Labyrinth of darkness (Draco X reader)

Labyrinth of darkness (Draco X reader)

45 0 3

Y/n Myrddin Wyllt, descendant of the great wizards to exist.from paternal side she shares blood with Merlin, the great wizard.from maternal side she shares the blood of Salazar Slytherin, himself.a gift from merlin helped the infinite loop of exquisite magic to be inherited by the bloodline.she is special, an expert in parseltongue, has the gifted blood of pure magic, has fame, has money and what not!these things makes everyone want her unless the headstrong pure blood wizards behind the family's back shame them for being involved with Merlin's order, the supporters of muggle born witches and wizards.this does not create any exceptions among the malfoy family, on face of it they love the Wyllt family with their heart but behind the back they hate them for being traitors.but what if the Malfoy's heir falls for the Merlin's heiress...Two people not supposed to fall for another.A boy who can't figure out the way out of darknessA girl who was protected to never fall into one.which side would she choose, when she gets to know her own past, while revealing her own identity.While hiding the long lost legend in the Wyllt family, will she be able to carry the secret even after knowing that one sound of the secret can make the dark lord himself seek her.All while trying to live a steady life with a notion of another wizarding world war rising at peak.With love, war, friendship and family to protect will she be ever able hide the secret of her blood?being distant cousin of Harry Potter and the Dark lord brings two paths to walk on, which one will she choose?A deep pit of darkness or Labyrinth of light?****all the credit of the Harry Potter series' original characters goes to JK Rowling, I do not own them except the some changed plot and Y/N.…

Collection Of Fanfiction

Collection Of Fanfiction

1,314 2 53

Not mine. Stories from Tumblr, Archive Of Our Own, LiveJournal, etc.…

Now Playing Black Panther

Now Playing Black Panther

17 0 2

A dazzling, breakthrough movie from our time suddenly appears on a movie screen on a grey day in 1954. It explodes on the stolid certainties of the time with disruptive force. Disneyland, the rise of TV, the decline of movies, Creature from the Black Lagoon, McCarthyism, the Red Scare, the Lavender Scare, young love, forbidden love, the Catholic Legion of Decency, the ambitions of Richard M. Nixon, the suffering of Pat Nixon, the suffering of Paul Robeson, the Bush dynasty, the Dulles Brothers, the fever dreams of J. Edgar Hoover, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Edward R. Murrow, Ike, the Kefauver hearings into the depravity of comic books, the Superman complex...familiar signposts of the 1950s are blown off course as Black Panther suddenly and mysteriously shows up on a movie projector in a theater in a small Connecticut town. It plays on a continuous loop, sparking a sensation in the town that spreads to panic in Dwight Eisenhower's White House. Ike forms a special task force to get to the bottom of the subversive film under the direction of his ever-vigilant Vice President, Richard M. Nixon. Nixon's investigation disrupts the lives of young lovers Shep Ferrell and Rosemary D'Aleo, struggling to navigate their simple boy-girl relationship through the murder, racial tensions and H-Bomb anxieties aroused by the erupting controversy. Black Panther's journey back to the past has the cultural impact of a meteor hitting earth, burying a large, hot vein of reflective truth beneath the United States and forcing a dialog between the 20th and 21st centuries.…

How To Save Your Marriage

How To Save Your Marriage

2 0 2

"How to Save Your Marriage" is a comprehensive and compassionate guide for individuals and couples seeking to rekindle the flame of love and strengthen their bonds. In the intricate dance of married life, this book serves as a trusted partner, offering invaluable insights, practical advice, and proven strategies to navigate the challenges that all marriages inevitably face.Marriage is a sacred commitment, a profound union of hearts and souls. However, as the journey of life unfolds, it can bring forth a multitude of trials, testing even the most resilient of partnerships. This book is dedicated to those who have recognized the need to restore, nurture, and fortify the foundations of their relationships.With a deep understanding of the importance of marriage and a recognition of the many hurdles that couples may encounter, this guide begins by highlighting the significance of this sacred bond. It explores how a thriving marriage not only brings joy and fulfillment but also contributes to overall well-being, making a compelling case for investing in your relationship.Delving into the heart of the matter, the book unveils the first chapter, "Communication Is Key," emphasizing the vital role that effective communication plays in any marriage. It dissects the art of active listening, expressing oneself clearly, and understanding the power of empathy in the context of relationships. The pitfalls and challenges of communication are also examined, with practical advice on how to avoid common traps and pitfalls that can hinder successful interaction.Throughout its pages, "How to Save Your Marriage" offers a roadmap for couples to traverse the common roadblocks and obstacles they may encounter. It addresses issues such as conflict resolution, trust and forgiveness, rekindling romance, and the importance of working as a team within the partnership.…

