I'll Leave You Words

I'll Leave You Words

29,866 980 27

❝There is a fine line between love and lust. So tell me, Theodore, on which side is it you stand?❞ - in which Judith Almeida falls helplessly for the one she proclaims to hate most(Fem oc x Theodore Laurence)(Little Women)…

✓ | Wonderland ~ Theodore Laurence

✓ | Wonderland ~ Theodore Laurence

63,311 1,808 28

"We found Wonderland..."Delia Acker has never been outside of her hometown in New Hampshire but when her mother brings her an opportunity to journey out into the "real world", she takes a suitcase with her to Concord, Massachusetts. And that's where she meets Theodore "Laurie" Laurence... and together they get lost in Wonderland.( theodore laurence x fem!oc ) cover by @guccistarks !…

The Fake Girlfriend Pact

The Fake Girlfriend Pact

1,992 55 11

Lauren had followed her boyfriend Dylan to Uni just to find out that the dickhead of a boyfriend cheated on her and probably had been for their entire relationship. Even when Lauren finally broke it off, Dylan wouldn't leave her alone. So Lauren found herself at a frat party begging a beautiful stranger with brown eyes to pretend to be her girlfriend... Purely fictional!!!!____________________________________This story is converted from a Larry fanfic called Fake Boyfriend by the great author itstilliswhatitis, so if you're interested go check out their story.It still has some slight changes to fit the story better, but for the most part its the same. All rights go to the original author. Hope you enjoy:)))…

The love of his life (Lauriver)

The love of his life (Lauriver)

23,118 511 22

Oliver and Felicity are deeply in love, they are engaged and excited about their future. But the truth comes out revealing Oliver's secret and causes conflicts between him and Felicity. Felicity never stopped loving him but they still broke up. Oliver realizes he has been distant with some people and decides to let them in, one of those people being his ex-girlfriend Laurel Lance. He discovers he misses feeling the way Laurel made him feel. Felicity isn't planning on letting him go and fights for the man she loves. For the love of her life. But the question is, is she the love of his life?ARROW spoilers season 1-5 Characters belong to CW's Arrow and D.C. comics (It starts off after 4x15 when Oliver and Felicity talk and decide their fate as a couple, in other words they break up) No hate towards any ship nor character. This will be exploring Oliver's relationship with both Laurel and Felicity and how he finally comes to know who truly is the love of his life. This could also count as a rewrite to season 4 since I am not really happy of what happened that season. Everything that happened before 4x15 is the same.…

Arrow to the Heart {1}

Arrow to the Heart {1}

3,048 55 24

Lydia Joanna Lance is the adopted daughter of Quentin and Dinah Lance. The Lance's adopted Lydia when she was 7 years old because after Laurel and Sara, they wanted more kids but Dinah couldn't so they adopted. Laurel and Sara were very happy to have a younger sister to protect and love. Around that age, Lydia befriended two boys named Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn and they became the best of friends. Lydia joked they were like the golden trio. As Lydia grew up, she became really smart and excelled in all her classes. Lydia was one of the smartest people in her class, that she got accepted to MIT. During high school, Lydia and Oliver fell in love with each and they couldn't be happier. Then, Lydia was sadden by the news of Oliver and Robert Queen being dead an also finding out her older sister Sara was also on the boat and was in a secret relationship with Oliver. Lydia was angry and sad at the same time. A few months later, Dinah Lance leaves her family and Lydia grows depressed. Months later, Lydia moved on from Oliver and found someone who loved her, but then he passed away and Lydia couldn't take much more pain, so she dropped out of MIT and went to law school with Laurel. During her studies, on the outside Lydia showed a fake smile around people, but on the inside she was struggling with her emotions. Laurel had to step up because she knew her sister was hurting and one day Laurel saved her sister from killing herself. Laurel promises herself that she will do everything she can to keep Lydia happy. After 5 years, Oliver Queen is back, but is not the same Oliver that Lydia once knew. Lydia's feelings for Oliver return, but then someone close to her catches feelings for her and she made the choice of choosing him, her best friend Tommy over Oliver and she hopes to not get hurt again. Following Lydia's journey with balancing work, friends, a new relationship and working with a somewhat new hero in town that has Lydia curious as to who the masked vigilante is.…

