KEYSE (Version théâtrale)

KEYSE (Version théâtrale)

8 0 2

1970, Paris.Notre histoire se passe en ce fin de 20e siècle aux côtés du fils d'un playboy millionnaire et avide d'argent, Jason Kiro, 12 ans, accède à un examen d'entrée dans une académie d'Inachevés afin de devenir un "Mastodonte", un Inachevé utilisant ses pouvoirs pour faire le bien, une sorte de super-héros, mais qui est supervisé par une organisation.Les Inachevés sont semblables aux humains au niveau de l'apparence, mais ils ont le luxe de pouvoir utiliser les arts mystiques dont les dieux se sont servis pour créer la terre.Ce premier arc sous forme d'enquête sera le début d'une palpitante aventure s'étalant sur des générations, soyez au rendez-vous.…

Achilles Heels (Draco M.) (Cedric D.) (Niccolo N.)

Achilles Heels (Draco M.) (Cedric D.) (Niccolo N.)

396 1 1

Lyra Emrys has never been ok. She always knew that one day her whole life would come crashing down. With her transfer to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons, the upcoming Triwizard Tournament, her parents becoming closer to the war and the darkness consuming her and everyone around her, her fears are becoming a reality. However, she did not know how much her heart would go through in the process and who would end up catching her. She must deal with the pulls of war and the pain that is love.Act 1: Tournament of the Champions (Goblet of Fire) Act 2: Army of One (Order of the Pheonix)Act 3: Children of Death (Half-Blood Prince)Act 4: Deathly HallowsTime period: Goblet of Fire - Deathly Hallows***morally grey characters + follows death eater children***Disclaimer: I only own Lyra Emrys, Niccolo Nott and Mirabella Rosier. The rest of the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I will also haunt you everywhere if you even attempt to steal my story. Thanks ;))Start: Oct 26, 2020End: :p…

The Angel of my Dreams

The Angel of my Dreams

23 1 2

Dean Winchester has always been a real ladies man. But when he realizes his feeling for a dashing angel in a trench coat, he might realize how bad he is at romance after all.. CHAPTER 2 COMING SOON!…

Le paquet secret

Le paquet secret

3 0 2

Ma vie et banale comme toutes les ados de mon âges . Mais tous va changer jusqu'au jour où je revois un cadeau mystère devant ma porte. Un cadeau anonyme!! Mais qui a bien pu le déposer devant ma porte?! Cat et moi allons mener l'enquête!…

Les Animaux

Les Animaux

9 1 1

Petit recueil où je posterais des poèmes où le thème principal sera les animaux ^^ bonne lecture…

Primitive Survival

Primitive Survival

57 0 5

Did you ever want to go out in the wild and try to survive well that is called bushcraft and this book will teach you the skills needed to do just that.…

[ Quyển 1 ] Xuyên Nhanh Vai Ác Cấm Dục Hắc Hoá

[ Quyển 1 ] Xuyên Nhanh Vai Ác Cấm Dục Hắc Hoá

52,306 2,085 200

Tác giả :. DiemNguyen196 Tuyết Ngọc Nickname ":. By Ngọc Lưu Ý : Mình chỉ lúc nào có hứng mới đăng thôi nha Mong các bạn thông cảm đây là bộ truyện mình tự viết nhà các bạnỞ một nơi xa xa có một cái không gian ở trong cái không gian đó có một cái gọi là hệ thống ở bên người hệ thống có một cái bạo lực ngu xuẩn ký chủ Mổ hệ thống tỏ vẻ nó phi thường bất mãn "......" ______________ __________Mới hoàn thành xong nhiệm vụ An Ý. :. 4869 đi làm nhiệm vụ tiếp theo thôi 4869 lo sợ nói : ký chủ có người kiện ngài vì tội cướp nam nhân của họAn Ý híp mắt hỏi : Ai Một loạt nữ nhân ra và các nữ nhân này không ai khác là nữ chủChúng nữ chủ :. Ta không phục ta mới là nữ chủ Nam chủ :. Ý Nhi rõ ràng là ta tài giỏi hơn anh ta mà sao ngươi lại không yêu ta , ta ko phục Boss phản diện : Ý Nhi tại sao nàng ko cho ta hôn nàng ta ko phụcHệ thống 4869 nơm nớp lo sợ : ký chủ làm sao bây giờAn Ý cười tà mị nham hiểm : Ta chuyên trị bệnh ko phục ai ta cũng có thể trịNgoại trừ cái tên nào đó cứ bám theo cô trong tất cả các vị diện . →_→←_←…

Une rentrer boulversante

Une rentrer boulversante

49 9 3

Luna 15 ans, vie à Bordeaux💛 Entre dans son nouveau lycée où elle ne se fait pas beaucoup d'amie…

une faille dans mes pensées

une faille dans mes pensées

727 311 53

dans ma tête, il y a une tornade de mots et parfois j'arrive à les aligner pour former quelques phrases sans importances.- il faut que je le corrige, donc je suis désolée pour vos yeux -…

