Kleopatra: A Racer With A Dream

Kleopatra: A Racer With A Dream

4,931 235 13

Kleo, the best racer in the whole world and is thought to be a man goes to Jasper, Nevada and goes into some street races and meets a Decepticon named Knockout. Who starts stocking her after he find out that he is actually a she after she wipes out in a street race.…

Just a dream, or not? (Bill Kaulitz Love Story)

Just a dream, or not? (Bill Kaulitz Love Story)

53,122 922 18

Elina is a teenager, living in Canada, going to an ordinary High School and loving Tokio Hotel.Bill Kaulitz is the frontman of a popular, german band; Tokio Hotel.What happens when Bill and his twin brother, Tom decide to go back to school and attend classes with all the other students?What happens when Elina meets them?Is there a chance for her to talk to Bill and become friends? And after all, is the friendship going to turn into love?Can things be so nice, or is it so good to be true?…

red roses • hemmings

red roses • hemmings

17,178 1,323 16

❝takie banalne, a znaczyły więcej niż jakikolwiek inny gest.❞ ~*~[zakończone ✔] [short story] © text and cover by xrainbow_007x (2016)…

stay with me • hemmings

stay with me • hemmings

149,570 11,738 68

Ona nie ma nic.On ma wszystko.Co jeśli On założy się z przyjacielem, o to, że zaciągnie Ją do łóżka, a po drodze poczuje do niej coś prawdziwego? ~*~[zakończone ✔] [book one] [inspirowane serią Heartland] © text, cover and trailer by xrainbow_007x (2015)…

Living With The Playboy

Living With The Playboy

515,238 13,619 35

A teenager's fiction describing the life and the feelings of a young adolescent.Matilda is a typical girl living with her parents. What happens when she moves to California? Is that forever?Jake is a common playboy playing around several girls.What if the playboy falls for a girl below his standards? What if a smart girl falls for an arrogant guy?…

Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract

41,445 762 19

Bilbo, a hobbit find Kleopatra, a 3 year old human Ice Dragon outside of his door and takes her in. She is now 16 and many things happen and a certain Fire Dragon falls for her, will she feel the same or not. Read to find out.…

The queen of hell

The queen of hell

20 4 5

What happend when an angel fell in love with the devil?A heart warimng story about a forbitten love…

The Smell of Lilies

The Smell of Lilies

5,184 295 28

Lost in Chicago, cold and numb, Kel sits at a bar with her self-pity. She replays the last 16 hours in her head over and over again and thinks, why me? All she really wants right now is for someone to find her. Anybody. And as fate has it, her wish comes true. Even if it isn't ideal or expected.Brandon knows Chicago like the back of his hand. It's his city. It's where he can be himself, even if he has turned into something like a jackass. But that isn't entirely his fault.Perhaps they can look past each other's broken life? And just maybe, they can heal each other...…



35,779 902 6

ELITE noun:a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities and as having the most power and influence in a society, especially on account of their wealth or privilege.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"What do you love more than money?""Power."The ELITE; glamorous , affluent and rich. Everyone has two beautifully sculptured faces -one they show to the world and one they show to themselves. In a world where money buys all and the only things more precious than Cartier and Tom Ford is secrets.What would the ELITE of Ruhm Preparatory Academy do to keep their skeletons locked in the cupboard and six feet under?…

Brennen Taylor Imagines

Brennen Taylor Imagines

12,606 180 8

If you want me to write imagine special for you, comment your name, eye colour, your favorite song or artist, what you love mostly about Brennen , situation :)…

Celebrities Stalker

Celebrities Stalker

9,741 224 32

Info about many celebs! Check out! Justin Bieber, One Direction, Paramore, Avril Lavigne and many others.OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!THIS STORY IS IN THE HOT LIST RANDOM #550!!! :D THAAAAANKS*___*…

mistake • tomlinson

mistake • tomlinson

943 78 17

❝był wielką porażką, którą zdążyłam pokochać w tak krótkim czasie.❞Związek Alex i Louisa był bardzo burzliwy. Ciągle się kłócili, a nawet przeszkadzali sobie nawzajem. Blondynka starała się przemówić Tomlinsonowi za wszelką cenę do rozsądku, a on miał to gdzieś i zawsze potem wracał z podkulonym ogonem. Nigdy jednak nie zostawił narkotyków w spokoju. Więc czy pomimo tylu wzlotów i upadków dostaną jeszcze szansę od losu na wspólną przyszłość?~*~[trwające] [dedykowane @mylouispony] [slow udpates]© text and cover by xrainbow_007x (2019/20)…

Transformers: The Life Story of Six Cybertronians

Transformers: The Life Story of Six Cybertronians

388 20 3

The life of six Techno-organics that live through things that you would dream about. It has movies like Eight Legged Freaks, Anacondas, all the Transformers movies, etc. It also has shows like Transformers Prime, The Walking Dead, Transformers Animated, etc. The Techno-organics in the story go on adventures you wish you could do. Will the wars end or not and will they survive. Read to find out.…

