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" The weak can never forgive,Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong ," - Mahatma Gandhi " You must be the change you want to see in the world ," - Mahatma Gandhi " Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. " - William Shakespeare " Expectation is the root of all heartache.," - William Shakespeare " God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. " - William Shakespeare " It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.," - William Shakespeare " I think you just know if someone likes you for who you are, or for who they think you are," - Harry Styles " Just Because You Don't Have A Prince Doesn't Mean You're Not A Princess ," - Zayn Malik " None But Ourselves Can Free Our Minds , " - Bob Marley " If you can't explain it simply...you don't understand it well enough , " - Albert Einstein " Hopeless But Hoping ," " Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love," - Emma Watson " The most important thing is to never stop questioning," - Elbert Einstein " Never say good-bye, because good-bye means going away , and going away means forgetting, " - Peter Pan " Don't ever let a guy make you feel ugly, because no matter what you are beautiful with , or without him," - Zayn Malik " For I Know The Plans I Have For You Says The Lord , They Are Plans For Good And Not For Disaster, To Give You A Future And A Hope , " - Bible Quote " Who are you to judge the life i live, I am not perfect and I dont have to be ! , Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean," - Bob Marley " If God Brings You To It , He Will Bring You Through It," A/N : I Hope You Enjoy My Poems :) and Pls Feel Free To Leave Your Comments GOod and Bad xD i would love them both :D and pls vote and follow i wont bite and hit me u in a message if you ever want someone to tlk to :D I hope you enjoy and May God Bless YOu for taking ur time to read this ^_^ *hug*…