A Russian Lullaby

A Russian Lullaby

531,096 14,289 24

Valeryia is one of the Red Room's most lethal killers.But after one mission she decides to abandon the organization, to try to live a normal life.The Red Room told her that her mother died when she was only a child, so Valeryia has no one.But in a horrifying turn of events, Valeryia finds herself crossing paths with a certain red-haired assassin.Follow Valeryia on her heat wrenching journey, as she rediscovers what secrets are hidden in her past.A Russian LullabyCREDITS TO MARVEL I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT VALERYIA…



829 27 6

What did I expect? For him to throw me in his arms and mark me as his? Or for him to at least treat me kindly? No I deserved how he always treated me. Being mates with him won't change the fact that I am the mistake. No one will ever love a mistake. A lonely tear drew its pass down my cheek followed by many others. I never felt this much sorrow, not even when I....I quietly sobbed at the memory at everything. I fell into a sobbing mess. I couldn't hide it anymore, I couldn't control the way I felt; it was like I am gonna burst. I sat on the ground wrapping my arms around my knees and rocking myself gently as I fell into a breakdown. I am a mess.He finally looked at me with all of the hatred in the world and said the words I have been expecting since he arrived " I alpha Elijah Zachary reject you Kayleigh as my mate" That was the last time I could feel anything.…



2,433 11 6

So yeah, this is my first story and also English is not my first language, so sorry for this poorly worded story. Based off of the creepypasta Hypno's Lullaby but with some changes.…

Save Me With A Lullaby [Jackbum]

Save Me With A Lullaby [Jackbum]

37,271 2,030 28

"Hello, this is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Who am I speaking to, currently?""J-Jackson...""Nice to meet you, Jackson. Now please, tell me everything, I am here to listen."How can Jackson sleep peacefully at night, when there are always thoughts pacing his mind, where he can not sleep? All he wants is someone to save him, and sing him to peaceful slumber. A slumber, where he can get up in the morning feeling weightless, and seeking for another lullaby.-Trigger Warnings (mainly self harm, disorders, & suicide)- -BoyxBoy--Updated--Side ships-Im Jaebum x Jackson Wangx C O M P L E T E D O N 11.23.18 x…

Nova's Lullaby

Nova's Lullaby

164,242 3,962 25

16 year old Nova living in Chicago..going to the worst school in Chicago.. then she meets this hood ass nigga Ty with a couple of secrets.. but that doesn't stop her from falling in love..…

Lullaby | quackity x reader

Lullaby | quackity x reader

113,725 2,519 35

"Darling, I'd wait for youEven if you didn't ask me to."…

An Angel's Lullaby  ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎

An Angel's Lullaby ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎

28,197 1,423 23

Black walls, black bed, black cabinet... enough to call his room a Devil's Den. These and a lifetime nightmare is what makes up a Park Chanyeol.Not until an unknown lullaby tamed his iron heart.An angel's lullaby. HIGHEST#1 in ChanRose / #15 in ExoPink…

Hear my lullaby

Hear my lullaby

4,200 394 23

Sequel from 'All I ever wanted', 'Hold me tight' and 'Only for you darling'. I highly recommend of reading them first, so you'll understand this story better.•They are coming. Ghosts of the past are coming. And they will haunt the ones who have moved on. Will they catch them and make them suffer it all again?…

Whiskey Lullaby

Whiskey Lullaby

690 35 9

The Angels sang a whiskey lullaby.....…

𝐋𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲 | 𝐊.𝐒𝐉 𝐱 𝐊.𝐍𝐉 |

𝐋𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲 | 𝐊.𝐒𝐉 𝐱 𝐊.𝐍𝐉 |

10,580 736 22

Lullabies are soothing for most, but for some, they are deadlyStarted: 4/14/20Ended: 5/31/20…

Lullaby...(Let Me Be Yours)

Lullaby...(Let Me Be Yours)

194,993 5,670 43


Russian Lullaby

Russian Lullaby

11,302 197 6

You were an orphan since your birth, you never had anyone interest in you because you were what they called, special. You were thinking that you would be at the orphanage until your majority when you met a particular couple who seem to think that you were meant to be with them.…

