Porn || Min Yoongi

Porn || Min Yoongi

10,368 171 9

In which BTS forced you to watch porn------------------"Oh sure what could go wrong."…

BTS Imagines

BTS Imagines

353 5 6

It says it all in the title. It will also contain littlespace. There maybe a lot of Yoongi/Suga because he is my bae. I will also do ships such as Taegi, Namjin, Taekook and Jihope. Enjoy please........ I guess. Peace out✌(btw im the queen of cringe... Sorry)…

keys // yoonmin

keys // yoonmin

87,101 4,850 13

private tutor min yoongi is paid by the wealthy park family to teach their son to play the piano.…

Beautiful darkness /yoonkook/

Beautiful darkness /yoonkook/

18 0 1

esta historia contiene/lenguaje no apto para menores de edad//maltrato físico y o sentimental//abuso//desamor//lemon//boyxboy/yoonkookyoongi:top/activojungkook:bottom/pasivoparejas secundarias: namjin, vmin si no te gusta el yoonkook favor de no leer.historia 100% mia, favor de pedir permiso antes de adaptar espero les guste, es mi primera historia y agradecería que la tienes algún inconveniente o te gustaría que agregara algo a la historia favor de decírmelo.....…