~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол 2~

~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол 2~ "COMPLETE"

178,148 9,373 22

Солонгосын Бюн гишүүний гэрийн үйлчлэгч...хэн нэгэн залуугийн үзэсгэлэнт боол...."Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол" цуврал өгүүллэгийн 2 бүлэг юм.…

~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол~

~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол~ "COMPLETE"

237,324 12,319 25

Сөүл ахлах сургуулийн дүрэм бол...бусдын хэрэгт битгий оролц.Дүрэм бол дүрэм,хэн ч зөрчих ёсгүй.Хэрвээ зөрчсөн бол чи шийтгүүлэх учиртай.Шийтгэл...чи магадгүй хэн нэгний боол нь ч болж мэдэх юм....…

"Him & I" // completed

58,115 4,577 12

In the end, it's him and I.…

---Крисийн хачирхалтай амьдрал

---Крисийн хачирхалтай амьдрал "COMPLETE"

48,154 2,170 25

Лара Крис Ву гэх залуутай гэрлэсэн бөгөөд тэдний харилцаа хүү Шин төрөх хүртэл сайн байсан юм.Тэдний харилцаа замбараагүй болж хачин болж эхлэв.Хэдэн жилийн дараа Лара дахин жирэмсэн болов.Энэ хачин байдалтай тэд харилцаагаа мөн хүүхэд Шинийг хадгалж чадав болов уу?…

♣Ханхүүгийн анхны хайр♣

♣Ханхүүгийн анхны хайр♣ "COMPLETE"

37,014 1,855 9

Миний хувьд хэзээ ч хүрч чадахгүй оргил мэт....Тэр залуу бол тэр хол орших хаант улсын хаан...харин би жижигхэн тосгоны жирийн л нэг охин....…

~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол 3~

~Миний үзэсгэлэнт боол 3~ "COMPLETE"

113,579 5,813 20

Гарах гарцгүй сэтгэл хөдлөлийн төөрдөг байшинд хэнийг хүлээнэ вэ?,Юунаас зугтмаар байгаа юм бэ? Бодит байдал гэх энэ зүйлээс үү?...Нэгэнт буцааж болохгүй үлгэр эхлүүлчихсэн......Өмнөд Солонгос улсын эрт дээр үеийн хааны үеийг харуулсан зохиол бөгөөд миний бичиж байсан My beautiful slave цуврал зохиолын минь гуравдугаар цуврал нь юм.…

The Great White Lion

The Great White Lion

376,073 20,050 28

(LEO - Book 1) There was a boy with a red scarf in the village. Some would say he was weak. He wasn't the type to train with his teachers or maybe even hunt for food in the mountains. He was there with his mother, little sister, and his two best friends. How dangerous could that be? There was a village up the mountains, neutral territory, called Meridth. This village contained the magician's power of taming beasts, or simply put, Beast Tamers. They say you only have one spirit partner your entire life. Only the strongest of animals were linked with the strongest of tamers. How did the boy with the red scarf get linked with a legend? The legend of the great snow lions scared everyone. They were able to perform magic just like them, even giving them a human appearance to ward off predators of humankind. They were intelligent, ruthless, dominating, and the king of the pride. There was only one white lion left. One day, a man was caught snooping around the village. The man spotted the boy in the red scarf and just knew. He was the one. The powerful lion knew that the boy in the red scarf was him, his savior, his reason. Finally, the legendary beast met his tamer. Positive comments are always welcome. Anything negative will be deleted. I strongly advise for readers to read this before reading Fly Til Dusk.…

Муу залуугийн сүйт бүсгүй

Муу залуугийн сүйт бүсгүй

87,473 6,329 14

Би чам руу хардаг шиг чи над руу хэзээ ч тэгж харахгүй.Би чиний төлөө амьдардаг байхад чи миний төлөө хэзээ ч амьдрахгүй.Яаж чамд юу ч хамаагүй мэт хажуугаар минь алхдаг байнаа? Яагаад эргэж хараад чам руу хардаг шиг минь над руу харж болдоггүй юм бэ?Би яг энд байна. Гэтэл чи яагаад намайг харахгүй байгаа юм бэ? Хараал ид, зүгээр л над руу хараач дээ.Чам руу ширтдэг тэр л харцтай минь адилаар над руу хараач.Story credits to Teamint on Aff…



103,724 7,895 13

"Чамд амьдрах долоо хоног байна"..."Салцгаая""Надад чамтай байх долоо хоног өгөөч"Орчуулгын өгүүллэг болно.Баярлалаа...…

---Love me NOW---

---Love me NOW---

24,070 1,400 6

Сэүн,Ханна хоёр дур хүслийн халуухан таашаалаас гэгээлэг хайр болон хувирч бүх зүйл ахлах сургуулиас эхлэсэн юм.Амьдрал хатуу асуудлаар дүүрэн шүү дээ.Сэүн,Ханна хоёр амьдралын хатуу бэрхшээлүүдийг даван туулж,хайрынхаа төлөө тэмцэж чадах болов уу? эсвэл тэдний ахлах сургуулийн хайр дурсамж болж үлдэх үү? Kiss me NOW дараагийн бүлэг учраас эхний бүлгийг уншаад үзээрэй.…

