The Strays BTS Au (Unedited)

The Strays BTS Au (Unedited)

20 2 4

~ This story originated out of several dreams I have had ~ so I really hope this isn't somehow plagiarized...BTW...this whole thing is written without a plan nor do I know where this story is headed.Have fun reading the chapter I have completed until now.…

Open Mind

Open Mind

3 0 1

V první řadě bych ráda upozornila na fakt,že dojmy později napsané jsou dojmy které jdou čistě z mé hlavy a nikdo se s nimi nemusí kompletně ztotožnovat.Nikomu nechci manipulovat hlavu,nechci měnit myšlenky jen kvůli tomu,že to tu je napsané.Vytáhněte si z následujících textů třeba jen jednu větu,je to čistě na Vás.Začátek. Nikdy nezapomínáme na důlezité mylníky a události v našich životech. Kdo by mohl zapomenout na první polibek,první lásku,první zkušenost s alkoholem,nebo první rozchod doprovázený kapesníčky,zmrzlinou a obvolávání všech kamarádů pro zlepšení aktuální nálady. Vše toto a mnohem víc se nám vždy zapíše do paměti a nějakým způsobem to v nás nechá stopy at už husí kůže při vzpomínce na danou událost nebo něco mnohem silnějšího. Nemyslím si,že mám pravomoce udávat morální trendy,jen bych se trochu víc chtěla pobavit na téma morálních hodnot,pocitů a duševních věcí v oblasti toho jak vše vnímáme a jaké následny mohou at už naše nebo cizí činy mít. Myslím si že je důležité mluvit a číst o tom,co kdo cítí,co kdo prožívá a co si kdo myslí. Jako lidé máme tu nedokonale dokonalou vlastnost různorodosti,proto věřím,že si tu každý jeden z Vás najde přesně to co potřebuje.…

How Can I Not Love You? |Diabelskie Maszyny

How Can I Not Love You? |Diabelskie Maszyny

49 5 2

Scarlett Darnell jest kuzynką Tessy Gray, głównej bohaterki "Diabelskich Maszyn". Kto podbije serce Scarlett? Jem Carstairs czy Will Herondale?…

A's adventure

A's adventure

73 7 9

a child falls down , not a human , nor a monster, and when they wake up they aren't what they used to be. They don't want to go back up, nor to tell anybody that they came from the surface, kuz they might fear that they would have a human soul, and kill them .…

Sayko Tayfa

Sayko Tayfa

19 0 2

Melisa, Mehmet, Serdar, Erdal, Semih. Basit gibi gözüken bu isimler aslında tam bir ruh öküzleri. Sıradan bir okulun sıradan öğrencileri olan bu beşli şebekler, birbirlerini bulurlar. Beraber sürü gibi gezseler de kendilerince yaşadıkları vardır elbet. Kitapta kendinizden bir parça bulursanız haber etmeyi unutmayın e mi?…

Beloved || SaneGiyuu

Beloved || SaneGiyuu

174 6 1

be·loved[bɪˈlʌvɪd, bɪˈlʌvd]ADJECTIVEdearly loved:"his beloved husband"Oh, how I adore you. My beloved.…

SDR2 - Christmas Party DISCONTINUED

SDR2 - Christmas Party DISCONTINUED

100 3 3

Basically the SDR2 characters spending Christmas together, sorry for the cringe. <3Yes, I know that we're halfway through October, but I thought the idea of a Christmas party was nice.…

🇲🇾 🇫🇪🇪🇱🇮🇳🇬🇸 🇹🇴 🇾🇴🇺

🇲🇾 🇫🇪🇪🇱🇮🇳🇬🇸 🇹🇴 🇾🇴🇺

90 0 13

It's my feelings overtime. Interpret it as you will.…

My Band Obsession

My Band Obsession

65 3 2

this is a kind of diary thing for why I love band members/bandsand ships and Random rants and facts about life like omam, ptv, sws, atl, fir, mcr…

Trans! Fuyuhiko AU

Trans! Fuyuhiko AU

56 3 4

Fuyuhiko is trans ftm but never told anyone he was. What will happen when he tells the one person he trust the most, Peko Pekoyama? Will this ruin what they have or will things strangely become more intimate and relaxed between the two? This is a Kuzuyama story, don't like the ship then you don't have to read!…

Ranpoe x mochi

Ranpoe x mochi

65 0 3

like the 5 powdered doughnuts but mochi. Fukuzawa is dead in this and the story involves Ranpoe, Sokouku, Fukumori and Kouyosano MORI IS INVOLVED AND BEING NICE FOR ONCE…

Uma...segunda chance?

Uma...segunda chance?

81 8 1

Quando sentiu a lâmina lhe atravessar Scaramouche apenas aceitou que era seu fim, mas se esse era o caso então porque ele se encontrava nos braços de sua mãe e Miko sentada ao seu lado o olhando carinhosamente, espera..."EU SOU UM BEBÊ?!"…

Deneme - I

Deneme - I

23 2 1

Tesadüf eseri karşılaştığı bu cümleyi okurken çok şaşırmıştı.! "Geçmişin enkazı altında kalan ruhum, yine yakacak can arıyor" İçini garip bir heyecan sardı. Bu tek cümlelik aforizmayı yazalı dokuz yıl oluyordu nerdeyse.…

His Crazy Bitch

His Crazy Bitch

75 1 2

"Will you be with me until the end?" - Stephano Morreti"Darling I'd even rule Hell by your side"-Kuroe Kuznetsov They say you'll know it's true love when you love him and he loves you but the truth is...It's true love when you You love someone unconditionally…

At Bay

At Bay

3 0 1

~ Eyes Without A Face ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **"Im all out of hope"****"One more bad dream"****"Could bring a fall"**"When im far from home"****"Dont call me on the phone"****"To tell me your alone."**Scaramouche wonders if he has a soft spot, the sun shining, the sand on the ground, the waves crashing into eachother, the breeze cooling himHe might have a soft spot for Y/N.…

Stifling the flame

Stifling the flame

49 3 16

I can't remember living anywhere else besides ba sing se. I'm left mostly alone with only servants to care for me until I was old enough tocare for myself. I train regularly and I have managed to get a small section to the dai li to be loyal to me.…