Death's Lullaby

Death's Lullaby

1,707 141 45

Cover made by SaniaKasegel.It is said that when we die the last thing we might hear is a lullaby. This lullaby is said to have killed people, but no one has survived the song to tell the tale. The only being that knows the truth is Death himself, for he is the one that sings this lullaby that makes us cross to our final resting place. Death knows who will die at the exact time and place from his Death List. All Death has to do is collect our souls, carry them to our final resting places, and repeat. That's it. Falling in love with a mortal on Death Row was never in the cards for Death though. Upon seeing this mortal girl he becomes infatuated with her and because of this, he spares her life. Upon his actions, Death was booted out of his position of being the Devil's right hand man and is sent to Earth to live out his days as a human. Arabella Jules, the girl that everyone notices, but on the inside she is dying. She can't take the pressure of all of the expectations in her life anymore and she is slowly forgetting the lovable and carefree person that she use to be. The day a new boy comes to school and teaches her to live a little turns her whole life around, but when will she figure out that he is Death himself?Joe Sanders, the gravedigger for Indy Ville for over thirty years, is also on Death Row. Upon digging a grave one night he finds a strange boy sitting on one of the headstones. After he found out that his parents were dead and he was completely lost he decides to take the boy into his home and become the grandfather figure that the boy had never known in his life, but will his death come sooner than planned with Death himself in his home? Three lives are intertwined in this tale of love, loss, and death. Will Death earn his spot back on his throne? Will Arabella fall in love with the boy that has somehow changed her life or write him off as no good? And what will become of Joe when he tries to put Death on the path of good?PLEASE DON'T COPY STORY!…

𝓪𝓷 𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓾𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓫𝔂 | 𝘥𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘪 𝘰𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶

𝓪𝓷 𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓾𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓫𝔂 | 𝘥𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘪 𝘰𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶

78,503 3,843 13

"It's a gamble," she warns him, but she's already leaning up slightly to meet him halfway."We will either heal together," he concludes, mouth already pressed to hers, "or we will both be destroyed."And, together, they fall.…

The Lullaby Nights

The Lullaby Nights

1,575 294 30

When Nina Cloud is faced with a horrifying fact - the amount of time she's got left to live - her boyfriend Harley is given a chance to make the last of her days something his mother used to call The Lullaby Nights.Cover by @NattKuznetsov…

Lullaby (The Fable Series, Book 2)

Lullaby (The Fable Series, Book 2)

533,167 31,330 47

Sixteen-year-old Ashling Shields has had her whole life turned upside down for the second time in two years. As a freshman she was the sole survivor of a harrowing disaster. Now, in the summer before junior year, her life is once again spiralling out of control.Hunted by a shadowy force and entangled in the affairs of a world famous rock band, she'll have to take control of her own destiny - before her destiny takes control of her.Copyright © 2015 | All Rights Reserved*Note to new readers: Lullaby is the sequel to Fable. If you haven't read Fable yet, find it through my profile. I hope you enjoy it ;)…



215 6 9

Lullaby spent three years following people around as a supposed ghost. When a college student confronts her about following him, Lullaby's after life goes spiraling in a new adventure. Shay volunteers to help find her dead body and is accompanied by his friend Cassie. She is a party animal and a math genius. Together, the three track down Lullaby's body. But they never expected what they found.…

The last lullaby

The last lullaby

2,726 270 56

Strong arms held me back and I looked horrified up at the window. On the windowsill stood my two daughters and their eyes were empty. They jumped and I let out a heartbreaking scream. "My babies!" I screamed. "It was too late, they had already seen her." said my father and everything went black. Adam lost his daughters a cold October morning after they had jumped out from a window. He gets mad and sent away to a mental hospital where he takes his life. Many years pass and he lives now in Los Angeles as a ghost. One day he meet Tommy who look just like his husband Thomas. They fall in love, but the memory of his past haunt him and he see a woman dressed in black in his nightmares. Who is she and was it she who killed his children?…

The Lullaby of his Death.

The Lullaby of his Death.

2,804 98 18

England's suicide attempt opens a can of worms in America's and Mexico's relationship. [Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya.]…

A Lullaby For A Vampire

A Lullaby For A Vampire

63,921 3,335 19

Young author and journalist, Arthur Kirkland, is quickly thrust into the world of the supernatural once he meets an odd man at his editor's office by the name of Francis Bonnefoy, a vampire.…