Soul Seal | THE KINGDOM FF ✅
Who condemned the kingdom ? Who saved the kingdom ? Or was the kingdom of sakura always destined to fall into darkness ? King Mujin once fell in love with who he thought to be a simple girl. One of the many that make up his people... Her name was Iseul. Jo Iseul.왕의 사랑이 그의 가장 큰 고통이었습니다. 결국, 그는 그의 왕국을 잃었습니다. 그림자를 막기 위해 감옥에 갇혔습니다. 어떻게 그럴 수 있죠? 왕국이 살기 위해 영혼을 봉인함으로써 말입니다. (The love of a King was his greatest pain. In the end, he lost his kingdom. Imprisoned in order to keep the shadows at bay. How does he do that ? By sealing his soul in order for the kingdom to live.)…