La dure vie de fille

La dure vie de fille

15 0 1

Coucou alors je vais dédié se livre à tout mes fans qui me suivent sur les réseaux sociaux et qui m'ont énormément demander de créé quelque chose sur cette application donc j'espère que sa va vous plaire …

Red vs Blue

Red vs Blue

33 9 10

Finally a romance story with George Weasley in which the mc is a Ravenclaw.From you're annoying to I love you, this story takes place at Hogwarts, beginning in the 1992-1993 school year. Stream Marie Addy is an academically driven, Beauxbatons transfer determined to become the best and George Weasley is a red headed prankster hell bent on getting her to let loose a little and becoming friends with the new student...and maybe more.All the characters along with the world belong to J.K. Rowling who created the harry potter universe minus the characters in the characters chapter.…

L'ArtBook D'une Amatrice

L'ArtBook D'une Amatrice

694 123 20

*Le dessin de couverture est un de mes dessins ^^ !Hey ! J'adore depuis petite dessiner. Dans ce livre, je posterai les dessins de concours ou juste des dessins randoms. Il pourrait y avoir aussi des croquis et autre . Merci de votre contribution ^^ !…



5 0 1

Je suis Jessie Hills et j'ai 19 ans, je suis assez grande et fine. J'ai des longs cheveux bruns et lisses, avec des yeux verts et une bouche un peu pulpeuse mais pas trop d'un teint rosé léger et ma peau est assez pale aussi.Je vis avec ma mère à Boston enfin une ville à côté mais je préfère dire Boston tellement c'est paumé. Avec elle je supporte mes deux petits frères jumeaux Jimmy et Jim de 8 ans, et ma soeur Cassie de 15 ans qui ça va n'est pas aussi terrible que ça. Je suis passionnée de diverses choses comme la lecture, la musique mais surtout par l'équitation..les chevaux pour moi c'est tout,toute ma vie..malgré que ça a aussi été celle de mon père.Mon père est décédé en amenant un cheval à un concours, un ivrogne en face et boum.. Je vais partir vivre dans un haras à Forx une assez jolie ville entourée de forêt et de lac, cet Haras est connue et j'ai était embaucher comme palfreniere/aide tous ça..j'ai fais mon entretien avec le directeur Mr.DaCosta par webcam. Cet homme est grand aux cheveux poivres et sel, une carrure assez musclé et des traits de visages durs malgré qu'il soit très gentil.Je vais y partir y vivre,prendre mon envole après avoir obtenue mon BAC.Mais tout va pas ce déroulée comme prévue..des filles,un garçon, et surtout une jument; Ruby.…

Warrior {Marauder's Era}

Warrior {Marauder's Era}

8 1 1

Aidan always hated Beauxbaton. Frankly she hated dresses, and was always breaking the rules. So when she gets expelled, she feels like a great weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Of course, her parents weren't pleased, and she was in for the worst summer of her life. Eventually she can't take it, and runs away. Having most of her school stuff stashed away, she grabs everything and runs. She soon finds herself at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore is more than happy to take her, already knowing about her troubled past.…

My Best Mistake

My Best Mistake

15 0 1

Heaven is a 17 year old pureblood from Beauxbatons Academy. She is planning in transferring Hogwarts. What will be in store for her there? Read to find out.…

Lyrics To Korean Solo Artists

Lyrics To Korean Solo Artists

0 0 1

Some artists on here are in kpop groups if they did this work on their own albums or singles and not in any group activity. PLT and DPR Live are incuded since the artists are mostly solo.You can request lyrics.Regular updates.…

The Big Reveal

The Big Reveal

7 2 2

This is about a girl named kaylan Devereaux, she lost her dad and just found out that he had a terrible secret his been keeping that could either save or destroy the family. Find out what it might be on The Big Reveal…

Scheming // harry styles

Scheming // harry styles

303 26 5

This tale of Madeleine and Harry puts a twist on the typical fake wedding.Madeleine Devereaux: New to the LA area, gets her possessions stolen when moving into her new apartment. Madeleine is desperate for a way to replace them. But as an aspiring model, she surely doesn't have enough money to pay for it.Harry Styles: On the brink of getting kicked out of One Direction for breach of contract one too many times. Management thinks he needs to settle down to get rid of his playboy image.When Madeleine meets Harry at his sister's wedding, she comes up with the crazy idea of marriage when a drunk Harry spills about his situation. This fake wedding may just be the thing to save them both. Lets see what the two are scheming.…

Grace Mikaelson

Grace Mikaelson

169 3 1

Hayley doesn't get pregnant in this story. My name is Grace Mikaelson. I'm three years old. The grown-ups told me that my mommy went up to her new home up in the sky. A woman called Sophie Devereaux took me to some other grown-ups who are my uncle Elijah, auntie Rebekah, and my daddy Klaus. But Klaus does a lot of scary things...…