The Lost Story

The Lost Story

19 6 6

Hey~ Hier entsteht mein Versuch einer BTS-FF. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mir ein bisschen Hilfe von einer Freundin geholt. Gemeinsam schreiben wir die gleiche Geschichte... aber aus verschiedenen Perspektiven - jeder aus der, des eigenen OCs. Auch was die Titel angeht haben wir unser eigenes Ding gemacht. Ich wünsche noch viel Spaß beim Lesen ^^…

Values of Error

Values of Error

1,408 21 36

Each of that I value have come from errors…

I Won't Let You Forget Me

I Won't Let You Forget Me

346 57 19

Jimin fan fiction...(with hints of Jungkook) "What do you want?" he snapped. "For you to apologize for being rude," she said, not batting an eye. He smirked and moved closer to her. She took a step back, but he didn't back down. He closed the gap between them and bent down and leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I don't think so... ." She could feel his cheek brush against her ear as he stood up straight again. He noted that she had turned a bright red and turned around, satisfied at the reaction he had evoked and proudly walked away, leaving Leah frozen on the spot.Disclaimer: Complete fiction. Not true at ALL. Names of BTS members are used, however they are fictional characters which have no resemblance to the actual people. Names of BTS songs are used. These songs and their names belong exclusively to BTS and Big Hit Entertainment. Real places and brands are referenced. All rights go to the official owners of said places and products. Rating: Some more mature themes and mild language. PG-13 to be extra safe.…

Kpop Lyrics Bank Book 5

Kpop Lyrics Bank Book 5

4,435 29 200

Annyeong!~ Kpop Lyrics Bank Book 5 is now open! Feel free to message/comment your song requests. Sorry for late updates. <Oppa Wonderland>…

Skool luv affair

Skool luv affair

1,759 120 26

I guess highschool isn't as easy as you thought it would beMy writting sucks in the beginning, but i swear it gets better and more interesting.…

Back Together // BTS

Back Together // BTS

41 3 3

The eight of them were inseparable, attending the same schools together since elementary. Through all their years together, a romantic connection formed between two of the friends, and many happy years had passed with them as a couple. However, as the children grew into young adults, their paths branched out and they drifted apart. Until one friend, fed up with their disconnection, decides to bring the gang back together with a road trip they'll never forget.-•*mild use of profanity*This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.…



41 7 2

Ever heard about powers in real life (aside from seeing in movies and stories)Magical or supernatural beings with powers and supernatural abilities exist,protected by one of the most powerful force field ever exist which is unseen to the world.Specials-(people with supernatural abilities as well as extra powers like elemental power )are pressumed as frightening and are feared and hated by people but happens when two group of specials will come together and save them and their world.Main ships-Jk x lisaV x jennieJin x jisooJimin x roseJ-hope x momoRm x IrenSuga x wendyHi guys its your author here.This is my first story,it is not real it's a fantasy story creator by my imagination+reading+little copying.It is entirely not my work so all credits to the original authors.…

Life With Cosmic

Life With Cosmic

1,362 112 83

Venture my sad pathethic life…

Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take

48 0 9

"But remember: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women are merely players"Fresh out of university, journalist Hannah Young is assigned with her first story for her job at the Culture ressort of Seoul Weekly. A new ensemble of aspiring artists has made it their mission to revive the Seoul theatre by preparing to perform an adaptation of the infamous A Midsummer Night's Dream. Alongside co-worker Kim Namjoon Hannah embarks on a journey into a world with blurred boundaries between appearance and reality. Behind closed curtains each of the Beyond the Scene members seems to hide a secret masking their true intentions. Only one person seems to know the truth. Can Hannah really trust anyone? Who is sending her these messages telling her to watch her back? Will she find out the truth?…

Meanings Different

Meanings Different

226 28 17

Park Hyo In, gadis dingin yang mendapat banyak masalah di tahun kedua sekolahnya.Bertemu satu per satu pria yang dengan mudah merebut hari-harinya dari ketenangan.Kegiatan monoton hilang begitu saja dan diganti dengan kejadian-kejadian yang tak terduga.Awalnya, dia kira masa lalu kelamnya itu tidak akan menghantuinya lagi. Tapi dia salah. Waktu merubah semuanya. Waktu telah membuatnya harus berhadapan dengan masa-masa paling menyulitkan baginya.Masa lalu dan kejadian itu. Dan sosok yang pernah hilang dari kehidupannya. . . . . "Akan kutunjukan bagaimana aku melindungimu, Hyo In-ssi," Kim Taehyung"Kau belum melihat sisi lain dari diriku, jadi jangan pernah memintaku untuk menjauh, akan kutunjukan sisi itu padamu, Park Hyo In," Park Jimin"Buka matamu dan lihat, mimpi indah berada di depanmu sekarang," Kim Seok Jin"Serahkan semua pada sahabatmu ini, Hyo In-ah," Jung Hoseok"Jangan terlalu dingin, kau akan meleleh ketika sangat dekat dengan mereka," Kim Namjoon"Jangan tanyakan padaku, tanya hatimu saja," Min Yoongi"Apa yang harus kulakukan? Melupakanmu atau merebutmu?" Jeon Jungkook…