Mr. Mrs Oh

Mr. Mrs Oh

24,000 2,985 7

Би энэ ертөнцөд дургүй, зөвхөн чамд л дуртай.…

The God of Courage (boyxboy)

The God of Courage (boyxboy)

6,997 614 22

This is part two branching off book for The Great White Lion which includes our two favorite boys Raja and Noble!Everyone has learned of the legend of a beast so great, it would strike fear into their hearts.It had become a common myth inside his village, a snowy little village in a wyld wood.The snow lion was nothing to mess around with, especially a little boy named Raja.…

Grey Tones (#LitFicContest)

Grey Tones (#LitFicContest)

93 10 1

A writer's mind is also their canvas. Of a writer, lost in her thoughts, in the rain.Contest entry for Literary Fiction Network.A/N: Cover design - credits to artist/ pixiv…

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebrations

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebrations

69 25 8

Happy Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month!AAPI is observed from May 1st to May 31st every year, but can, and should, be recognized past the month of May. We encourage you to take some time to learn more about important figures who have contributed to the Asian & Pacific Islander community, as well as to review our specially curated reading list dedicated to highlighting AAPI voices in the Wattpad community. To celebrate and rejoice with the AAPI community on Wattpad, we bring to you a contest inspired by AAPI culture, mythology, and traditions.…

Fly Til Dusk (boyxboy)(ON HOLD)

Fly Til Dusk (boyxboy)(ON HOLD)

21,945 955 24

(on hold, but not for much longer)(CANCER) (BOOK 2 of "THE GREAT WHITE LION" and in the series "Constellations". HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read Book 1 before this!)Idos Caeles was the last living heir of House Caeles , leaving him with riches beyond belief. Only two years ago, he was a happy teenager with a mother, father, and two sisters. They all changed when raiders ransacked their carriage, killing three family members and near to death Idos. After vigorous surgery and miracles, Idos survived but left the healers with one less arm. He had never been the same since. With his mother his only living relative left, he was left with an estate, a bank, and a library to call his own. Idos replaced his father as a noble in Emperor Valider's court, where he gained more attention than he intended. With schooling and a life of upper class taking up his time, Idos never found the time for personal interactions, and sometimes he liked it that way. However, it soon worsened his depression further by the lack of personal commitment he was receiving, despite having a fiance he never asked for. He was jealous of those with friends, yet he could not find his own. He was too introverted for that. With that, Idos hatched an idea, one worthy of his butler, Charles, to disapprove of greatly. If any way worked, this would definitely work. He was going to sell his soul to a demon to obtain a friend.…

Spring Fiesta 2022

Spring Fiesta 2022

1,385 75 15

Hola, Hello, Bonjour Wattpaders, P.B Shelly once said, "When winter comes, can spring be far behind." And spring season is finally here. Goodbye winters ! Its the season of new beginnings. Fresh buds bloom, animals awaken and the earth seems to come to life once again. This season fills us with warmth and happiness as the scent of the flowers reach us. In order to celebrate the happy season of spring, WattpadLitFic and Magic have prepared a series of some amazing contests and activities for you to take a dive into the vibrant atmosphere of this spring season.…

--Gangster Boy & Gangster Girl--

--Gangster Boy & Gangster Girl-- "COMPLETE"

18,112 633 4

Улс орны хувьд сайхан зүйл болж байхад мөн адил аюултай зүйл тулгарч байдаг.Сөүл бол дэлхийн үзэсгэлэнтэй хотуудын нэг бол зүүн Азид аюултай улс гэдгээрээ алдартай.Энэ хотод гангстеруудаар дүүрэн үнэндээ харанхуй шөнөөр ганцаараа алхахад ч аюултай.Эксо-К Өмнөд Солонгосын хамгийн аймшигтай хөвгүүдийн бүлэг,тэд газар дээрх хамгийн хүчтэй,хэрцгий,өршөөлгүй бүлэг.Хэн ч тэдний өөдөөс босож зүрхлэхгүй учир нь чи тэдний өөдөөс босох үед чи үхнэ.Астра тэр мөн л өмнөд Солонгосын аймшигтай охидын бүлэг.Тэд эмэгтэй гангстеруудын ертөнц дэхь хүчтэй ухаантай төвөгтэй гэсэн хэдий ч тэд Сөүлийн хамгийн хайртай гангстерүүд яагаад? Чи удахгүй мэднэ ээ.Хэрвээ эдгээр бүлгэлийн 2 гишүүн ямар нэг шалтгаанаар хоорондоо уулзвал яах вэ? Хэрвээ шалтгаан нь тэднийг их зүйл хийхэд хүргэвэл? Эсвэл тэднийг цаашид уулзахад хүргэвэл?Юу болох бол?Юу өөрчлөгдөх бол?Юу цэцэглэх бол?Хэрвээ гангстер залуу....гангстер охинтой уулзвал юу болох бол?…

Spitfire's Desires

Spitfire's Desires

6,479 85 4

A story about Spitfire liking Rainbowdash alot but won't admit it…