๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ โ percy jackson dream cast
๐ซ๐๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐๐๐ซ ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐ข ๐ฌ๐๐ข๐ ๐ข'๐ ๐๐ข๐ ๐๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ? percy jackson dream cast pjo & hoo & toa ยฉ bitchinsav 2020โฆ
๐ซ๐๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐๐๐ซ ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐ข ๐ฌ๐๐ข๐ ๐ข'๐ ๐๐ข๐ ๐๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ? percy jackson dream cast pjo & hoo & toa ยฉ bitchinsav 2020โฆ
Liam finds himself in a difficult position when he falls in love with zayn. His band mate from 1D. Not knowing if he could like him back. So he ventures into the unknown. Louis and niall have an ongoing love developing. And harry, well harry's still the curly headed green eyed boy he always has been. Will these loves tear the band apart or bring it closer together? Time, is the only one to tell.โฆ
This is going to be an extension of my other Pedro Pascal characters one shots.Just about the same as beforeThe Mandalorian-Din DjarinPedro PascalJavier PenaDave YorkAgent Jack WhiskeyMarcus MorenoMaxwell LordMarcus Pike Frankie MoralesErzaand possiblyOberyn Martell.And like my other set, maybe some of the small TV or movie roles that Pedro did.Nothing overly inappropriate or graphic, either. Requests are still closed!Positive comments and feedback are welcome. Please nothing overly rude. Thanks for reading!!โฆ
Since these prove to be quite popular, I decided to some one shots of Pedro Pascal and his numerous characters.They will include but are not limited to:Pedro PascalMaxwell LordFrankie MoralesErzaDin DjarinJavier PenaAgent WhiskeyMarcus MorenoMarcus PikeDave YorkRequests are closed!Also these probably won't be super inappropriate. There might be some mention of some stuff, but will put warnings in the story.If you'd like something or have any suggestions, just message me or leave an idea in the comments section. Thanks!โฆ
Je posterai plein d'infos et de facst sur lgdcโฆ
Taking place after 'The Address', there has been reports of a mysterious thick mist cascaded all over the graveyard. Nothing too serious, right?Then things go from bad to worse as San ends up going missing after visiting his sister with Jongho. Now it's up to the rest of the boys to find their missing member before it's too late. Start: February 21st, 2020 End: February 11th, 2021โฆ
Avis personnel sur plusieurs persos LGDC + plusieurs le saviez-vous sur plusieurs persos LGDCโฆ
Vous voulez savoir les secrets les mieux gardรฉs de la Guerre des Clans, les beugs, les thรฉories sur la sรฉrie ? Ce livre est fait pour vous ! Allez-y, tournez la page !โฆ
i republished this recently but the writing is very old (+ unedited!) so some of it is prob very cringe hahahHAPPY PRIDE MONTH GUYS!!!these are just 30 queer riordanverse drabbles in honour of pride this month (mostly fluff; occasionally angst; slight homophobia in some), in which i pointedly ignore most of the things that happened in the trials of apollo series (:ships in this:1 - fierrochase (alex fierro/magnus chase)2 - theyna (thalia grace/reyna ramirez-arellano)3 - solangelo (will solace/nico di angelo)4 - jercy (jason grace/percy jackson)5 - pipabeth (piper mclean/annabeth chase)6 - pipeyna (piper mclean/reyna ramirez-arellano)7 - valgrace (leo valdez/jason grace)8 - reynabeth (reyna avila ramirez-arellano/annabeth chase)9 - theyna (thalia grace/reyna avila ramirez-arellano)10 - valzhang (leo valdez/frank zhang)11 - jercy (jason grace/percy jackson)12 - fierrochase (alex fierro/magnus chase)13 - lavioak (lavinia asimov/poison oak)14 - shelper (shel/piper mclean)15 - valgrace (leo valdez/jason grace)16 - pipabeth (piper mclean/annabeth chase)17 - valzhang (leo valdez/frank zhang)18 - reynabeth (reyna avila ramirez-arellano/annabeth chase)19 - fierrochase (alex fierro/magnus chase)20 - jercy (jason grace/percy jackson)21 - reynabeth (reyna avila ramirez-arellano/annabeth chase)22 - shelper (shel/piper mclean)23 - theyna (thalia grace/reyna avila ramirez-arellano)24 - lavioak (lavinia asimov/poison oak)25 - valgrace (leo valdez/jason grace)26 - reynabeth (reyna avila ramirez-arellano/annabeth chase)27 - theyna (thalia grace/reyna avila ramirez-arellano)28 - pipabeth (piper mclean/annabeth chase)29 - shelper (shel/piper mclean)30 - solangelo (will solace/nico di angelo)cover art by @_itscharly22 on instagram! all the love ๐originally published june 2021โฆ
Fei: ยฟImagรญnate ser vendido a tu peor enemigo por el hombre que alguna vez amaste? Imagรญnate sentirte humillado y sentir que no vales nada. Imagรญnate que tu libertad fue arrebatada,Por el hombre que odias. ยฟQue hice yo para merecer esto?,ยฟSer tan ingenuo?. Mikhail Arvatrov: Yo estaba claramente obsesionado ,Mi obsesiรณn es terriblemente enfermiza por ese hombre y estaba dispuesto a destruirlo para Yo ser su salvaciรณn cuando me necesitaba. ยฟEstoy loco? Por lo รบnico que estoy loco,Es por ese hombre ,Lu Fei.โฆ
We all know the movies and... Well, most fans kinda hate them (me included)... so, I chose to do a Dream Cast of my own. Enjoy!I own nothing.โฆ
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Deux grands hommes dont au premier abord tout oppose, se font face lors de dรฉbats enflammรฉs. Cette ardeur les mรจnera-t-il ร crรฉer autre chose que de la simple sympathie diplomatique?โฆ
"You got the attention from a santo" another oscar diaz fanfic woahhI dont own on my block but the ideas in this book that arent in the show are mine. So dont be a mf copycat. This book doesnt follow the shows plot.completed: 1/25/21โฆ
On the verge of her debut, she unexpectedly died. When she woke up, she had transmigrated into a first-tier female celebrity! With plenty of scandals and poor public opinion, her career was beyond saving.She thought the original owner was rich, so she might as well enjoy a lifetime of luxury. But it turned out there were only five digits left in her account... Having endured the cruelty of society in her previous life, she hadn't caught a break in this one either. Not wanting to put in effort anymore, she took a laissez-faire approach on shows, never fighting for attention. But unexpectedly, she became hugely popular!?PS. I DO NOT OWN THIS STORYโฆ
Plongez au cลur de la Forรชt pour ce deuxiรจme numรฉro !โฆ
โณ i don't remember it all,but i know that i wasinvincible like the heroesin the cartoons. savinglives through my living room.( fem! oc x reyna avila r-a )( tlh - boo au )( 7/15/22 - 10/31/22 )ยฉ maybel ( .pipermcgay )โฆ
when nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life.luckily for her it did, in the form of a curly chestnut haired british boy.so say yes.โฆ
Book cover by @kingmarquez93This is a book of MotoGP one shots compiled from my brain as well as requests on here as well as tumblrโฆ