Lucy in Val di Non-10° episodio-La sfida estrema

Lucy in Val di Non-10° episodio-La sfida estrema

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Lucy, insieme all'albero azzurro e al coniglio, si nascondono nel bosco. Purtroppo la strega Andria riesce a capire dove sono e il coniglio per salvare la bambina e il suo caro amico albero, intraprende una terribile battaglia magica con la strega cattiva.…



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The Queen of Beans-by Lucina CuccioIn the kingdom of food, the queen of beans was quite in demand. She was often invited to lunches and dinners in houses as well as in restaurants and she also had some good friends: the king of tomatoes, the queen of pasta and the king of pork rinds. But she was quite aware that her success was not as big as her cousins', the queen of lentils. She was undisputedly the protagonist of the lunch table, never mind Christmas and New Year! Pasta and lentils was liked by all, adults and children, and the king of Trotter was her constant companion at all the feasts.And so the queen of beans often complained to her friends, especially with the queen of carrots: "My dear-she would vent- my cousin, even this year the queen of lentils has won many prises: the cup for the best starter, the cup for the best side plate, the prize for bringing the best luck, the cup for the symbol of wealth and the prize for the best legume. And me?The queen of carrots smiled at her comprehensively and for a moment looked around her. Their kingdom was truly beautiful! The mountains were capped with chocolate and whipped cream and the clouds were made of candy floss; The grass smelt of pistacchios and beer and coke flowed like streams. The houses were enormous sandwiches of bread and tuna and the rooves were made with crumbed steaks and roasted fish.....…

L'albero magico

L'albero magico

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Una pianta prodigiosa i cui frutti sono molto golosi....…

Gualtiero e Cunegonda 11 episodio

Gualtiero e Cunegonda 11 episodio

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Il duca Gualtiero e la cameriera Cunegonda...anche nell'aldilà continua la lotta di classe fra la matura e sempliciotta cameriera e il nobile ricco e bello...entrambi morti misteriosamente nella villa del cugino di Gualtiero, Robert, nel cuore della vecchia Londra del 1799... Scrivo e pubblico su questi due personaggi già da qualche anno e mi sorprendo a volte ad immedesimarmi in questi caratteri così particolari nati in una notte del mio passato... Lucina Cuccio…

Gualtiero da Lodi e Cunegonda da Montagnana

Gualtiero da Lodi e Cunegonda da Montagnana

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Gualtiero da Lodi e Cunegonda da Montagnana muoiono entrambi il 22 Marzo del 1789. Lui, giovane e bellissimo erede di una nobile casata, lei, pasticciona e goliardica cameriera di mezz'età. Gualtiero muore durante una battuta di caccia, Cunegonda invece per polmonite. Entrambi dovranno rimanere insieme sulla terra finchè il loro periodo di Purgatorio non sarà terminato. Come fantasmi hanno dei poteri speciali, come viaggiare nel tempo e nello spazio, vedere i pensieri degli esseri viventi, capire qualsiasi lingua. Gualtiero è orgoglioso, fiero, e giudica Cunegonda grezza e volgare. Così spesso si stuzzicano e litigano davanti al mondo che trovano così diverso da quello da cui provengono.…



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3° Episodio di Lucy in Val di Non-I poteri del coniglio

3° Episodio di Lucy in Val di Non-I poteri del coniglio"

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Lucy e il coniglio fanno amicizia e lui le svela i suoi immensi poteri.…



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The Skin Of The Ant (Lucina Cuccio) A long time ago, in a faraway land, there was a majestic kingdom and in the biggest and most luxurious castle of that region there lived a king and a queen. They were young and newly married and made a splendid couple.…

THE NEXT DAY  by Lucina Cuccio

THE NEXT DAY by Lucina Cuccio

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The Next Day- (Lucina Cuccio) There was once long ago, a lost kingdom amongst the hills, in which its houses, palaces and monuments were made of high towers. Long arms of stone were raised to the sky and every inhabitant of that strange place had to climb thousands of stairs daily to arrive in the highest rooms. Some of the towers were very beautiful, fabricated in prestigious marbles of rose or white, others were more modest. But the kings' tow....…



