The Mansion of Experiments

The Mansion of Experiments

34 0 1

This story is made by me (@VAMP_DEMONN) On twitter ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ…



108 8 2

I'm not gonna drop my identity out. I'm staying anonymous :)-- oneshots of bugdel and delbug screw you del for not admitting your gay and that's the reason I'm writing this shitDon't even tell del about this I'll get killed but anyways enjoy + I fell on the bathroom while writing.still on going.…

Stuck in the wild, an alexandrite story

Stuck in the wild, an alexandrite story

32 1 1

Alex was once a wolf, but she was turned into a human, something she despised, she went back to her old home and found out she had turned back into a wolf, she was filled with joy, but would she ever be able to go back to her old life? Or will she forever be.. stuck in the wild.…

Joden's journal

Joden's journal

22 1 3

Joden (me) has been a figure least known in the internet, he's known in discord as the Jyushi enjoyer, the fellow who squeals at the mentions of Jyushi, but never has he ever presented myself as just on other sites. Well, here he is! Hi I'm JOdfen1!…

The Gryffindor who loved the Slytherin

The Gryffindor who loved the Slytherin

1 0 1

She was always shy and never actually talked she always the outsider and odd one out and they all ignored her... she was a ghost to them until he came along and started to notice... her…

Ghostly Reminder

Ghostly Reminder

245 0 19

Why would somone wish to wake up with amnesia. You forget the things you learned,and you start over just waiting to be hurt again.…

Grace Vs. Karma

Grace Vs. Karma

8 0 1

How does the Christian doctrine of GRACE compare to the Hindu doctrine of KARMA? Read More...…

In the dark manor
High School Role Play -- The Role Players

High School Role Play -- The Role Players

2,906 50 145

Welcome to the special Role player edition!!! Here I have decided to compile all your OCs into one place, each has their own chapter s owe can browse all we want!!!If there is one asterix (*) next to your name it means you have not yet been tagged properly, if there are two astrixes(?) (**) by your name it means that you have not got a valid username, please contact us if you see this on your OC.Please comment your name, or something on your OCs chapter, this means that if you deactivate, or change your name, I will know and be able to adjust the information accordingly, it's much easier! THANKS!…

Gifts To The Universe, With Love

Gifts To The Universe, With Love

25 1 11

Spiritual visions and parables to enrich ones journey through life. Come, drink from the fountain and quench your thirst for wisdom and knowledge. Multi faith visions stemming from experiences in dimensions beyond the physical realm. Jesus, lift this collection to where it belongs .. With my life, I hope to reflect the glory and beauty of life and love... of you!…



363 22 4

Bliżej nieokreślona przyszłość. Po wielu wojnach, które wyczerpały pokłady energii i surowców, grupa Mędrców zdecydowała podzielić świat na 23, zupełnie niezależne od siebie, otoczone wysokimi murami wokół swych granic, państwa. Jedynymi pośrednikami w kontaktach mają być TŁUMACZE.Jo Flackwood to osiemnastoletnia obywatelka zjednoczonego państwa Brytanii. Pragnie zostać medykiem i pomagać w walce z jedynym żywiołem, którego nie udało się okiełznać - śmiertelnym chorobom. Jej losy krzyżują jednak nadzwyczajne zdolności językowe. Czy poradzi sobie z przeznaczeniem?/opowiadanie w pełni autorskie, rozdziały dodawane będą umiarkowanie, w miarę postępu i weny twórczej :)…