[Jung's] Map Of The Soul

[Jung's] Map Of The Soul

66 2 1

Ini bukan cerita fiksi yang saya buat, tetapi Map Of The Soul adalah buku yang dibaca oleh Leader BTS. Yup! Kim Namjoon, buku yang membuat dia terinspirasi untuk membuat sebuah Album yang berjudul sama. Karena Buku ini cuma tersedia dalam 2 Bahasa, Yaitu Korea dan English atau mungkin memang ada dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Tapi sejauh ini aku belum nemu bukunya dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan kalau pun ada mungkin harganya gk bisa dibilang murah, jadi aku coba buat Translate kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Dan karena buku ini memerlukan konsentrasi tinggi untuk dibaca dan Jujur aku sedikit mengalami kesulitan untuk menggantinya kedalam bahasa Indonesia karena bahasa yang dipake dibuku ini ketinggian π_π Jadi mohon dimaafkan dan dimaklumi jika terdapat kata-kata yang sedikit tidak dimengerti dari terjemahanku. Semoga kalian betah bacanya ya 😅Jakarta, 190514Samantha Liu…



45 2 2

Aku harus memilih siapa?, ini bisa di bilang sulit... karna, mana bisa aku memilih mereka. yang sangat aku cintai, aku mencintai mereka. jadi, apa boleh buat, aku bingung, aku mencintai mereka. dan, kalian harus tau, mereka pun mencintai ku dalam sekejap.aku juga tidak mengerti, mengapa bisa? mengapa mencintaiku...apa itu sebuah mimpi?... tapi aku senang, di cintai oleh mereka yang juga mencintaiku juga. ____hayo,hayo,deskripsinya bagemana?cerita ini sih terinspirasi dari diri author sendiri sih...jadi, ini tuh kpop... (bts) pemeran utamanya,jk,v,jin,rm..(itu bias author wkwk) nah.. ada cewe yang di rebutin oleh mereka, cewe itu juga kaget.. mengapa bisa?, udh deh author gk usah drama.. tapi ini bener, tingkat kehaluan author lagi meningkat, cewe itu biasnya jk, v, jin, rm... hayoo. cewe itu mempersingkat namanya jadi JUTEJINN, hayo, hayo, jutejinn kan nama akun ini. wkwk. semoga pada suka yah, vote, komen jangan baca aja.. follow akun ini juga ya.. semoga, para army, tingkat kehaluannya meningkat, yaudah. bayvote loh, komen loh, jangan lupa. bay…



2 0 1

Numele meu este lilian N. Aceasta este o zi foarte bucuroasă din viața mea datorită ajutorului pe care mi l-a oferit Dr.saguru, ajutându-mă să-mi revin fostul soț cu vraja sa magică și iubitoare. am fost căsătorit de 6 ani și a fost atât de groaznic pentru că soțul meu mă înșela cu adevărat și căuta un divorț, dar când am dat peste e-mail pe Dr.saguru pe internet despre cum a ajutat atât de mulți oameni să-și recupereze fostul și ajută la fixarea relației.și îi fac pe oameni să fie fericiți în relația lor. I-am explicat situația mea și apoi am căutat ajutorul lui, dar spre surprinderea mea mi-a spus că mă va ajuta cu cazul meu și iată că acum sărbătoresc, pentru că Sotul meu s-a schimbat total în bine. El vrea întotdeauna să fie alături de mine și nu poate face nimic fără prezența mea. Chiar mă bucur de căsătoria mea, ce sărbătoare grozavă. Voi continua să depun mărturie pe internet, deoarece Dr.saguru este cu adevărat un castru de vrăji. ESTE NEVOIE DE AJUTAT CÂND DOCTORUL DE CONTACT SAGURU ACUM VIA EMAIL: sau whatsapp +2349037545183 El este singurul răspuns la problema ta și te face să te simți fericit în relația ta. Și de asemenea este perfect în 1 LOVE SPELL 2 WIN EX BACK 3 FRUITUL WOMBULUI 4 PROMOVARE Vrăji 5 PROTECȚIE VOSTRIE 6 VOSTURĂ DE AFACERI 7 BUN VOC DE JOC 8 VÂNZARE DE LOTERIE ȘI CAZ DE CURTE.…

The Guys And The Girl Who's Shy

The Guys And The Girl Who's Shy

26 6 2

My life was completely changed after these two popular guys at school got entangled with my life.....The first one is Arjun, the twin brother of Karan, my best friend Riya's boyfriend. We met at a party where he was given a dare as simple and childish as to get me talk to him for a while.... After this, we had been meeting each other quite often to disguise Arun and Riya's date as a normal friends hangout and eventually we became inseparable best friends.The second is Ved, the son of my mom's bestie since high school. We even shared our birthday, being born on the same day coincidentally. We grew up together for about 3 years before his family shifted abroad to expand their business. They have returned back to live with me and my dad as they were as lonely as us after my and Ved's moms both passed away from cancer in the span of a year....How will she, Nisha, be able to handle all the socializing because of an already popular and a new but equally popular student bring with them when she is extremely introverted and shy....The starting might be boring but trust me I'll improve according to your comments...Please support my first ever story and vote, comment and share it with your friends💜💜💜Also, not related to the story but, ARMYs forever!!!💜💜So please support your fellow ARMYs member....…