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The Squid Man-by Lucina Cuccio Long ago, on the coast of France, there was a small sea village in which its inhabitants lived by fishing and would pass the long winters sitting around a fire telling tales and eating salted fish. Being a small village everybody knew one another and almost every one had a boat in which to go fishing......…

Quarto episodio di

Quarto episodio di "Lucy in Val di Non" Il coniglio Umberto è un principe

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Continua l'avventura di Lucy che ascolta la storia del coniglio...…

THE GLASS PAGES by Lucina Cuccio

THE GLASS PAGES by Lucina Cuccio

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The Glass Pages BY LUCINA CUCCIOThere was once a lost kingdom in which its king, after much praying and insistence, received from a powerful witch a very special gift. He had received, for every citizen of his kingdom, a pinch of magic so that without too many limits, everyone could obtain what they desired. Imagine the happiness of those people who immediately wanted castles, land, prestigious horses ,beautiful clothes, jewellery and many other things. But in exchange for that immense richness, the witch wanted and obtained from the king all the written pages of the kingdom.....…

The Ladybug and The peacock-by Lucina Cuccio

The Ladybug and The peacock-by Lucina Cuccio

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The Ladybug and The peacock-by Lucina CuccioA long time ago, when beauty and colours were distributed, the peacock was one of the most fortunate of the animals. Magnificent feathers of thousands of colours, fantastic designs and splendid light adorned the beautiful bird.Thus, raised to such heights from the many compliments that the other animals gave him, the peacock walked with head held high, graceful but haughty talking with the most important animals and turning his nose up to the smaller more modest ones.....…



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The Sheep Prince (by Lucina Cuccio) There was once a lovely kingdom where abundance and serenity graced all the houses. The climate was ideal, the land rich and the animals reproduced rapidly rendering the owners excited and happy. The king and queen of that happy kingdom were kind and wise .They had a beautiful daughter whose name was Azure, since from the day she was born, their days were as clear as a splendid sky.…



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Time in A Bottle-(by Lucina Cuccio)Pirate Fourbones oared tiringly towards the sea stack. He had given orders to dock the galleon behind the Island of Wind, leaving behind his faithful Puncturefoot, cabin boy and friend for over ten years, as guard. He had intimated to him that the equipment could not leave the boat for any reason and that, at the latest by sunset, he would return aboard.The sea stack appeared like a bread bun to Fourbones who, after having dragged the boat into a long and narrow crevice, followed limping along a path created by the waves .Dry Algae and parched tree trunks hindered the pathway. But finally the old pirate found himself in front of a ...…

I LOVE YOU by Lucina Cuccio

I LOVE YOU by Lucina Cuccio

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I LOVE YOU-by Lucina CuccioThere was once, a long time ago, a large powerful kingdom ruled by a handsome king. Nine months after the wedding, the queen gave birth to the most beautiful child any human being had ever seen.The prince resembled an angel with blond hair and eyes as blue as the sky. Thus the king and queen ,totally besotted with the splendour of their child ,named him Unique, since no other child possessed such splendid looks. The years passed and the prince grew into a splendid youth, but unfortunately was enamoured completely with himself. He adored looking at himself in the mirror, wearing beautiful, elegant clothing and prided himself in riding the most beautiful white horses. Every morning, admiring himself, the prince would say out loud: "I love you magnificent prince! You are the handsomest of all ,the most fascinating and extraordinary being and I love you above all and everyone".And so Unique, vain and superficial as he was, would pretend that whoever was in his presence would be worthy of his beauty. All his servants and friends had to be beautiful and elegant. And every morning, adoring himself in the mirror ,he would repeatedly declare:" I love you, extraordinary youth. I love how beautiful you are and nothing will ever tarnish your happiness".When the prince reached a suitable age, his parents informed him that it was time for marriage and for an heir to the throne. The prince agreed on condition that the bride to be was as beautiful as he was. And so all the most beautiful princesses of....…