Taylor Caniff's little sister (a Matthew Espinosa love story)
Hi im kaitlyn caniff yes, im THE taylor caniff's sister. His friends call me mini tay because i have the same hair and eyes as taylor oh and taste of style we basically wear the same clothes. We wear the same bandanas as each other every day. my friends call me kate, katie or k.c. (sounds like casey). Anyway im 16 and i've never told anyone this not even my closes friends or any of my family your the only one that can now that im in love with Matthew Lee Espinosa, one of my brothers best friends******************************Hi im Matthew Espinosa, im16 and best friends with Carter Reynolds, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Aaron Carpenter and Taylor Caniff.But im in love with a beautiful, funny, adorable, nerdy, flawless girl and her name is Kaitlyn Rose Caniff, im in love with my best friends sister and i have been since the day i met her in the first grade!..…