Stronger Than Us (Camren)

Stronger Than Us (Camren)

47,214 1,811 32

Camila and Lauren have finally found each other again after many years. Lauren is a WNBA star and Camila is a successful sports medicine doctor. However, something or someone unexpectedly threatens their relationship. Will they be able to overcome this overbearing obstacle that enters their newly found happiness?Can love be stronger than your own weakness and faults? This is the third story after "The bet on Camila" and "Lauren's Choice"***Authorized Conversion***The rights and credits to this story, belongs to the one and only: Lady D. She kindly allowed me to adapt her story. U can find more stories from her on: fanfiction.net by "LEIDEE D" username.. And at the website: academyofbards.org…

Half a Heart

Half a Heart

749 17 7

"If there are no ups and downs in your life, it means you're dead."•Isabelle Moon is, plainly put, a billionaire. A billionaire whose parents were the richest in town. Being an only child, she has been pampered and spoiled with money, gifts, clothes and anything a teenager wants. But when Isabelle's parents meet in a tragic accident, it's up to sixteen-year-old Isabelle to run the company that once used to be her parents'. Ryder Cunning, on the other hand, is competition. His parents were always second most rich, second best, second in everything when it came to comparison with the Moons. The twist? The Moons and the Cunnings were best of friends with decades of history. But Ryder isn't going to accept the second position, and when his parents meet in a tragic accident with the Moons, his only goal is to overthrow their daughter, Isabelle.Zack Cunning is Ryder's twin. Born merely a few minutes apart, Zack is the younger brother in the family. Ryder and Isabelle may not be on the best terms, but that says nothing about her relationship with Zack. His relationship with Isabelle can only be portrayed in one word. Close-knit. Seems like a love triangle, but is it?*This is NOT a mature book, and it NEVER will be. The max you'll find in this is a kiss. So, if you're looking for a mature book with a billionaire, this ain't it. The only reason they are billionaires is because of the plot.*…

Ring of Fire {John Laurens x Reader}(Completed)

Ring of Fire {John Laurens x Reader}(Completed)

77,862 2,179 22

(John Laurens x reader)(completed)---"Tell me, why are you wearing high heels this early in arrival's week?""To piss John off." She answered. "It annoys him when I strut in and clank my heels as loud as I humanly can.""Freshmen year at Legacy, we're already going to experience the L/N - Laurens relationship, good luck teachers.""Hey, I'm not that bad, Laurens is.""Keep telling yourself that." {Ring Of Fire}Best ranking:#1 in laurensxreader 18/09/20…

LOVE & SECRETS ( Alison DiLaurentis story )

LOVE & SECRETS ( Alison DiLaurentis story )

2,157 98 41

Nova DiLaurentis 16, moves with her mother (Alison DiLaurentis ) and brother ( Braxton DiLaurentis ) to Montgomery Alabama for a fresh start.But as time go on secrets, lies, and betrayal starts to happen. Especially when someone from her mothers past moves into the same city.**********I enjoyed and love watching the hit tv show pretty little liars and decided to do my own little spin off with it. Which fast forward Alison DiLaurentis to adulthood and she now have children and A taunts them. * * * I DO NOT OWN any rights to pretty little liars, all rights are reserved to ABC family, pretty little liars, and the book author herself Sara Shepard. * * *…

In a open relationship

In a open relationship

23,254 509 40

In an open relationship is a story about a young adult- Lauren who married the world's most amazing husband However "Things aren't always what they seem" and Lauren's life is a true example of this popular quote .She married her best friend Ethan out of desperation , who went from being the most gentlest being to a literal monster in Lauren's eyes .Ethan Price is the sexy billionaire heartthrob every woman dreams of having ,he owns Price oils which is the country's second leading oil company, in the public's eye he is the world's best husband behind closed doors he's something else , he never misses a chance to embarrass and belittle his wife because "she seperated him from the love of his life "- well at least that's what Lauren thought whilst the truth is more twisted and complex , his attitude and hatred towards her is for a completely different reason ., the truth surfaces when he learns that she is falling for someone else.Please read till the end but be warned this book is unedited and bare in mind English is not my first language 🙏 so please forgive me on that part. Enjoy reading.…

