Before reading the little description let me explain how the chapters are divided. there are 3 main types.Normal Chapter:Pretty self explained there these follow the main storyExtra Chapters:Anything under this name are meant to be silly chapters and are not canon to the main storyline. these ones are meant solely for fun and being random just my messing around.Hidden Chapters:These are chapters that are canon to the main storyline they often explore a character's past or explain major events that happened in the past etc. Might just turn past events into their own separate whole book possibly.I hope any who read these stories get even a tiny bit of joy from them I am aware I am not perfect and not the best writer around and my stories are probably not much to run home about but I do get joy from writing them so I hope readers can get as much fun.This little storybook follows the stories of many different individuals. The story takes place in the land of Lagios which is filled with many different people and creatures. The protagonist of the story constantly changes and events are seen from different points of view as each character tries to solve a different problem on a different part of the continent. While each chapter is separate and most of the characters are doing their own thing pieces of the story do connect together and ultimately the thing that draws the cast together is unknowingly they are all fighting against the same major threat! Which has been unleashed on the continent by Aries.…