Halal Steak Delight at

Halal Steak Delight at

1 0 1

Welcome to a gastronomic haven where sizzling steaks meet the divine allure of halal dining - Your Palate: Unveiling the Charms of Halal Steak Delight at 14, 2024Unveiling the Charms of Halal Steak Delight at to a gastronomic haven where sizzling steaks meet the divine allure of halal dining - In this comprehensive guide, we invite you to embark on a culinary journey through the tantalizing world of halal steak at this exceptional restaurant. Prepare to be captivated by the delectable offerings that await you at this esteemed establishment.Section 1:The Halal DifferenceDiscover the essence of halal dining and what sets it apart. Delve into the meticulous processes and sourcing standards followed by to ensure a truly halal experience for its patrons. From the selection of premium cuts to the adherence to Islamic dietary guidelines, learn why halal steaks at are a cut above the rest.Section 2:Culinary CraftsmanshipExplore the artistry behind every dish as the chefs at transform high-quality halal meats into culinary masterpieces. From dry-ageing techniques to the perfect blend of spices and seasonings, uncover the secrets that make each steak a symphony of flavors. Take a virtual tour of the kitchen and witness the precision and passion that go into crafting these exceptional halal delights.Section 3:A Feast for the SensesImmerse yourself in the ambiance of, where the aroma of grilling steaks and the sizzle of succulent meats create an unparalleled dining atmosphere. From the cozy interior design to the attentive service, every detail is curated to enhance your halal steak experience. Get ready to indulge not only your taste buds but all your senses in this extraordinary culinary destination.…

Who believes in aliens?

Who believes in aliens?

14 6 3

Numerosos científicos dedican su carrera a buscar indicios de vida extraplanetaria. Aquí, cinco hipótesis que probarían la existencia de vida extraterrestre:-La ecuación de Drake: El astrónomo estadounidense Frank Drake, director del proyecto SETI (dedicado a la búsqueda de vida extraterrestre), desarrolló una ecuación para determinar cuántos planetas habitados por seres capaces de comunicarse con nosotros existen en la Galaxia. A la luz de los últimos descubrimientos, el número asciende a cientos de miles.-Microbios en Venus: Basándose en el extraño comportamiento de las nubes de Venus, algunos científicos afirman que millones de microorganismos podrían vivir en la superficie de este planeta del Sistema Solar. Esto explicaría la presencia de ácido sulfhídrico y dióxido de azufre en su atmósfera.-La señal WOW!: En 1977 astrónomos de la Universidad de Ohio en EE.UU. detectaron una extraña señal lumínica de pulso, proveniente de la constelación de Sagitario. El fenómeno duró 37 segundos, y hasta la actualidad se desconoce su origen.-Fósiles de Marte: En 1996 la NASA informó que se habían detectado fósiles de microbios, en un meteorito que había formado parte de la superficie marciana. En el asteroide habían moléculas orgánicas y magnetita mineral, elementos que en la Tierra se asocian con las bacterias.-Señales inexplicables: Voceros del proyecto SETI investigan una serie de señales inexplicables provenientes de una región ubicada entre las constelaciones de Aries y Piscis, donde no hay estrellas detectables. Los investigadores creen que una civilización extraterrestre podría estar utilizando esta frecuencia lumínica para contactarse. ©"THE HISTORY CHANNEL LATIN AMERICA"…

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: A Terrible Banshee

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: A Terrible Banshee

485 7 2

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" assembles a splendid team of heroes to battle a plan for world domination, and then, just when it seems about to become a real corker of an adventure. Meanwhile dealing with monstrous men who planned to make the world a sad and terrible place. Now it was the world of this man and the world of fear. That unleashed hell upon this earth. Until a Girl by the name of Lydia Martina, the last unknown of her species will join but only to find a difficult type of humor and lost. What will she do? What will happen? Will they make it in time to stop the world from not being g beautiful again? Will there be a chance of saving the world from the terrible man who calls himself supposedly M?The banshee girl. Who knew right? Beautiful and brave most time. Other time will become the most death experience that she had ever seen. Will Lydia be able to leave them save from their lonely darkness. Or will she fail to save them all? Wish her luck on this journey. Or It'll take the unveiling power within her to stop it all!(Oc Fem X League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Nemo, Mina Harker. Hyde & Jekyll. Sawyer. And Skinner. Dorian Gray)Find out!(Love and Vote. Thank you)…

Lightning Aurora (Ninjago Fanfic)

Lightning Aurora (Ninjago Fanfic)

18 4 4

In the mystical realm of Ninjago, a rare and awe-inspiring phenomenon unfolded - a dazzling lightning aurora graced the skies above the city. Its appearance was an extraordinary sight, an occurrence seldom witnessed. Compelled to investigate, the ninja found themselves compelled to decipher the enigma surrounding this event. However, amidst their exploration, one particular individual displayed an unsettling behavior - Jay.Jay seemed inexplicably drawn to this extraordinary phenomenon, exhibiting a disregard for the counsel of his comrades as he fixated upon the captivating display. His unwavering attraction to the spectacle resulted in the failure of their mission to aid the people of Ninjago City. Little did they know, Jay's fascination with the lightning aurora would lead to an unforeseen and life-altering consequence.In a twist of fate, Jay found himself bestowed with inexplicable powers by an enigmatic doctor during his hospitalization. Since then, he has undergone a remarkable transformation, altering him in ways that defy comprehension. The Ninja team now faces a critical challenge - to free Jay from these newfound powers, restoring him to his former self. Failure to do so not only jeopardizes Jay's life but also threatens the very existence of their team.Thus, a race against time ensues, a desperate struggle to extract the potent abilities that now course through Jay's veins. Their mission is to reclaim his essence, to ensure that he and his team do not succumb to the dire consequences that loom over them. The stakes are unimaginably high.(GUYS IT WILL NOT BE THIS COMPLICATED IN THE ACTUAL STORY, I THOUGHT MAKING IT LIKE THIS WILL BE MORE INTERESTING. I DONT OWN THE FANART!)…

So, this corona virus eh?

So, this corona virus eh?

4,669 202 191

The world is on its collapse…