obloha potemněla a po nebi se míhaly sem a tam záblesky světla. Byla to bouře, jakou malá vesnička Tarna ještě nezažila. Vítr byl tu noc silný, polámal několik stromů v blízkém lese. Tarnský les obklopoval celou vesnici a stromy byly tak obrovské, že malá vesnice mezi nimi nebyla málem ani vidět. Venku nebylo ani živáčka. Všechna zvířata se schovala do svých úkrytů a bylo slyšet jen temné bušení deště, jak kapky dopadaly na větve stromů. Sem, tam byl vidět prudký záblesk blesku doprovázený hlasitým zaduněním hromu. Lidé byli schovaní ve svých domech a nevnímali mohutné ohlušující rány, tam venku, kde se rozpoutalo peklo.Všichni se modlili, aby už vysvitlo slunce a skončilo s pekelnou bouří, o které se bude mluvit ještě hodně dlouho. Pod okny se mihlo něco černého. Zastavilo se to před dveřmi jednoho domu. V prudkém záblesku šlo rozeznat černý huňatý kožich, ze kterého vykukoval pár světle modrých očí.Huňatý pes se dlouze zahleděl na kliku. Byl lovit hluboko v lese a než se stačil vrátit zpět domů, tak začala tato ničivá bouře. Přední packou zaškrábal na dveře. Po jeho mokré srsti stékaly kapky vody a jeho hustá srst se začala vlnit.Když po chvíli nikdo neotevíral, schoulil se do klubíčka před dveřmi. Ležel v té pohromě a třásl se. I když foukal silný vítr, on se netřásl zimou, ale hrůzou. Nebál se bouřky samotné, bál se toho, co tu bouři způsobilo.Lidé to možná nerozeznají, ale on ano. To co venku běsnilo, nebyla jen tak nějaká bouře. Byl to souboj dvou démonů.Cover: @HollowFenrirPopis: @HollowFenrir…

Webkinz Tips, Tricks and Other Stuff

Webkinz Tips, Tricks and Other Stuff

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Hi! This is just a book about a game I've been playing way too much lately called Webkinz. For any players of the game who want to learn additional tips, a full list of dailies, what events are coming up, the benefits of following other Ganz World sites, free codes for the month and so much more, just add this to your reading list! Any information that my readers and I can gather on how to make Webkinz more fun, easier to play or secrets of the trade will be posted here. Remember that feedback is appreciated and please tell me if any information is wrong. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this story!…

The Magic Yellow Stone book one --Tom with the Carthaginian army

The Magic Yellow Stone book one --Tom with the Carthaginian army

4 0 6

Chapter one - A Strange Stone was found by Tom. Once there was an English boy named Tom, 16 years old. He was thin and tall, but with strong muscles.His hair was brown and cut short. His eyes were blue. His face showed a dreamy expression, although he was a bright and clever boy.He had a sister named Helen. She was 15 years old. Her hair was blond and long and her eyes were blue like her brother's. She was nearly as tall as her brother. She was nice but not beautiful.Kind-hearted, she loved her strange brother.They went to visit Rome in Italy with their parents on a guided tour.They flew to Italy on a plane together with the other group members.Arriving in Rome, they got on a tourist Italian bus. After everyone introduced himself to the English-speaking guide, the guide introduced himself as Alberto, a strong man in his forties.The bus took them on a tour of Rome.At midday, they stopped for a meal in an Italian restaurant.Tom was one of the first tourists to finish his meal, so he went outside, found a big tree, and sat to rest under it.Wanting to rest, he looked around and saw a yellow stone covered with dust.He took it and took out a clean cloth from his pocket and cleaned the stone. Then something strange happened.He felt pushed back by a strong wind.When the wind stopped blowing, he found himself on a mountain's path.…

The Adroit Lady - Jeramine Alexander

The Adroit Lady - Jeramine Alexander

10 2 1

Embark on a captivating journey with Jeramine Alexander, a multi-talented artist, musician, and comedian who fearlessly embraces creativity. This inspiring article explores her path to success and the qualities that set her apart. From early days, Jeramine's passion for comedy and artistry shines through TikTok and YouTube, drawing a loyal following. Her humor in challenging situations enlightens and entertains. Beyond comedy, her love for music and literature enriches her creativity. Inspired by "KAMBAN," she infuses her work with deep emotions and commitment to environmental causes. Jeramine's approach to time management and determination underscore her success. Embrace individuality and passions unapologetically, and discover boundless creativity through her inspiring journey of impact and inspiration.…



