This is so wrong

This is so wrong

130 1 1

"Känner du honom?" frågade hon och tittade upp från mode tidningen hon höll på att läsa. Jag blundade och vände ansiktet mot solen "Inte direkt, vaddåra?" "Inget bara undra" sa hon och återgick till sin tidning. Plötsligt kändes det som att hon gled ifrån mig. Jag ville sträcka ut handen för att stoppa henne men ångrade mig. Lektionen skulle börja om 2 minuter men jag hade ingen lust att gå tillbaka in i det unkiga klassrummet. "Ja ska dra hem" sa Kim och reste sig från bänken. "Är du okej?" frågade jag och kisade mot henne. "Såklart" svarade hon och slängde väskan över axeln. "Ses imorrn" "Mm" mumlade jag och vände ansiktet mot solen igen...Alexandra är 17 år och går på gymnasiet. Allt är bra, tills Kevin kommer in i bilden. Kims halv brorsa från Italien och 24 år gammal. Det är fel det vet hon men hur ska hon kunna säga nej till det perfekta leendet och de blåa ögonen. Kim kan inte få reda på det, men alexandra har aldrig varit bra på att ljuga...…

One Chicago Family

One Chicago Family

39 0 3

Le vicende dei vigili del fuoco, medici, poliziotti e procuratori di Chicago avverranno nella città del vento e dell'unione con sempre delle novità impreviste. Vedremo le loro vite piene di emozioni, della passione che mettono nel proprio lavoro di ogni giorno, affrontando ostacoli e complicanze poste a loro senza arrendersi mai, anche quando la speranza sembra ormai svanita la loro costanza nel crederci in tutto quello che fanno aumenta sempre. Ogni giorno aiutano e salvano la gente della loro città, come dei veri e propri angeli. Dove vengono ringraziati (non sempre) in vari modi, da un ringraziamento materiale a un semplice "grazie" caloroso proveniente dal cuore o nei casi più drammatici in modo sgarbato. Tutto ciò avverrà sotto la prospettiva degli occhi di due amiche molto unite come una famiglia.…

Neišsipildžiusi svajonė

Neišsipildžiusi svajonė

23 1 1

Visų merginų svajonės yra susirasti vaikiną, iškelti geriausią šešioliktajį gimtadienį, turėti tėvus kurie ją lepintų, susituokti, turėti vaikų ir dar daugelį kitų dalykų... Bet štai esu AŠ, Cara. Cara Delevingne kuri tiesiog nekenčia gyvenimo, ji jį niekina... Tikriausiai kyla klausimas kodėl? Bet į jį yra labai lengva atsakyti... JIS YRA NEGAILESTINGAS! Šis pasaulis pražudė mano tetį, mano mama dėl to labai sielvartauja, ji sunkiai serga.. Mes likom tik dviese... Nieko artimo, nieko šalia mūsų nebeliko, nes viską ka mes turėjom buvo Mano tėtis!…

The Premier Destination for Classic Polo T-Shirts in Vadodara

The Premier Destination for Classic Polo T-Shirts in Vadodara

3 0 1

Embrace classic elegance with our premier classic polo t-shirts in Vadodara. A collection tailored for men who appreciate timeless style. For more information contact [email protected].…

Courtyard Gates in Carmichael CA

Courtyard Gates in Carmichael CA

2 0 1

Courtyard gates High quality steel doors for indoor and outdoor: Get inspired by the different models, produced with innovative materials and methods. For more about Ornamental Iron please click below link!…

Entry Gates Stockton CA

Entry Gates Stockton CA

2 0 1

Add safety and elegance to your garden or yard with a high-quality, beautifully-crafted courtyard gates Granite Bay CA and entry gates Stockton CA. Order now!…

Erfaren Naprapat i Stockholm för muskel- och idrottsskador | Naprapat Kårell

Erfaren Naprapat i Stockholm för muskel- och idrottsskador | Naprapat Kårell

2 0 1

Naprapat Kårell erbjuder prisvärd naprapatisk vård som anpassas efter dina unika behov och mål. Oavsett om du söker smärtlindring eller förebyggande vård, kan du förvänta dig en patientcentrerad och unik vårdupplevelse som kan förändra ditt liv.För mer information besök oss:…

