Aloha Kaua (May There Be Love Between Us)

Aloha Kaua (May There Be Love Between Us)

70,998 1,048 15

What do you do when your in love with your best friend? What do you do when your also in an abusive relationship and want nothing more than the man you really love to save you?…

Kauã, The First

Kauã, The First

70 5 1

My submission for National Geographic's Planet or Plastic contestIt tells about the thoughts of the very last living being in the ocean. Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my first language, but i did my best.…



405 1 5

Maitê é uma jovem Rica ,mas nem tudo é sobre dinheiro .De um lado está tudo mil maravilhas, a vida financeira estável perfeita e por outro está o desprezo por nunca ter tido a atenção necessária dos pais, que vivem em viagens de negócio e quase não tem tempo para conviver com a filha.…

Honeymoon in Kauai (Caskett Fanfic)

Honeymoon in Kauai (Caskett Fanfic)

3,010 98 8

Newly-weds Castle and Beckett travel to Kauai (A Hawaiian Island) for their honeymoon, and while they are there they have a romantic, yet adventurous time. Read this if you love caskett romance, suspense, and a great story! It is updated regularly. :) (Caskett Fanfiction)…

Kauan odotettu kaipuu

Kauan odotettu kaipuu

38 2 1

Mira ja "se jätkä" elävät elämää, joka saattaa kuulostaa vastenmieliseltä ja paheelliselta. Mutta he ovat onnellisia. He ovat nuoria ja tyhmiä, ja vain yksi kohtalokas virhe saa elämän kääntymään päälaelleen. Vaivalla hankittu suupieliä nykivä hymy on taas hetkessä kadotettu.…

Wild thing

Wild thing

74 4 4

Corinne Kauai, rough age 5, her dad murdered her mom, and tried to murder her. he was stopped by police. now those same police are trying to stop corinne. she has lived in hawaii her whole life, with her aunt, who is only two years older then her. she is the leader of the gang, "blood waves". but everything turns upside down when her aunt dies of cancer when she is only 15, and corinne gives up all hope. she can't stand to let people in. what's the point when they walk right in and right back out. she can't take it anymore, and the worse part, everything of hawaii reminds her of her aunt. so she moves, leaves the gang, and moves to LA, only for her life to follow her. Her world turns inside out when the bad boys of LA discover who she is, and Jaxxon and her are pinned against each other, what will happen? love or hate? She's new, she's hurt, and she's a bit wild.…

A Menina Perdida Da Vida

A Menina Perdida Da Vida

2 1 1

A Vo da menina morreu e ela ficou sem esperança de voltar a ser feliz…

Kai Havertz sister.

Kai Havertz sister.

240 5 5

Read the book.…

Precursores- Leonardo da Vinci

Precursores- Leonardo da Vinci

62 0 4

Um homem deveras interessante este tal "Daniel Clay". Sua vida, sua existência, desprezivelmente ridícula, personifica uma virada quase teatral por um mero erro de cálculo, e se torna a existência mais importante de seu tempo... De todos os tempos.Continua sendo um tolo, de fato, mas como um gênio uma vez disse; "Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit!"…

My Crystalline Kingdom

My Crystalline Kingdom

10 0 1

All of us who have read mermaid books and participated in folk festivals at school know her: Iara, the Mermaid! During a leisurely conversation on a fishing trip between two Indians on the Amazon River, something spotted beneath the thin cold sheets will make you freak out and plot in favor of this incredible tale created by writer Kauan Delgado Rodrigues. Now, with all the love in the world, read the writer's comment in an interview at the premiere of this tale!"My story was created with the intention of reliving the dreams of those who were children and wanted, above all, nothing with Iara in an Amazon river and always read the books about her! I hope you have fun reading this story with a spectacular plop twist end! "…

Meta-indagações obsoletas

Meta-indagações obsoletas

58 2 4

Preso no cotidiano, recuo à escrita como forma de diálogo, um monólogo adornado pelos altos e baixos das ideias que me rodeiam.…

Meu Reino Cristalino

Meu Reino Cristalino

5 0 1

Todos nós que já lemos livros sobre sereias e que já participamos de festas folclóricas na escola conhecemos ela: Iara, a Sereia! Durante uma conversa descontraída em uma pesca entre dois índios na beira do rio da Amazônia, algo avistado debaixo dos finos e frios lençóis d'água vai lhe fazer pirar e conspirar a favor desse incrível conto criado pelo escritor Kauan Delgado Rodrigues. Agora, com todo o carinho do mundo, leiam o comentário do escritor em uma entrevista na estréia desse conto!"Minha história foi criada com a intenção de reviver os sonhos de quem já foi criança e queria, mais do que tudo, nada com Iara em um rio da Amazônia e sempre lia os livros sobre ela! Espero que se divirtam lendo esse conto com um final plop twist espetacular!"…

Tahiti Nui Catering in Hanalei: A Delicious Taste of Kauai

Tahiti Nui Catering in Hanalei: A Delicious Taste of Kauai

3 0 1

Tahiti Nui is a beloved restaurant in Kauai Island that offers authentic island cuisine, live music, and a fun atmosphere. In addition to their dining experience, Tahiti Nui also offers catering services for events and special occasions. If you're looking for delicious and unique catering options in Hanalei, then Tahiti Nui is definitely worth considering. In this article, we'll explore what makes Tahiti Nui catering special, and what you can expect from their catering services.…

Coffee For Two

Coffee For Two

154 8 2

A short and sweet story of how a hangover and spilt coffee can change everything.…

The Universal Rule

The Universal Rule

16 2 2

How were we created? A question that humans marvel to answer with science and stories. This story is but another fairy tale of how the world had once flourished and how man came to be.…

Always behind you

Always behind you

253 9 13

Alpha Soul has a best friend Kanna, who has always been by his side doing his beta duties and fighting by his side in battles. What will he do when he loses himself after meeting a new stranger and finds himself drawn to her? Does Kanna hide a secret that could change the way he feels about this new girl, or will something else change the relationship of their friendship?…