14 2 1

Bolo to už dávno. Dalo by sa povedať, že veľmi dávno, keď ešte svet vyzeral ako svet a nie ako obrovský chaos. V tom čase sa objavila Constance. Bola to bledá a plnoštíhla dievčina so srdcom väčším ako akýkoľvek iný človek. Constance bola niečim iná, bola tajuplná a skrývala ako každý nejaké tajomstvo uzamknuté vnútri. Nikdy nevidela svojich rodičov, nikdy nepočula smiech a ani pocit radosti, napriek tomu to bol najlepší človek akého som vtedy poznala. Ohľaduplný, nápomocný a až príliš sebakritický. Pomáhala ostatným tam, kde to práve potrebovali. Priniesla všade závan pokoja a pohody, zmierila ľudí, liečila, opravovala... ách toľko toho spravila pre tento svet a predsa sa jej takto kruto odvďačil. Niekto dokonca považoval Constance za nadpozemskú bytosť, niečo podobné ako víla alebo anjel. Príbeh o tom ako Constance zachránila tisíce stromov pred ľuďmi, alebo ako pomohla po katastrofe, ktorú spôsobilo cunami. Ten jej sarkastický humor a štipľavý pohľad, ktorý odhalil človeka v jednej sekunde. Bol to studený a bodavý pohľad pre nepriateľov, ale hrejivý a upokojujúci pre priateľov a blízkych. Dni plynuli rýchlejšie a čoskoro to už bolo osem rokov, čo sa zjavila mladá Constance. Jej schopnosti citu k zvieratám, alebo k prírode. Každému sa nad tým pozastavila myseľ. V jej blízkosti ste naozaj mohli počuť tiché hlásky statných dubov či burácanie lesných riek. Bohužiaľ, nikto tu nemôže ostať naveky. Aj Constance vypršal čas a od vtedy ju možno vídať iba na jedinom mieste. Vzadu na javorovej ulici na cintoríne má svoj hrob. Ľudia jej tam nosia kvety, sviečky, dokonca jej podaktorí napíšu aj báseň či krátky text. Zbiehajú sa tam ľudia z rôznych krajín. Nikdy by som si nepomyslela, že bude Constance až tak veľmi známa. Časom však ,prestali chodiť ľudia s kyticami a hrob upadol do zabudnutia. Ja som stále chodila navštevovať starú, dobrú priateľku, ale bolo jasné, že som bola už jediná.…

The amazing flying belt - Din and Paul's adventures in South Africa and Namibia

The amazing flying belt - Din and Paul's adventures in South Africa and Namibia

4 0 3

The book series of "The amazing flying belt" tells you the amazing and wonderful adventures of Henry and his teenagers, sons Tim (17), Din (16), and Paul (18).How they became rich after having endured bad experiences.Chased by cruel enemies around the world who wanted to rob them.How did they survive it?Using Henry's magnificent invention of "The amazing flying belt."Henry envisioned and designed a kind of machine that would be light and small enough so it can be worn on the waist. It would be full of tiny electronic and mechanic devices to enable one, a maximum of two people to fly unlimited distance at different velocities and heights.It would be powered by a special device that converted the sun's solar energy into electricity. The user would never need to worry about any fuel for the flying belt.For balance, the belt generated air pockets around the user to allow him to sit, stand, or lie down while flying. Another crucial device was a special container tied on each side of the belt that pulled out and accumulated the moisture from the air, even in arid conditions (this, of course, worked more slowly than in humid countries.)It had many more devices - complicated and difficult to understand.In this book - book two - Paul and Din are sent by their father Henry to sell part of Paul's treasure diamonds to South Africa.Cruel people are trying to catch them and take from them their diamonds chasing them through South Africa and Namibia. They rescue Margaret a wife of Martin a cruel criminal and her daughter Jane.Martin and his gang are chasing all four people.Their adventures and a surprise important finding are told in this book.…

Kotton Grammer Review

Kotton Grammer Review

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Kotton Grammer ReviewKotton Grammer ReviewKotton Grammer ReviewKotton Grammer ReviewKotton Grammer Reviewhttps://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=mD2SXwfi59Yhttps://topratingseo.com/kotton-grammer-review/This Kotton Grammer Review is long overdue. This man has changed my life and my mindset. Kotton is an amazing teacher. I had absolutely zero knowledge of SEO before embarking on this journey. His teaching gave me the knowledge and confidence to pursue my dreams and operate a successful SEO Agency.Thank you Kotton Grammer for all you do for so many of us. Your rise to the top is remarkable! I am Blessed to be aligned with one of the Best SEO in the World.#KottonGrammerReview#KottonGrammerReviews#KottonGrammerTestimonials#KottonGrammerTestimonial#KottonGrammerTestimony#CottonGrammer#CottonGrammerReview#CottonGrammerReviews#CottonGrammar#CottonGrammarReviewhttps://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1fovcLWvvBqB3jzEzNLGpm6d_s6k&ll=32.846203974309546%2C-115.31870649601746&z=4https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mMCcrAsjIFH6oBhK1c9AZ4BrqhCovfUUzVYTdD7s-kY/edit?usp=sharinghttp://www.rfdtv.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedhttp://www.wicz.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedwww.kten.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedwww.9and10news.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedwww.newswest9.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedwww.lubbockcw.com/story/35082171/kotton-grammer-review-and-testimonial-releasedhttps://twitter.com/i/moments/853637362244399105https://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/Kotton_Grammer_Review/NpOLkg8s82http://www.yelp.com/biz/kotton-grammer-orlando-2?hrid=ECGkEGRNJ1hkwhKkSLRMwA…

