From New York to New Mexico and Beyond

From New York to New Mexico and Beyond

3,310 118 14

"Six boys and a girl making their way from New York to Santa Fe...what could go wrong?" Jack gets the boys and Katherine together for a trip to Santa Fe. (Modern Newsies AU) (I also don't own Newsies. At all)โ€ฆ



40,961 470 16

This book will include:ImaginesPreferencesOneshotsHeadcannonsZodiacsEtc. (Make sure to request!)โ€ฆ

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ˆ๐ง๐ค ๐Ž๐ซ ๐ˆ๐ง ๐๐ฅ๐จ๐จ๐- ๐€ ๐๐ž๐ฐ๐ฌ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ž๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ญ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ค
 the loud house: herobrine's power

the loud house: herobrine's power

14,745 107 19

when he was kicked out of the house he discovered he have herobrine's power from minecraft he can mind control but you cannot teleport or anything else he can only mind control mobs his will turn red if he tries to my control mobsโ€ฆ

Newsies Preferences

Newsies Preferences

2,125 25 8

I wish I owned Newsies, but sadly I don't. I cry every time I think about it.Oh whelp(Also Character Names may not be accurate. I'm Sorry if they aren't I don't plan on changing them if they are wrong. Maybe I'll go back and edit when I'm done. Idk. But this is what I've got)Storylines include:-Jack Kelly-David "Davey" Jacobs-Les Jacobs-Sean "Spot" Conlon-Anthony "Racetrack" Higgins-Jamison "Mush" Meyers-Charles "Crutchie" Morris-Louis "Kid Blink" Ballat-Patrick "Bumlets" Cortes-Morris Delancey-Oscar Delanceyโ€ฆ

Naucz mnie ลผyฤ‡

Naucz mnie ลผyฤ‡

434 19 17

Dziewczyna o imieniu Maya, prowadzi spokojne ลผycie, w ktรณrym uprzykrza jej macocha,Gina. Pewnego dnia ojciec nie wytrzymuje krzykรณw ze strony Giny, wiฤ™c pakuje jej walizki i bez sล‚รณw jฤ… wywala. Ojciec - Finn przyznaje siฤ™, ลผe ma juลผ ลผonฤ™, ktรณra wprowadza siฤ™ z trzema synami. Jake,Jacob i Connor. Jacob zakochuje siฤ™ w swojej przyrodniej siostrze, a gdy ta go odrzuca, popada w depresje. Jednak pรณลบniej udaje wyjล›ฤ‡ mu siฤ™ z depresji. W wakacje jadฤ… na wyjazd, gdzie Jacob utopi siฤ™ w wodzie. Dlaczego to zrobiล‚? Jak dalej bฤ™dzie wiodล‚o siฤ™ ลผycie rodziny? Jak wszystko siฤ™ potoczy?โ€ฆ

izuku the vex summoner (Old)

izuku the vex summoner (Old)

68,215 998 12

Izuku has the power to summon a tiny flying things that has a sword but don't underestimate them, they might be tiny but they are really powerful.โ€ฆ

Shadow Haired

Shadow Haired

73,888 2,304 36

Melissa Wilson przez caล‚e ลผycie czuล‚a siฤ™ niewidzialna, wyล›miewana, niedoceniana i zraniona. Gdy trafia pod opiekฤ™ psychologa Gabriela Venturiego, wreszcie zaczyna wierzyฤ‡, ลผe jest coล› warta. Gabriel daje jej poczucie bezpieczeล„stwa, jakiego nigdy wczeล›niej nie zaznaล‚a.Jednak spokรณj nie trwa dล‚ugo. W ลผyciu Melissy pojawia siฤ™ Alessandro, brat Gabriela, ktรณry budzi w niej lฤ™k i niepokรณj. Jest nieprzewidywalny, mroczny i zdeterminowany, by zdobyฤ‡ to, czego pragnie.Melissa zostaje uwikล‚ana w niebezpiecznฤ… grฤ™ miฤ™dzy braฤ‡mi, a ich rywalizacja zaczyna zagraลผaฤ‡ wszystkiemu, co udaล‚o jej siฤ™ zbudowaฤ‡. Czy znajdzie siล‚ฤ™, by zawalczyฤ‡ o siebie, zanim straci kontrolฤ™ nad wล‚asnym ลผyciem? A moลผe to, co wydaje siฤ™ obsesjฤ…, okaลผe siฤ™ czymล› znacznie gล‚ฤ™bszym?โ€ฆ

Never Just A Friend(edited)

Never Just A Friend(edited)

5,830 207 15

"Not seeing you everyday broke my heart. And I thought it was both sided, guess not."-I also updated this book because it was really sloppy and fast pacing so hopefully this will be better. Enjoy !!!โ€ฆ

Yes or no - Book 3 - S.E.

Yes or no - Book 3 - S.E.

