Tonight It's Pouring // KLANCE

Tonight It's Pouring // KLANCE

92 0 10

Keith was his rival, was the person he could tease, and was the person who gave him that sense of assurance.With him gone, Lance manages to remain smiling.The only difference now, was that with each night, his eyes became clouds and his tears became rain. His pillow was the puddle, drenched in tears.When will the soft pitter patter of rain become the red paladin's storms?[a Valentine's Day short story]*updates every Monday*…

Jay, the Blue Ninja's Blog

Jay, the Blue Ninja's Blog

12,375 746 64

Hi guys! Jay here! Nya said that I should write a blog about myself so here it is!I tell you guys all my secrets and my deepest feelings about the guys and the missions and Nya..... Anyway I hope you guys all enjoy it!So this blog is free from swear words and other gross thing that I don't feel like mentioning. And is all about our\my life. And I heard that Lloyd has a blog too. (Lloyd, the Green Ninja Blog #1) And (Lloyd, the Green Ninja Blog #2)And (Ninjago New Adventure) (by Alligat0rs) You should read them! A sneak peek at a chapter in my blog...*********Lloyd smiled as he grabbed the pair of sunglasses. He set them into the counter to pay. "Okay then, Jay pays!" I stared in shock at the green ninja. Did he just that I'm paying. Why is it always me!? "W-what!?" Zane glanced at me apologetically. "$250 Jay! Pay up!" Lloyd exclaimed. He thrusted his hand out wiggling his fingers waiting for money. Cole snorted then agreed with Lloyd. "Yeah, Jay pay up." Why did they pick on me so? I have to think of an accuse that I don't have my wallet. I know I'll say that I forgot it! "I forgot my wallet guys!" I patted my pant pockets for proof. Zane scanned me. "Yup, he has no wallet on him!" "SEE!" Wait a minute. I did have a wallet on me. Then where is it?Lloyd smiled. Oh, no!"I had a feeling you would say that," Lloyd announced. "Which is why...." He reaches out behind his back. "I took it!"THE NYA LOVER OUT!***************Enjoy your laughs.…

Something to Fight For (Naruto)

Something to Fight For (Naruto)

1,012,802 53,743 75

Years ago, a nine-tailed fox demon attacked the land, killing hundreds of Ninjas defending their villages. By sealing the fox demon and giving his life, the fourth Hokage was able to save the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire. The demon was sealed in one of two new-born twins, a boy and girl. The boy, who had the demon, was born first sealing his fate. The younger sister was taken moments after her birth by S-ranked criminals, as ransom, mistaking her for her brother. When they learned they had the wrong twin, they kept her to train as a servant.They named her Haruka.For 9 long years, they cruelly trained her, making her strong to do whatever they wished, never expecting her to learn of her origins, her brother, or to ever leave. Yet, one day she did.Formally called Guardian.And the amazing cover? Made by @IzayaKibaRyujiFREAK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay, just wanted to say something... I know this plot is probably the most cliché one, but I know that. I wanted to try and reinvent the cliché though. It will probably be different then you expect. It's kind of a test run for me, but I like how it's going. So please give it a chance, and if it's horrible, tell me so I can fix it or trash it. Thanks!I DON'T OWN NARUTO AT ALL!! I'M ONLY SAYING THIS ONCE, BECAUSE IF YOU'RE READING THIS,THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW TRUE OWNER!! ^_^…

My Writing

My Writing

36 0 7

I post when I have some random story or some feelings to vent oop-Everything is based off of my experiences so if some things apply to you.. good for you??? *^**mostly contains love and angst because I like that :]…

Random Band Geek Memes I (For Band Geeks By A Band Geek) [Completed]

Random Band Geek Memes I (For Band Geeks By A Band Geek) [Completed]

12,437 1,115 200

I am a total band geek and proud of it!!!!These are a bunch of random band geek memes I found, so why not share them with more band geeks?I update whenever I'm not practicing.My memes come from various sites on the Internet, so thanks to whoever made them.…

What Is There To Say

What Is There To Say

6,887 290 167

These are just some of my favourite Quotes and Sayings I've found and wanted to show non of these are mine I have found. I'm sorry if you find these inappropriate. Quotes that some people may find inappropriate will say *not for all readers*…

The Epic Legend of MC

The Epic Legend of MC

4 0 1

Makayla Criew is a hired hand in a world of kings and queens, bandits and dragons.Being a friend of the royal family, Makalya had a great life, from eating at grand feasts to playing with her childhood friend's children.Until the day she is called off on a contract, things have never been the same.A crazy queen, a fire-breathing dragon, and a assassin from the shadows, this story is pretty freaking epic.This is a short story inspired by my friend. Yesh, that is you, Noodle!I do not own the cover picture. It is owned by their respected owners.…