The amazing flying belt - Paul and Din to the rescue of kidnapped Jane

The amazing flying belt - Paul and Din to the rescue of kidnapped Jane

5 0 3

The book series of "The amazing flying belt" tells you the amazing and wonderful adventures of Henry and his teenagers sons Tim (17), Din (16), and Paul (18).How they became rich after having endured bad experiences.Chased by cruel enemies around the world who wanted to rob them.How did they survive it?Using Henry's magnificent invention of "The amazing flying belt."Henry envisioned and designed a kind of machine that would be light and small enough so it can be worn on the waist. It would be full of tiny electronic and mechanic devices to enable one, a maximum of two people to fly unlimited distance at different velocities and heightsIt would be powered by a special device that converted the sun's solar energy into electricity. The user would never need to worry about any fuel for the flying belt.For balance, the belt generated air pockets around the user to allow him to sit, stand, or lie down while flying. Another crucial device was a special container tied on each side of the belt that pulled out and accumulated the moisture from the air, even in arid conditions (this, of course, worked more slowly than in humid countries.)It had many more devices - complicated and difficult to understand.Henry and his sons' adventures with "The amazing flying belts" are told in this book and the following books. This is the fourth book-Paul and Din to the rescue of kidnapped Jane.In this story, Jane is kidnapped by a gang sent by her criminal father. Din and Paul went to rescue her from those gangsters exposed to great danger.Henry the inventor with his courageous son Tim made a voyage with Henry's yacht to the Caribbean Island, and there they are chasted by Dangerous criminals whose purpose is to relieve them of their treasure.…

Professional Real Estate Photography Is Important to Realtors in Phoenix

Professional Real Estate Photography Is Important to Realtors in Phoenix

5 0 1

The real estate industry is growing at a rapid pace in Phoenix, Arizona. Quite naturally, there is a cut-throat competition between the realtors to obtain a respectable market share in this booming business. Therefore, if you are also in the real estate business and wanting to earn yourself a decent slice in the pie, you will want to hire the services of real estate photographers in Phoenix, AZ. Here are the top 3 reasons why professional real estate photography is important to realtors In Phoenix.  Improves Appeal of the Properties If you use high-quality images taken by professional photographers on listings and other marketing materials, it will garner more attention of the buyers. In this way, chances of sales will increase and your profit too will grow.  Displays The Property at Its BestProfessional photographers have the knowledge, as well as, the expertise to display a particular property on magazines and brochures at its best. They use composition, as well as, editing techniques to improve the decor and glamour of the property to the maximum extent.  Increases Market ValueA recent study conducted by eminent marketers in Phoenix revealed that properties listed on top listing sites and business magazines with eye-catchy images were sold at a much higher price than their actual market value. And it is needless to say that this won't have been the case without the help of real estate photography in Phoenix. Phoenix Virtual Tours is a name to reckon with when it comes to real estate photography in Phoenix, AZ. We have been in this business for quite some time now and have been helping realtors improve their profit margin greatly. Contact us today if you are looking for the best! Contact Us: Address:4210 S Pinnacle PlaceChandler, AZ 85249Website: https://www.phoenixvirtualtour.com/Ph: 602-647-8887…

Trapped Soul (POSTPONED)

Trapped Soul (POSTPONED)