Courtyard Gates Carmichael CA

Courtyard Gates Carmichael CA

1 0 1

If you have any query related to wrought iron Fencing Sacramento, Courtyard Gates Carmichael CA, ADA compliant Handrail Elk Grove Ca then send feedback by just filling out contact us forms.…

City Of Bones (Jace and Clary fanfic)

City Of Bones (Jace and Clary fanfic)

58 1 1

My name is Tessa and I'm 18, I'm a trained fighter and bender people like me are known as Half-bloods I'm possibly the last of my kind. I bend the natural elements-- Air, Water, Earth and Fire. My father was a Shadow hunter before he was killed by a werewolf their known as Shifters which means they can be human and werewolf anytime time they want. Werewolves and Vampires weren't always enemies--To stay safe or stay ALIVE you just have to follow the rules if not you die unless your lucky you become one of them. I have survived many challenges and fought many dangers. A rouge of any kind of creature in the shadow world like wolves and vampires are the ones that are very dangerous. They walk alone in their own path until they find another rouge that's when they become a pack. I'm destined to find my mother and Destroy all rouges. This is not a safe journey but on the way something or should I say someone got in my way and changed my faith and life forever.…

Ninja's Elements  Book 1 Balance

Ninja's Elements Book 1 Balance

6 0 2

One day out of no where two spirits collided. The avatar spirit and a ninja spirit. After the collision, a new era began...The Avatar Ninja. Millions of years have past and lots of Avatar Ninjas came to be. It grew larger and then a little girl was born. Her name was Alona.. She was the New avatar ninja but little did she know that people wanted to steal her powers, and they knew how. Her father used to tell her story's about the five different Masked Hero's and how there strong,loyal,and that one day she would meet them. After a couple of years her parents disappeared. She was on her own until a guy named Iroh took her in. She then began her journey...Her Journey as the Avatar Ninja!…

Jį sutikus pažinau meilę.

Jį sutikus pažinau meilę.

155 15 2

Betričė vedė jau antram kurse, nes manė tad Thomas yra jos tikroji meilė, tačiau gyvenant kartu pasimatė tikrasisi Thomo veidas. Betričei svabiausia tuomet buvo baigti teisės studijas ir pradėti diebti savo išsvajota darba ir ji net nebandė taisyti irstančios santuokos. Betričė apsivertusi darbais ir nieko daugiau nesirūpinanti. Thomas paveldėjo tėvo viešbučių verslą ir kiekviena diena tenkina darbuotojas. Tuomet jų gyvenimas pasikeičia, kai į Betričės kabinetą nesibeldęs įeina senas klasiokas Sebasianas.…

Essential Gardening Tools and Supplies for Every Green Thumb

Essential Gardening Tools and Supplies for Every Green Thumb

1 0 1

Discover the must-have tools and supplies that will elevate your gardening game. From innovative gadgets to timeless essentials, we've got everything you need to nurture a thriving garden and grow your green thumbPh No:9840988845Mail: [email protected] out our Website (If Interested):…

La Vida no es Color de Rosa

La Vida no es Color de Rosa

14 0 2

Lo que fue en algún momento un mundo de color rosa, se desvaneció el día que cumplí 18 años, pude observar la miseria y el sufrimiento en carne propia. La venda que llevaba en los ojos se desató y me di cuenta que la felicidad es un tesoro accesible para algunos e inalcanzable para otros. Mi nombre es Olivia Ferguson y esta es la historia de como pasé de ser una adolescente rica y engreída a ser una de las criminales más buscadas en Fewipp, tierra de "justicia e igualdad"...…

I Got You. Revealed Secrets

I Got You. Revealed Secrets

14 4 4

Si Ruby Svana na punong-puno ng secreto, ginagawa niya lng isang laro ang isang relasyon dahil wala syang magulang at nanggaling lang sa isang foster home, until one day he met someone, not her knowing that he's obsessed on her for a long time so nung hihiwalayan na sya hindi sya pumayag at nagawa nya pang mapapirma yung babae ng isang marriage certificate…

A court of Golden Shadow and Lost Souls

A court of Golden Shadow and Lost Souls

5 1 1

Xaiden Vanserra, the sixth son of Highlord Beron Vanserra and Lady Auroa Vanserra, has been undergoing a massive task. He has partnered with a skilled Dawn court heeler to make a new type of lightweight prosthetics for soldiers that have lost limbs but still want to fight. While undergoing this massive undertaking he will discover things about himself he thought he'd buried under his skin a long time ago.…