We're Just Friends

We're Just Friends

5,095 127 14

Lauren and some of Team StarKid are going camping for the week. Lauren's current relationship is on the rocks, and both Lauren and Joey are fighting feelings they don't think they should have. Can a week away from the rest of the world allow them to be open with the way they do feel towards each other?Highest Ranks:#1 joeyrichter#2 starkid#5 richpez#17 laurenlopez…

The iPhone Charger ≫≫ Camren AU (#wattys2016)

The iPhone Charger ≫≫ Camren AU (#wattys2016)

75,753 1,412 16

Camren mini fanfication (Lauren G!P)Camila cabello was broken when she got on the plan to NY. When she got off him she felt a lot more better after meeting Lauren jauregui. The two had an instant klick but they doesn't have a lot of luck with each others so they finding this hard to be close. A part of Camila's heart was still stuck with shawn in Miami and the other one tried to understand what's happening. Lauren's heart its another problem. So i the end of the day they having a lot of random shit on the way while trying to understand what's going on. -The story including other bands members/musicians but its a fifth harmony fanfic. If u have problems with some of the people don't say bad stuff about them please, bc I don't wanna hear if u don't like the character that's alright some of them meant to be the "bad guys" so thats normal.…

The Web I Spin for You ~ Richpez & Rosenwalker

The Web I Spin for You ~ Richpez & Rosenwalker

5,509 337 60

Sequel to Monsters and Men, read that first!Joey and Lauren helped Joe escape his abusive relationship with Zoey Chambers and come to terms with his feelings for Brian. In the process, Joey won over Lauren's affection, but Lauren is determined not to let anything stand in her way of getting out of Hatchetfield. Will Joey and Lauren get their happy ending? Can Joe move on from the trauma of his previous relationship and be with Brian, or does the Latte Hatte still have some toxic tricks up her sleeve?Rated T for toxic relationships, swearing, anxiety, violence, and angst.COMPLETE💙 check out my oneshot book Starkid oneshots maybe? for more!…

I Would Find You In Any Lifetime.

I Would Find You In Any Lifetime.

13,563 485 30

Taking a shot in the dark the Jauregui, Cabello, Hansen, Hamilton and Brooke parents uproot there girls to spend the summer in the Canadian wilderness, in hopes they will rekindle their friendship (maybe relationships too) and ground one another again. Is there plan to far fetched ? Will it work or will it back fire ?…

Us Against The World || Johnny Orlando

Us Against The World || Johnny Orlando

83,986 1,642 20

Emma Marie Rose was best friends with Johnny Orlando, Lauren Orlando, Hayden Summerall, Ruby, Nadia Turner, Carson Lueders, etc. But Emma really had a special connection with Johnny and Lauren ever since they were three.Now, because school is finally over, the Orlando family decided it would be nice to have a 2 week vacation back to their home town Toronto, Canada. Because Johnny and Lauren are so very kind to their friends, they invited Emma and Hayden to their little vacation.Will new relationships blossom or will they be best friends forever?LOTS OF GRAMMER AND STORYLINE MISTAKES! PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU FIND ANY!! ❤❤I don't own anything related to Johnny Orlando, Lauren Orlando, and Hayden Summerall.…

London Boy (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic)

London Boy (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic)

124,956 3,712 11

[Completed] A Tom Hiddleston fan fiction. [PG-13 for sexual themes and some adult language] Lauren goes on the biggest adventure of her life by moving to London where she later begins a relationship with her landlord who just so happens to be British actor Tom Hiddleston. But Lauren has a past and it just might catch up to her.…

Camren One Shots

Camren One Shots

75,300 1,119 31

Lol sorry for the crappy titlesBut um yeahA lot of these are sad because I tend to write when I'm angry or upset, soo just a warning. Some of them are based off events from my life. I, obviously, do not own Camila or Lauren or the other characters in here based off real-life people. Enjoy lol…

Back On Lian Yu

Back On Lian Yu

2,065 36 6

After Lian Yu was blown up,some of team Arrow and team Legends were brought back in time to 2016.Will they survive the island?(this story is probably rushed and feels very shit btw it was written by me when i was like 11)…