playboy issues | jimin ✓

playboy issues | jimin ✓

198,950 15,068 37

Нэг л өдөр чамайг өмнө нь огтхон ч анзаардаггүй байсан сургуулийн алдартай хөвгүүн чамд үерхлийн санал тавьбал яах вэ?started: 06/28/18finished: 02/02/19…

unexpected relationship | yoongi ✓

unexpected relationship | yoongi ✓

54,405 5,003 23

"юу гээч Иранаа, анхны хайр хэзээ ч бүтдэггүй юм. Тэглээ ч би чамайг хэн нэгэнтэй үерхэхийг зүгээр хараад суухгүй. Гэхдээ битгий санаа зовдоо. Жин угаасаа минийх" гэж хэлээд гараад явчихав. "новш. Юнги л биш шүү.."…

be mine | donghyuck ✓

be mine | donghyuck ✓

27,240 4,450 22

[Crush series 2 - Lee Donghyuck]И Дунхёг. Тэр бол энэ дэлхий дээр байж болох хамгийн ядаргаатай хөвгүүн!…

cold white fade | taehyun ✓

cold white fade | taehyun ✓

16,744 2,938 19

Кан Тэхён ямар ч сэтгэл хөдлөл мэдэрдэггүй. [Book one of the Young Dream series]…

misty | yeonjun ✓

misty | yeonjun ✓

40,415 7,484 45

Чуи Ёнжүн хэзээ ч эрүүл байгаагүй. [Book two of the Young Dream series]…

Brock Lesner's Sister

Brock Lesner's Sister

98,879 1,304 9

When superstars and Divas hear Candice Lesner name the first thing they think is brutal, beautiful, unstoppable, and a legend. She fought superstars and divas in and out of the ring. She was unstoppable until her last match against Triple H. They were friends and was in DX with Shawn Michaels but then he betrayed her and it was a rival with these two. They fought in steel cage matches, ladders tables and chairs matches, etc. But in the final fight in Hell In A Cell when she jumped of the cell and elbowed Triple H getting the win. But her shoulder was dislocated and had a neck injury. And she hasn't been seen since. Until she got a call from Vince and Shane McMahon.…



1,710 24 12

This is the first ff i made back then when I liked K-Popso please bear with me.-author…

Right By My Side (Zayn Malik fan fiction)

Right By My Side (Zayn Malik fan fiction)

19,099 593 19

Brooke Clarkson didn't have a normal life. She was bullied by the one and only Zayn Malik who is Mr. popular at school and she is abused by her father. Zayn finds out about her home life and wants to be right by her side. She may have lost someone she loved but is Zayn going to replace her broken heart?…

koi no yokan | jaywon

koi no yokan | jaywon

1,044 249 12

Хэн нэгнийг анх хараад, 'би энэ хүнд гарцаагүй дурлах байх' гэж мэдэрч байсан уу?…

Beyond the Bell

Beyond the Bell

1,651 46 10

Four Juniors who have never properly met are forced together with a group project that will determine the majority of their second-semester grade. As their acquaintanceship grows stronger, they quickly start to consider each other friends, which could possibly turn into more.…



23,467 323 38

[involved sns accounts (ig, twitter, blog) , text messages, and phone calls]in which Cody Saintgnue was casted as Brett Talbot in Teen Wolf and met Elliah Storm, her co-star in the serial. Elliah was formerly Cody Christian's lover but they broke up a year before the three of them were casted in the serial together.what if Elli suddenly have to act together with Cody Christian and also Saintgnue?-----PlaylistI like me better- LauvMercy - Shawn MendesRoses - Shawn MendesRaise your glass - PinkAir - Shawn MendesSober - Guy SebastianNo Air - Jordin SparksUp All Night- Charlie PuthDrink Driving- Guy SebastianStay- Zedd; Alessia CaraArt of Love - Guy SebastianLove Myself- Hailee StainfeldLove Yourself - Justin Bieber-------…

risen | jeno [on hiatus]

risen | jeno [on hiatus]

22,598 3,392 25

Пак Жихүг Америкаас ирэх үед түүний дүү өмнөх шигээ байхаа больсон байв. Түүний бүх зүйлээ ярилцдаг, сайн найзаас ч илүү гэмээр дотно байсан дүү нь түүнийг ирэх үед хүйтэн хөндий нэгэн болж өөрчлөгдсөн байлаа.…

Daddy (Harry Styles)

Daddy (Harry Styles)

247,965 3,260 15

"Why don't you call me Daddy."…

blue orangeade | yeonbin

blue orangeade | yeonbin

6,414 1,379 16

❝Чи улаан сарнай бас цэнхэр далайд дуртай. Харин би хөх ягаанд❞Сургуулийн шилдэг сурагч, хатуу чанга зан араншинтай Чуи Сүбин болон үргэлж хэрэг төвөг тарьж явдаг, сургуулийн ганц асуудал үүсгэгч Чуи Ёнжүн. Тэд яг л соронзны эсрэг туйлууд шиг. Соронзны эсрэг туйлууд таталцдагтай адил тэс өөр зан араншинтай, эсрэг тэсрэг тэд ч бас хоорондоо таталцах болов уу?…

Return to Pepperland

Return to Pepperland

339 33 16

5 teenagers by the names of Cobalt, Carmen, Midnight, Dawn, and Frederica visit Pepperland again to revisit some old memories. But problems arise when the Blue Meanies attack Pepperland once again, with some new plans up their sleeves. But Cobalt and Carmen can't be caught by the Chief Blue Meanie.Warning: A bit of swearing in this story…

friends | jeno

friends | jeno

16,452 3,175 25

[Crush series 3 - Lee Jeno]"We were both friends, but we fell in different kind of love. He loves me as a friend, but i love him more than that."…

The Ultimate Jokebook

The Ultimate Jokebook

7,069 358 29

Finally, we have got an english jokebook full of really funny jokes.Here You will get different types of jokes according to your taste. So let's get started for fun riding of jokes…

Words I'll Never Say

Words I'll Never Say

27,781 2,554 106

What's left unsaid will kill you.Welcome to the troubled mind and wounded heart of your little writer.+ Quotes + Songs of The Day +My favourite parts are marked with ♥Enjoy the reading!…

2002 || Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley Story

2002 || Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley Story

8,754 124 6

This is a story, Inspired by a series of fanarts by Blvnk (@potterbyblvnk on Instagram and Pinterest)----The plots and cannon are taken from the arts. I don't own any of the arts.---everything else are owned by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.----It might be clichè but it's true.Harry suffered from the guilt of all the fallen heroes from the war.He woke up almost every night upon the screams lingering over his ears.He never forgave himself for those fallen friends and family of his. He felt really guilty, especially for Teddy and George. Teddy was his godson, he lost his parents in that war. George was like an older brother to him and so was Fred. Fred was killed by a death eater during the war. Harry blamed himself upon the death of Fred.Ginny helped Harry walk through these torments and face reality. She helped him to settle down for a new page of life.2002, Where it all started all over again. 2002, Where Harry and Ginny promised each other They would never let their children grow up without the loving kindness of their parents.2002. Where Harry grows deeper in love with Ginny.-----the cover is also by the same artist. not by me.…

Henry Danger The Musical (Henry Hart x Reader)

Henry Danger The Musical (Henry Hart x Reader)

195 8 5

Aroura Dunlop (reader) is Jasper's sister and is Henry and Charlotte's bsf, Frankini caused a Musical Curse over Swellveiw And y'all try to stop him…