Tags: romance
Khuynh thành tiểu giai nhân - Nữ Vương Bất Tại Gia

Khuynh thành tiểu giai nhân - Nữ Vương Bất Tại Gia

154 0 11

Khuynh Thành Tiểu Giai Nhân Nữ Vương Bất Tại GiaConverter:tieuquyen28Đời trước nàng là hắn cháu dâu, gọi hắn Thất thúc.Đời này nàng là hắn tiểu kiều nương, như cũ gọi hắn Thất thúc."Nhị đường ca thực sủng nhị đường tẩu." Nàng một bên thêu tấm khăn, vừa muốn nhớ tới ban ngày chuyện, liền như vậy thuận miệng nói."Ngươi nếu thích, ta cũng có thể như vậy đối với ngươi." Hắn theo thư quyển trung ngẩng đầu, tuấn mỹ lạnh lùng trên khuôn mặt không có cái gì vẻ mặt."Nga. . ." Nàng có chút ngượng ngùng, cúi đầu đến.Hắn buông xuống thư quyển, cao ngất thân hình đem nàng bao phủ, ngón tay thon dài đáp lên áo."Thất thúc, ngươi làm cái gì vậy?""Sủng ngươi."…

Four Seasons || Minsung

Four Seasons || Minsung

813 210 3

Jisung vouait une aversion aux quatre saisons de l'année. L'automne lui rappelait la reprise des cours. Le froid glacial de l'hiver engourdissait son esprit. Le printemps ravivait la douleur d'un cœur brisé. Et par-dessus tout, l'été lui rappelait cruellement la perte de sa mère.Minho allait tout bouleverser et lui donner une raison d'aimer à nouveau l'été.…



17 0 4




319 45 7

Quand la soudaine disparition de Jung Soojin fut revelée, ce fut le drame pour l'établissement de Gwangju-pong. En effet, le pensionnat pour jeunes filles de Séoul n'avait jamais rencontré le moindre problème aussi conséquent qu'une disparition. Dans un tel engouement, de nombreuses informations cruciales furent dévoilées mêlant ainsi cinq étudiantes de l'école à la disparition de Soojin. Cinq élèves au profil plutôt banale et commun qui aux premiers abords ne semblent pas avoir de soucis mais la realité en est tout autre car il s'avère que ces cinq jeunes filles sont liées par un terrible secret, plutôt un terrible journal qui n'est qu'une antre aux Enfers. Le pensionnat de Gwangju-pong est ravagé par un groupe d'harceleur du nom de The Diary : Yeona, Moondae, Jisu, Soyeon et Anhyeon sont toutes les quatres detentrices de ce journal qui filme leur agression les plus terribles et garde leur secret les plus inavouables. ! TW : cette histoire peut contenir des sujets heurtants pour la sensibilité de certains, je tiens donc à vous dire que la mention d'harcelement, agressions physiques, viols, meurtres, suicides et sang seront présents dans cette histoire.…

And he ungrew with Just a cap...

And he ungrew with Just a cap...

2 0 1

What's art and his keeper got in common, but the shared derision for the anal brain. #taleunfolds…

The outsider

The outsider

4 0 3

It's strange how sitting in the serene therapy room I can finally understand why the problems in my life happened. A story retelling the tale of how I became who I am.…

The clock in the night time

The clock in the night time

5 0 3

There are things in this world that exist and some that we call fantasy. But what if the line between the two was to be blurred and nobody knew the difference. What would happen? What would change? ... everything would change.…



4 0 2

No one was safe, it was all a lie. They would come for us anyway. All of us. Locked away for good, they are captured and given special abilities, but only the strongest can survive the transition from normal, to extraordinary.…

Butterfly Effect ; H. Potter

Butterfly Effect ; H. Potter

609,866 17,139 162

antheia lupin couldn't believe the burden she had on her shoulders simply because of an event years ago. she hated even more that dumbledore had come up with a clever name for her situation. this left her thinking, "why couldn't that bloody butterfly have flapped the other way?"˗ˏˋ fem! oc x h. potter 'ˎ˗prisoner of azkaban onward #1 in #ocxharry#1 in #goldentrio#1 in #gryffindor#1 in #butterflyeffect#1 in #linny#2 in #harryxoc#2 in #wizardingworld#3 in #harry#3 in #harrypotterlovestory…