Desert Winds

Desert Winds

1,687 276 4

"I will live to see the next dawn, I promise you that."----------------------------------------------------------The streets of Nejemard are overflown with the crimson blood of their daughters. Fahsiad , Caliph of Nejemard has condemned the death of a thousand women under his blood lust.Where a thousand have died can one assassin live and unravel the secrets and deception of the kingdom?1001 Arabian Nights Re-telling…

The Heist of Ashes

The Heist of Ashes

309 22 10

Every year for the last decade Ashether, the Kingdom of Ashes, celebrated the memory of those who died for its freedom. Every year for the last decade the Festival of the Dead brought together the four Kingdoms of the Royal Lands to remember the souls that sacrificed themselves for freedom. Every year for the last decade everything went according to plan. Until the 10th year. What happens when you put a group of low rank thieves with a leader way too cocky for his own good together with a smart-like-a-fox woman who dreams big as they all try to steal their way to riches and luxury? But said heist is not the curtain call of the night. For there are some who side-eye Ashether's freedom and its Queen. And they have been looking forward for the Festival of the Dead for reasons that differ from those you would imagine. So what do you believe will happen when that very group of thieves find themselves tangled in a political matter that has nothing to do with their original cause?…



603 150 37

"ONCE UPON A TIME!" Every princess story starts with a lie but mine starts with RULES! I break the rules and I try not to be caught breaking them... DEAR DIARY! Princess Sultan writes... Kleopatra Sultan was the princess of King Horus Sultan and Queen Hatsheput Sultan in the kingdom of Egypt. The Princess is given two choices, marry the lieutenant commander or remain in the palace for the rest of her life. Kleopatra is an ambitious girl, she dreams of becoming the queen and ruler of Egypt, but her fate puts her on the path of a Prince.…

Random Asterix Fanfics I Make

Random Asterix Fanfics I Make

4,229 97 43

Something I decided to do!I don't not own any of these pictures (except mine)!…

Korzenie feminizmu |One shot|

Korzenie feminizmu |One shot|

40 8 1

W koszyku dostarczono jej truciznę -żołdacy Oktawiana strzegący drzwi do jej komnaty nie potrafili jej powstrzymać. A może w rzeczywistości nie miał tego w planach -może chęć zaprezentowania jej w tryumfie jako kolejnej, bezwolnej ofiary była jedynie pozoracją, może jednak wciąż się jej obawiał. Uśmiechnęła się do swego wyroku, do swych myśli, które pozwalały jej wierzyć, że choć przegrała walkę o utrzymanie królestwa, Oktawian miał świadomość jej potęgi, że musiał uszanować ją jako wroga -tak jak ten głupi krzykacz Cycero, którego oczy zamknęli siepacze Antoniusza. „Nie martw się" mówiła sobie biorąc fiolkę do rąk „Nie martw się Oktawianie, nawet ty nie będziesz żył wiecznie". A jeśli nawet o Cezarze, to ona egipska królowa, Kleopatra, kobieta będzie zawsze towarzyszyła twojej legendzie, legendzie Cezara i oczywiście Antoniusza. Nieważne jaką niechęcią darzysz kobiety Oktawianie, ona nie jest jedną z kobiet, które znasz. Oktawia, siostra twa szlachetna bladolica upokorzyła się przed Antoniuszem, który ją porzucił -Kleopatra w worku uciekała z pałacu. Oktawia mimo desperacji przegrała swój pojedynek, Kleopatra VII, córka Auletesa, stała się godną, jeszcze świetniejszą gwiazdą na aleksandryjskim firmamencie, najpotężniejszą kobietą i najbogatszych człowiekiem, którym nikt nie mógł pogardzić -nawet ty Oktawianie. I gdzie twa umoralniająca polityka? Kradniesz dziś kobiece złoto, czy to nie godne pogardy? Choć jeśli je kradniesz musisz je również doceniać i szanować czyż nie, Oktawianie? A to tak wiele dla kobiety, która winna być przywiązana do domu i łoża, jak twa tkająca Liwia... Ale jednak przekrzyczałeś nieszczęsną kobietę. Czyż nie stała się dzięki twemu dłutu pierwszą czarownicę, na zgubę wiodącą mężczyzn. I teraz miała również umrzeć.…

My Brother's Bestfriend

My Brother's Bestfriend

202,749 5,181 17

Ashley is a typical shy girl that lives with her dad and her twin brother. Hunter is the typical bad boy and best friend of her brother. Will she fall for the bad boy? Will he fall for her either?…

Egyptian Hedgehogs

Egyptian Hedgehogs

3,171 115 15

200 years after the death of Cleopatra, four new kingdoms were made by Egyptian hedgehogs and it changed everything. No Hebrew slaves and no plagues. Four kingdoms were named after their Egyptian gods of Horus, Anubis, and Sekhmet, and Bastet.…