kuromi's brakeup

kuromi's brakeup

648 2 8

it seemed fine at first but.... it only goes downhill(short chapters.sanrio themed.kuromi love)…

Hardly A Victim (Short Story)

Hardly A Victim (Short Story)

68 6 6

Another day, another case, with Cassius and Kestrel Glade; The lovely Crime Scene Analysis, and Psychologist. After receiving a call from their good friend, Daniels, they've received another case offer: A 72-year-old man has suddenly disappeared under the viewing of his neighbor. Now it's up to Kestrel to figure out what really went wrong. Has the victim died due to human nature, or does this case dwell deeper than both detectives could have ever forseen?…

Wattpad Books Reviews

Wattpad Books Reviews

68,314 713 32

Looking for a good book that is worth reading? Can't find a book that is attention grabbing? This is the right place for you to decide. Here are my reviews for few books that I've read and liked on wattpad.(I don't do reviews anymore, sorry!)…

Nightmares (Complete)

Nightmares (Complete)

10,807 812 23

Winter and her two sisters, Alyssa and Nalla, finally accept the true nature of the apocalypse. but only when a zombie attacks, and bites one of their own.spoilers:I ran into the zombie, arm first, pushing it down before the woman was bitten. I glanced up at her, watching her run with a small smile. That is about the time i realized i was still wrestling a zombie. I looked back at it, but it was to late, it's teeth were wrapped around my arm, blood oozing from it's mouth. I held my breath to stop my scream, shoving the zombie away, jumping back with a small gasp.I am a zombie now. I felt tears spring to my eyes, and i let them roll down my face. For some reason, one thought went through my head. I need to hide.Currently going through major editingCredits:Some of the parts in this story are used from crystalscherer's stories, the virus withen, and a different virus.The cover was made by jadequeen! https://my.w.tt/cJgEHLjoeU…

Not Like the Movies (Jarry Stirlwall Fanfic)

Not Like the Movies (Jarry Stirlwall Fanfic)

118,452 2,115 33

It was 2010. Jade was a cute and innocent girl and he was an adorable flirt. Romance had developed but one wasn't ready for just one girl. They were both auditioning for the X-Factor. One got left behind while the other found fame. Now after they both become famous they are reunited but will they have the same spark of love that was there before?...___________________________________________________Hello everyone! This is my first fan fiction ever AND my first story on wattpad so please, don't be too harsh. So if you couldn't tell already this will be a story about the lovely Jade Thirlwall of Little Mix and the extremely cheeky Harry Styles of One Direction. There will be a little bit of Zerrie and the other members of the two bands but this is mainly about Jade and Harry. Hope you enjoy this story and please don't be afraid to give me ideas to make the story better. The more help I get, the better the story will be and you might get a dedication ;). I will try to update the story as much as possible.Thank You Lovelys, Cammie :) xx…

Don't Worry Alice

Don't Worry Alice

16,691 175 37

This is my version of ''Don't Worry Darling'' it will involve a bit of spoilers and possibly how I think the movie should have ended. It still has similar elements of the movie of being in a trapped controlled society and the complexity of Alice and Jack's relationship .Hope you enjoy :] *Preface* If you do decide to read this here a few things 1. There might be grammatical errors please do not be a Duolingo owl and correct my grammar I'd very much appreciate that or well mean comments in general because I'm sensitive2. Please do not copy any of my ideas at all I work hard on my story but if you want to use an idea or something please tag me , this and all of my works are like my child and I am a crazy mama bear I take much pride in it3. I try to put chapters up in a timely matter at least a new chapter once a week , I always try to put my stories as my priorities but life comes up4. Thank you so much if you do decide to read this it matters to me and YOU matter to me so if you would leave a comment on the chapter or vote that would be lovely [but only if you like it] I get much happiness from doing my story I love you all so much TWPWK…

Reflections of Night

Reflections of Night

120,860 4,839 121

A shadowhunters fanfiction.Set after City of heavenly fire."What...What are you?." It whispered in a hoarse voice. "You fight like a shadowhunter, but you bear none of the marks. And your... Your blood. It's... is different.""Different." Nyx mused,rolling the word around her mouth, tasting it. "Different. I like that. I'm different."Nyx is a girl with many gifts.Gifts others want to use to their own ends.Sebastian Morgenstern may be dead, but reflections are harder to kill...…

Harry Styles One Shots!