308 27 3

Celý život žijem v strachu že sa nikdy nevrátim domov k rodičom, priateľom a frajerovi Thomasovi. Celým mojim telom prechádza obrovská vlna strachu z toho, že by som mohla skončiť ako oni. Ubohé dievčatá, ktoré ani nemali šancu ako sa brániť. Dievčatá ktoré uniesol a zabil niekto kto je svetom stvorený zabijak, monštrum, zviera. Nedokážeš sa brániť, je silný, ovláda ťa. Je to niekto, kto vie o mnoho viac ako si v skutočnosti myslíš, je to až strašidelné a neuveriteľné ale je to tak. Pred pár dňami sa mi potvrdilo niečo, čoho som sa obávala posledné 2 roky. Je všade; prišiel do mojej školy. Stále ma pozoruje. Všetky moje nočné mory sú len a len o ňom. O chlapcovi z Stratfordu. Je to neskutočné ale jeho oči, jeho oči sú ako tá najkrutejšia zbraň na svete. Použije ju v tej najlepšej chvíli. Hnedý karamel a orieškovitá farba sa miešajú a menia na ľad. Jeho chladný pohľad vás donúti odvrátiť svoj zrak. Pozriete sa do jeho očí a v tom momente ste v inej dimenzii v inom svete. Vo svete kde vám nikto nepomôže. Snažíte sa ale nech robíte čokoľvek nemôžte nič urobiť pretože on je vždy krok pred vami. Je silný a nič mu neujde. Jeden osudný večer sa stane niečo čo Kailey Mackenzie Parkerovej zmení život. "Myslela som si že je to všetko len o bujnosti mojej fantázie, netušila som že sa naozaj ocitnem v tejto situácii. Chcela by som vo svojom živote všetko zmeniť. Chcela by som vrátiť čas a zastaviť v tom čase kedy som ťa vôbec nepoznala, chcem zabudnúť na všetko lenže je už príliš neskoro a ja už som spadla do priepasti z ktorej sa už nikdy nedostanem." Predtým ako som sa pozrela posledný krát do jeho karamelových očí som sa nadýchla a vydýchla. Pomaly som zatvárala svoje oči, snažila som sa vnímať len svoje myšlienky. No jediné čo som dokázala vnímať bol jeho hlas. Uniesol ma, Justin Bieber ma uniesol. "Some nights I'm scare…

Dustless Sandblasting of Canada

Dustless Sandblasting of Canada

1 0 1

Business Name : Dustless Sandblasting of CanadaAddress : 8399 Bayview Park Drive Lantzville BC V0R2H0Phone Number : (888) 885-2595Website : https://dustlesssandblastingcanada.com/Email : [email protected] : We are a full service Dustless Sandblasting Company offering pick-up and drop-off sandblasting services in Canada. We are Mobile & Environmently Friendly Sandblasting Service. We are Best Dustless Sandblasters in CanadaKeywords : sandblaster near me, dustless blasting near me, mobile sandblasting near me, mobile sandblasting, sandblasting services near me, sandblasting near me, dustless blasting, mobile dustless blasting near me, mobile sandblasting services, sandblasting companies near me, sandblasting companies, dustless sandblasting near me, dustless sand blaster, mobile sand blasting, sandblasting and painting near me, mobile sandblasters, dustless sandblasting, mobile dustless sandblasting near me, mobile dustless blasting services near me, mobile sandblasting services near me, dustless mobile blasting, wood sandblasting near me, dustless blasting companies, sandblasting around me, sandblasting contractors near me, blasting services near me, dustless blasting canada, dustless sandblasting of canada, sandblasting service near me, sandblasting paint removal, mobile sandblaster near me, sandblasting company, sand blasting surrey, sand blaster canada, brick sandblasting, sandblasting a truck, sandblasting rust from carSocial Links :https://www.facebook.com/dustlesscanadahttps://www.instagram.com/dustless.sandblasting/…

The amazing flying belt - book three - Henry and his son Tim amazing adventures.

The amazing flying belt - book three - Henry and his son Tim amazing adventures.

5 0 3

תוכןIntroduction 4Chapter 1-George's threat. 5Chapter 2 - The new invention. 15Chapter 3-Henry and Tim take a voyage in the new yacht. 18Chapter 4-Paul's treasure island. 31Chapter 5-New dangers. 36Chapter 6-Lesser Antilles Trinidad and Tobago. 52Chapter 7-The escaped criminal. 73Chapter 8-The end of a criminal. 85 The book series of "The amazing flying belt" tells you the amazing and wonderful adventures of Henry and his teenagers sons Tim (17), Din (16), and Paul (18).How they became rich after having endured bad experiences.Chased by cruel enemies around the world who wanted to rob them.How did they survive it?Using Henry's magnificent invention of "The amazing flying belt."Which Henry envisioned and designed a kind of machine that would be light and small enough so it can be worn on the waist. It would be full of tiny electronic and mechanic devices to enable one, a maximum of two people to fly unlimited distance at different velocities and heightsIt would be powered by a special device that converted the sun's solar energy into electricity. The user would never need to worry about any fuel for the flying belt.For balance, the belt generated air pockets around the user to allow him to sit, stand, or lie down while flying. Another crucial device was a special container tied on each side of the belt that pulled out and accumulated the moisture from the air, even in arid conditions (this, of course, worked more slowly than in humid countries.)It had many more devices - complicated and difficult to understand.Henry and his sons' adventures with "The amazing flying belts" are told in this book and the following books.George, Henry's neighbor threaten him because of his diamonds. Henry invents a yacht powered by a solar energy and Henry sails with it to the Caribbean Islands and meet a tough and dangerous criminal with his gang, until unsuspected end.This is the third book - Henry and his son Tim amazing adventures…