Tevun-Krus #97 - International VI: Peace

Tevun-Krus #97 - International VI: Peace

1,672 534 65

The sixth international issue of Tevun-Krus!The time has come for... PEACE.…

Face Claims II

Face Claims II

168,044 1,618 200

in which you learn to use EVEN MORE fcs other than nina dobrev and dylan o'brien. 198 MORE underused claims, including plenty of poc and legends you should stan!updates twice daily!(yes, i reused my description from the first book. i'm a lazy jagoff.)~ ☆ ~[ a face claim book ] © 2018 - 2019 by athena m.…



3 0 3

Two teenagers meet by coincidence at the bus suddenly eyes meet and their story begins with a single stare . One look took him away as he sees her as a rare beauty . Botswana teens gives us what falling in love feels like at first sight.…

Golden Child's Diary

Golden Child's Diary

18,388 831 87

Golden Child = Goldenness…

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 → 𝒸. 𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓁𝑒𝓎

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 → 𝒸. 𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓁𝑒𝓎

1,546,794 56,925 116

𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐘𝐑𝐀 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊, born to Lyra Potter and Regulus Black, is Harry's older cousin, 1/3 of the Prankers Trio and niece to mass murderer Sirius Black. Life at Hogwarts was fun, relaxing and normal. That's until her younger cousin shows up and strange things happen. A Professor with two faces? Check. A Chamber with a Basilisk in it? Check. A mass murderer who happens to be your uncle and escapes Azkaban and is probably going to kill you? Triple check. That's how June's fifth year starts, with a mass murderer on the run, a set of twins and a prefect badge.PoA → DHPREQUEL "METANOIA" IS OUT!Best rankings:#1 in gobletoffire (30.05.2021)#1 in madworld (30.05.2021)#1 in orderofthephoenix (30.05.2021)#1 in tonks (07.07.2021)#1 in georgeweasley (16.07.2021)#1 in remuslupin (30.04.2023)#1 in gryffindor (19.12.2021)#1 in siriusblack (11/06/2022)…

cover café (2017)

cover café (2017)

26,527 2,895 59

[ABGESCHLOSSEN]Ein Mensch ohne Kaffee ist eine lebendige Leiche, was wäre dann ein Buch ohne Cover? Aber keine Sorge, chapped ist da. Mit extra viel Milch und Zucker. Und Kekse für die Kleinen.…

Behind the Curtains #TheConnection2023

Behind the Curtains #TheConnection2023

18 5 1

Entry to @YAMystery and @WattpadKDramas' The Connection contest. Prompt: You/ Your protagonist is performing at the school's annual function where a K-drama actor/actress is invited as the chief guest. Out of the blue, a dead body comes hanging down on the stage which you recognize to be your best friend's . And the K-drama actor/actress offers you help in solving this as your best friend was a huge fan of his/her. How will it all go?The K-drama actor I've chosen for my entry is Cha Eun-woo (the one who played Lee Su-ho from True Beauty, and has recently starred in the fantasy thriller, Island).Photos from Pixels (Curtains, Girl) and Pinterest (Cha Eun-woo).…

[Đoản Văn] - 「 Chị và Em 」

[Đoản Văn] - 「 Chị và Em 」

1,165 29 1

Viết theo cảm hứng .Dịch bất chợt .Gồm Bùi Châu Hiền là chị -( Bae Ju Hyun)Em là Tôn Thừa Hoan - ( Shon Seung Wan ) Ngoài ra sẽ còn có Kim Nghệ Lâm ké vài đoản cùng các chị em bạn dì .…

Hi5 Oneshot Request

Hi5 Oneshot Request

1,973 11 5

It's pretty much in the title but the first page explains it a little better~REQUESTS OPEN~…