El  Chico Que  Se Sienta Frente A Mi.

El Chico Que Se Sienta Frente A Mi.

132 8 3

Alexander Carter Kara Scott. El chico que se sienta frente a mí, es amigable, serio, inteligente, atractivo y peligroso. Pero no hay nada que me impida conocerlo más, sí que lo hay, el no dejara que una chica común y corriente se le acerque. Kara, una chica de 19 años, ha conocido a quien podría ser el chico que se sienta frente a ella. Alexander, es su nombre, en un chico extraño. Demuestra sus sentimientos no demostrándolos, es una especie de contradicción. Él es el típico, ¿Me quiere o no me quiere? Una oscuridad llena de luz, un verano lleno de nieve. Ella no sabe si es el fin del otoño o el comienzo de la primavera. Es exactamente lo que ella llamaría un idiota. "-¡¿QUE ES LO QUE NO ENTIENDES?!-Grito molesto, tenía los puños tan apretados que sus nudillos estaban blancos.- ¡ENTIENDELO DE UNA BUENA MALDITA VEZ!-Volvió a gritarme, paso una mano por el pelo, tirando de él, y estoy completamente segura que se arrancó un buen mechón. -Alex...Yo...-Tartamudee con lágrimas en los ojos, pero la rabia se apodero de mi.- ¡TE ODIO MALDITO BASTARDO! ¡ENTIENDE TU!- El me miro totalmente sorprendido, le apunte con un dedo-Te metiste con ella antes de nuestra cita-Susurre alejándome de él, sabía cuál era mi expresión. Dolor. Tristeza. Decepción.- ¡TE ACOSTASTE CON ELLA UNAS HORAS ANTES DE HACERLO POR PRIMERA VEZ CONMIGO! Estaba destrozada, y no quería que él me viera de esa manera. Tomo mi brazo y me jalo para apretarme en su pecho, las lágrimas resbalaban por mis mejillas pero no intentaba detenerlas. Nunca antes me había abrazado de esa manera. Como si fuese la última vez que lo haría. Era reconfortante pero cruel a la vez. -Lo siento, Kara...-Susurro, si pues yo también lo sentía. Era totalmente doloroso saber que todo lo que temía era verdad. El seguía queriéndola más que a mí. "…



29 3 1

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.-Albert EinsteinThe woods are lovely at night, I wish I could stay. My dress is covered in mud, and there are wolves who come close to the village as the sun leaves the sky. I run out of the forest at the thought of wolves, entering the pumpkin patch. Each of the green pumpkins are the size of my head. I speed through the rest of the pumpkin patch and towards the little brown house. The door screeches like a dragon, probably waking up Maire, my younger sister. I tiptoe into the house to see Papa sitting at the table."Orlaith, I told you not to be back so late." The floor is suddenly captivating. "Sorry, Papa. I could not help myself; the forest is magical at night. I wanted to see a faerie!" I smile wide at him, hoping that he is not angry. "All right, but this is the last time." He winks at me and looks down at his huge book. I hug him, say goodnight, and walk to my bedroom. I tiptoe across the room since Maire asleep. After pulling off my muddy dress, I slip into my white nightgown and into bed. As I fall asleep, I think of the cave I saw in the woods today that I am forbidden to explore.Credits for this photo goes to Caspargirl on Flickr. I made changes to the photo. (I think I'm doing this right)https://www.flickr.com/photos/caspargirl/8727918954/in/photolist-eifSeh-8a8Wko-dqErJy-dqF1cr-97VQB2-hmDzWt-nfU6pn-atsgRK-ssejtt-atv6hS-eiX2sg-atuUcq-dqEw81-aRvjTV-dqESF9-dqEheX-c2uPnS-dqEq3X-dqECk2-atv47N-7Q4GWt-dqEnTb-dqEstx-dqEKyo-atsjoD-atuSVo-ege7at-dGwaWc-dqED1j-atuL9s-atuQPw-dqEqhJ-dDKzNo-8SoxLz-G9PKdp-dHdkf4-9DyBj3-dptBmX-dmuXda-5KYrC6-83yK2N-8MnAUG-ng4MYM-cFTEKj-dqECiC-9maZ9v-zH5GVa-h8sac8-gZTcCD-dqFbzYhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/…

My Lil' ArtBook 5!

My Lil' ArtBook 5!

11,562 818 197

Imma add a small disclaimer thing here? Just to let some people know, in this artbook, there's gonna be:-OC's/ Original Characters:I like to make Original Characters. However I'd prefer if you all didn't hate on them. As weird as this kinda is, each OC I have resembles me in some way, be it the personality, thoughts/Opinions or just how they came to be the people they are ^^ So please respect that!! -Fanart:Fanart is a piece of art for a fandom. Be it a web series, YouTube fan base, TV show or anything like that!! If I make art in anyway that relates to a certain fandom you don't like, please don't tell me what fandom I should make art for. I do Fanart for my own entertainment and I don't appreciate any negativity towards that, thanks! ^^-Base Edits/ References to Bases:These will be really frequent. I like base edits because it helps with poses or if it helps me to toy with upcoming OC Designs...Or just with artblock. If you don't like base edits, then you probably won't like...like 70% of this artbook ;-; -RAD/Random Art Dumps:These will happen a bit ^^ I try to ask friends to look for Fanart that others have made so I can show it all off! I usually add small roleplays under the pictures!! I've been bad at giving credit where it's due because my friends never tell me where the pictures are from, however. I'll make sure to try my best to give credit!! ^^ I also never take credit unless I deserve it, meaning if there's a picture that hasn't been credited, I won't say it's mine or anything like that, it's just pointless and I'm not a big fan of lying .-. All of that out of the way, I hope you like my artbook..!!See ya later bunnies~!Baiiiiiiiii~~!-AprilXx…

Bub' s Art Trash 2

Bub' s Art Trash 2

3,191 668 77

Let's try this again!The title speaks for itself.~ Bub =)…

Study Guide

Study Guide

444 0 23

The word boycott derives from the surname of a/an A. infamous hangman. B. famous French hairdresser. C. English land agent employed in Ireland. D. American women’s rights activist. www.InstantAnswerPlace.comDIRECT LINK TO THIS STUDY GUIDE:http://www.instantanswerplace.com/word-boycott-derives-surname-aan-infamous-hangman-b-famous-french-hairdresser-c-english-land-agent-employed-ireland-d-american-womens-rights-activist/ Instantly Download! Get Better Grades in Less Time! DESCRIPTION FOR THIS STUDY GUIDE:The word boycott derives from the surname of a/anA. infamous hangman.B. famous French hairdresser.C. English land agent employed in Ireland.D. American women’s rights activist. ANSWERS: Please log in. Register a new account and receive 7 free credits!…

smoke away [ Taekook ff ]

smoke away [ Taekook ff ]

152 16 2

" 𝐈 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤'𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 , 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞'𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐲"Meeting someone unexpectedly or think you have met them unexpectedly but in actual it's not so unexpectedly maybe its all planned ......Or maybe not Story : smoke away TOP - JKBOTT- TAE warnings ☠️🖐️obsessionobsessive behavior stalking non - con I REPEAT NON-CON smokingpossessive age gapDramatic af Depression…