44,008 906 24

"What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!"Emily still didn't particularly like Jacob Israel - she wasn't sure anyone actually did by this point -, but for the first time, she didn't feel the need to hide from him. After all, she had everything she could possibly want and that was definitely going to be Emily Marshall's year."Twitter says you are still dating Hobo McBieber." Jacob said, as he struggled to keep up with Emily as the girl walked down the hallways. People stepped away from her as she passed - parting like the Red Sea for the most popular girl at school - but none of them actually cared enough not to bump into Jacob. And it wasn't as if Emily was about to say anything about it."Yes, I am." She nodded, a smile on her lips as Jacob still struggled to walk beside her."And you are the head cheerio now, part of two of the most popular clubs in McKinley with two National Championships from last year and officially dating a football player." Jacob said, as Emily just smirked, feeling better about herself than she had in weeks. "How does it feel being you?"Set in season 4Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't eitherโ€ฆ

jaune the undead king (remake)

jaune the undead king (remake)

6,188 163 9

Beacon Academy-a prestigious institution founded by the legendary Ozpina-stood as a beacon of hope for aspiring Huntsmen and Huntresses. Within its hallowed halls, countless students trained to protect the world from the ever-looming threat of Grimm. Among them was Jaune Arc, a kind-hearted young man whose cheerful demeanor and friendly nature made him well-liked by students and faculty alike.But as often happens with those who shine too brightly, envy began to fester in the heart of another.One student, consumed by jealousy, devised a cruel lie. Whispered rumors turned into venomous accusations, branding Jaune as a creep and a freak. What began as baseless gossip spread like wildfire, growing with every retelling until the student body was consumed by it.Ozpina, the wise and fair headmistress, refused to believe the lies. She saw through the deceit, her faith in Jaune unshaken. But the damage was done. The rumor had already escaped Beacon's walls, spreading far beyond the academy to the four kingdoms.The world turned its back on Jaune Arc.The Arc family, once his greatest source of strength, succumbed to the pressure of public scorn. Fearful of the damage to their reputation, they cut ties and disowned him, leaving him alone in a world that no longer saw him as anything but a disgrace.โ€ฆ



292,071 11,209 17

Christopher is on top of the world he loves his perfect life. He has money, he has looks and more importantly he is married to the love of his life Arabelle who has a baby on the way. What more could he ask for?Well his world came crashing down the day Arabella was born and Arabelle died bringing their little girl into this world. Left to raise a baby on his own he is left heart broken and the only person he has is Rosemary the nanny that Arabelle had chosen before her death to help with Arabella.โ€ฆ

the loud house: cross lincoln

the loud house: cross lincoln

31,318 369 11

after the event of no such luck lincoln runaway but a few weeks later he returned but more powerful than ever(Chara is a girl on this story and cross sans is her brother)Updated on May 16 2020โ€ฆ

Disfunctional romance (Milo sinister 2 fanfic)

Disfunctional romance (Milo sinister 2 fanfic)

10,621 124 5

Just read the damn book already, do it for Milo daddyโ€ฆ

jaune the undead king

jaune the undead king

11,997 174 6

Jaune is a teenager with yellow hair and dark blue eyes. He is known as the weakest student of Beacon academy, often looked down upon by many. However, his team, Team CFVY and Team RWBY, always stood by his side. Everything changed when a certain bastard, Cardin Winchester, the leader of CRDL, enraged that Jaune, the weakest student, had saved him from a Grimm, decided to lie that Jaune's transcript was forged. Initially, Jaune believed his friends would stand by him, but to his dismay, they all abandoned him. Blake, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Velvet ignored him, while Yang, Weiss, and Coco physically harmed him. Yatsuhashi and Fox inflicted emotional pain on him. Just when Jaune thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. His clan, the Arc clan, disowned him and seized Crocea Mors, the weapon agreed to be taken from Jaune. (In this story, Crocea Mors possesses its own consciousness.)โ€ฆ

Once and For All: A Newsies Sequel

Once and For All: A Newsies Sequel

1,572 65 14

a fictional sequel to the movie musical "Newsies." when trouble strikes again and the refuge is reopened times are sure about to change, but this time is it once and for all?#1: #checkers#2: #snyderโ€ฆ

more than a crush - Lee Juyeon

more than a crush - Lee Juyeon

23,329 961 17

in which juyeon has to keep up his grade in biology to keep playing football, and you just so happen to be the only person who can help him. with the deadline for the project getting closer, juyeon has no reason to keep you around. however, he isn't willing to let go of you just yet.โ€ฆ

the loud house: : Lincoln the leader of the phantoms

the loud house: : Lincoln the leader of the phantoms

12,325 112 4

Lincoln was almost killed by his sisters but someone rescued him and made him the leader of the phantoms.โ€ฆ

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)

104,823 2,051 31

Six Sparrow is captain Jack Sparrows little sister, though she'll likely put a sword through your neck if you call her that. Despite her promise to herself that she'd never sail with her brother again and her hopes to never see him again Six finds herself back on a ship with Jack on a mission to save some girl for a lad Jack had fought while in Port.โ€ฆ

On The Dot (Javey oneshot)

On The Dot (Javey oneshot)

96 4 1

Jack has a plan, Davey has a time limit, and Les just wants a slingshot.โ€ฆ