Harry Styles One Shots!

19,285 134 7

So I decided to do some short stories of Harry. Random scenarios in random places. Some involving love, lust, straight sex, hate.. Basically any and everything. If anyone has any ideas for a story to be written let me know I'd be happy to come up with a story fitting your idea. :) enjoy you Harry loving fools! PS: The cover photo is an actual picture I took of Harry at a recent concert. I was sooo close to the stage I still can't believe it. It was an amazing night!…

Your are my world KRYSTAL

Your are my world KRYSTAL

11,960 333 21

Krystal who is kai ex girlfriend is back. Her plan was that she want kai to chase after her but her brother ask her to married jongin right after them graduate. what will happen to Krystal?what if they is somebody that like Krystal?what if kai still have his playboy side? and what if Krystal get angry? read the story then.…

Steamy stories

Steamy stories

66,611 64 179

Awesome books from awesome author…

Near The Sands Of Vishwambara

Near The Sands Of Vishwambara

21,647 2,096 68

Highest Ranking #2 Previously titled Rising From The AshesThis is a tale of the righteousness of evil and the treachery of good...Treachery, deceit and betrayal are as vital as oxygen to fulfil the destiny of the victorious.The empire of India, a perfect blend of cultures, traditions and bliss, captures the heart of every soul setting feet on its lands. And being born and brought up with the blood of their motherland roaming in their veins, Ashwarth and Svaksha posses a very special place for their India in their hearts.Their India!With its extreme eloquence, this region being predominantly ruled by two dynasties that are at anything but peace with each other was scarred by many eyes. Foreign invasions were a thing easily handled but, it always is the battle which ranged within that would bring about destruction, isn't it?Follow the flow of the mighty Vishwambara, from places where deceit has to be added as a daily dose with food and oxygen to survive and to places where one is ready to succumb to death to prove their loyalty. The land of India, where you never know who is going to stab you next, finds its destiny rewritten by its prospective rulers.But the fate of the victorious is written with the blood of the vanquished, isn't it? And the suppressed are either extremely right or entirely wrong. What if they are actual humans like us, who are neither the plastic models of extreme righteousness nor the pitch black epitomes of pure evil?There sure is difference between your evil and mine, isn't it? Cover credits: @All_AboutAssymetry…

Crystal of the Heart

Crystal of the Heart

151,753 4,286 115

Lately Mamoru Chiba has been plagued with nightmares, where the image of a beautiful woman beckons to him. Calling him to her side,but somehow she seems vaguely familiar to him. And Mamoru finds the truth about the woman and it shakes him to the core. How couldhe have forgotten her? One of the most important people on his life,how could he forget his little sister?…

The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man

The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man

920,157 17,496 193

The What If? stories of our favorite webslinger as each chapter shows the many relationships of Peter Parker or the Amazing Spider-Man with the heroines/villainess of his life!One-Shots Collection.The pictures in each chapter that has a separate picture, belongs to their respective artists…

Illusional Graphics (CLOSED FOREVER)

Illusional Graphics (CLOSED FOREVER)

71,326 7,672 200

|| CLOSED FOREVER || check out my second graphic shop- Velaris Graphics! Let's be honest- who DOESN'T judge a book by it's cover? And this is why, graphic designers exist! So step into my shop of Illusional Graphics that will blow your mind (or not- most likely not) Made with love and Photoshop CC. To graphic stalkers: Don't judge for the beginning chapters. Some of them are really crappy *cringes* F A K E S & P R E M A D E- ALWAYS OPEN #235 in Randomcompleted on 07/27/2017…

12 Days of One Shots

12 Days of One Shots

865 45 14

So for Christmas i decided that I want to do something a little fun! I've decided, starting the 14th, that I will post a new One Shot each day all up onto the 25th!The problem is a need a girl for each story! That's where you guys come in! Here's how it works! I want you to comment on this with: your name, age, and basic details about yourself (hair color, eye colors, etc.) and that's it! But there are some rules!Rules:-You must be following me on here!-You are only allowed to comment once. (if you post more than once i most likely will not pick you)-You must enter by 2pm(eastern time) on December 14th.and thats literally all!!Each One shot will be different in it's own way! And I'm really excited to do this! (: let the fun begin!…

Crest of the Strongest Knight

Crest of the Strongest Knight

40,034 2,796 200

In the Avalyne Empire, there is only one way to achieve greatness: exhibition matches. Those who possess the power to bestow god-given gifts known as Crests stand tall and proud as nobles, supporting their knights who wade into battle for the sake of glory, victory, and honor. Knights and nobles alike study and train at Avalyne Academy to hone their skills and participate in academy-level matches, all while forming lasting bonds to become fully-fledged pairs.Among those students is the so-called "strongest knight" Medrauta, yet despite her title, she hasn't managed to win a single match. Instead, she's impressively racked up over two-hundred losses within the course of the very first month. However, when she's faced with the prospect of expulsion due to various circumstances, her life gradually begins to change.As Medrauta struggles to truly become someone worthy of the title "knight", she gains new friends, hope, and experience.Chapters update every day!Because of Wattpad's chapter limit, the final 7 chapters can be found here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/360162047-crest-of-the-strongest-knight-final-sevenTo support the series, gain access to Patron-exclusive side-chapters, or read ahead, please visit https://www.patreon.com/hungrysheep!…

Hacking the Game Didn't Go as Intended

Hacking the Game Didn't Go as Intended

4,603 266 67

To make ends meet after losing his parents, Daisuke picked up a job at a local convenience store while learning code. His aim? To sell top-of-the-line hacks for video games and strike it rich.When Sehreneti Online, the world's first fully immersive VRMMORPG is unveiled to the world, Daisuke braces for the new market. He preps a hack for the game and logs in for a test run before its official launch."But wait, why am I rolling around in freezing cold water instead of a pile of cash? And whose stubby fingers and toes are these? Wait, what?!"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to give you a heads up that this series will start off relatively slow. In the beginning, the MC will face poverty, heartache, and uncertainty. He'll also be exposed to the suffering of NPCs, particularly demihumans.However, these trials are necessary to shape the MC psychologically, preparing him to become a beacon of hope for those facing hardships.By chapter 25, most of these depressing challenges will fade, and the series will truly start embracing its fantasy elements. Then, in chapter 35, the MC unlocks his abilities.Moving forward, expect action-packed fight scenes highlighting the LitRPG aspect of the series, the gradual introduction of the main cast, and plenty of romance. If you've read the later chapters of my Naruto fanfiction, you know pretty well what I'm capable of with smut.I urge you to stick with the story during its infancy. As it unfolds, you'll see why the MC endured those hardships, especially when he starts developing his own territory and start climbing the ladder toward Godhood.…

Everything Shadowhunter

Everything Shadowhunter

86,007 4,066 200

Literally the book where I rage about everything to do with shadowhunters while I should be doing other stuff. Includes:- rants- songs- one-shots- screaming - dying over ships- sometimes updates 3 times a day and sometimes not for three weeks- not being able to just say goodbye- and extreme distractions while I'm meant to be doing life…

Crystal Eyes || m.h [COMPLETED]

Crystal Eyes || m.h [COMPLETED]

8,312 222 50

"Now I know where you found it.""I'm not a thief."- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Sarilynn Jone, the kind of name that's right out of a story book.At least that's what Sarilynn hoped her life would be like when she was younger. Now, Sari just hopes to get close to her childhood ideals.When Sarilynn runs into Matty Healy, she begins to realize how unrealistic she was being before; Matty starts to realize how lost he was.With the two of them trying to help each other regrets and laughter will happen... Will it all be too blissful for Sarilynn?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I DO NOT IN ANY WAY OWN THE 1975 OR THEIR WORK. GIVE THEM CREDIT FOR THE LONG HOURS AND LOVELY LYRICS THEY HAVE CREATED.& some things are not in chronological order to the band's actual history. i do realize this, and apologize if it annoys you, but I believe it makes the storyline better(:&i am american, therefore i do not know some of the english lingo. sorry if my writing sounds stupid…