31 3 1

Fujo area! Yaoi area! Gak Suka?minggir!Bhs campuran! Baku/Non Baku!Rate tidak ditentukan.Cast:Kim NamjoonKim SeokjinMin YoongiJung Hoseok *BottomPark JiminKim TaehyungJeon JungkookKim Minseok *BottomKim JongdaeKim JoonmyeonZhang Yixing *BottomPark ChanyeolByun Baekhyun *BottomDo Kyungsoo *BottomKim JonginOh SehunLuhan *BottomKris WuHuang ZiTao *Bottom…

Agent S

Agent S

253 24 1

(QUESTA E' UN ALTRA TRADUZIONE DI @pumpkinofmyeye)♠ Molte persone lo conoscevano,ma solo alcuni lo facevano davvero.♠-Yoongi stava facendo solo il suo lavoro, ma ora era incazzato e la sua pazienza iniziava ad esaurirsi.-Jimin era semplicemente un cittadino razionale,ma era completamente confuso,forzato ad indossare un abito femminile, ed era persino sicuro che i suoi organi interni sarebbero stati venduti a mercato nero.-La cosa era,c'era stata molta merda quando le loro strade si sono incontrate.-Ma quello che era ancora più una merda era la verità nascosta che continuava ad inseguirli.•••••••••••••••••••••Genere: Azione (schifosa),Umorismo,Fluff, e tutte le altre merde che l'autrice inserisce nelle sue fanfiction.…

BTS oneshots - [ships]

BTS oneshots - [ships]

35 2 2

Basically a book of some one shots about the ships in BTS. Can be deep or shallow, something you will remember or forget, you may laugh or you may cry, you might not like the story or you will. All are original, if any of them resembles another one it is purely coincidental. Will include: vkook, yoonseok/sope, jihope, yoonminseok, yoonmin, namjin, taegi, sugamon and maybe others too. I do not own any of the BTS members and I'm not trying to say that the actual people that the characters are based off think or act like the characters in the book. Warnings: • Potential smut in some oneshots• Death and suicide• Depression• Mental illness• Alcohol• Homophobia• Hopelessness• Grief…

The Devil's Kiss

The Devil's Kiss

473 94 19

I stared at him in mute and abject terror while his expression vacillated between amusement and wonder. "Miss Yoonah, is it?" he asked very calmly like I hadn't just seen all that and he didn't have me trapped against the stairwell door. "This puts me in a strange position you see?" he asked. "You weren't supposed to see that," he said tilting his head in the direction of the dance studio, "and that puts you in an unfortunate position."He shook his head like he thought all of this was such a shame."I am going to have to kill you."***Jin Yoonah was just trying to make ends meet with her new job at BigHit, working for the biggest boyband on the planet. She just wanted to keep her head down and get through the day. Until she stumbles across something she was never supposed to see, something no one was ever supposed to see. Jeon Jungkook is a member of K-pop band BTS by day but at night the script gets entirely flipped. There is more to the Golden Maknae than what meets the eye. What happens when Yoonah discovers the deep, dark secret that they have tried hard to conceal from the world? Can she make it out of this hornet's nest? Or does she lose everything she loves in the process?…

BTS Namjoon Mafia FF

BTS Namjoon Mafia FF

127 2 1

Y/n is born into a huge mafia along with her bother Min Yoongi. Y/n is a neurologist just like one of her best friends, Jung Hoseok. both went to school together in which encouraged the build up of y/n's feelings for him. BUT Y/n's life starts to get complicated when she learns that Hoseok is part of Kim Namjoon's mafia, while her and Lisa (BlackPink) are on a mission to get answers Kim Taehyung. Taehyung trespassed y/n's mafia territory. y/n's father assumed that Taehyung wanted to steal their newly weapons. one day Y/n gets knocked out and kidnapped from the hospital that she works at, due to the actions she put upon Taehyung. Y/n then wakes up in a dark basement tied up in a straight jacket and faces Hoseok when he tries to explain himself on why he joined Namjoon's Mafia and tries to rescue her but Y/n doesn't know if she should trust him for lying about his personal life. As Y/n refuses Hoseok's help and meets the Bullet Proof Gang Mafia leader, Kim Namjoon. long story short Hoseok and Namjoon end up taking her home in which on the car ride home Namjoon explains the real reason she was kidnapped and sought to form alliance between the two enemies. while the tension between Y/n and Hoseok remains, the tension is then strengthened when Hoseok finds out that y/n has been hiding Lisa's news about being part of Y/n's mafia from him. As it turns out, Hoseok learns that he has feeling's for Y/n as well regardless of her keeping Lisa's new's away. That very night y/n's and Hoseok's feelings for each other become more intense when they kiss and spend the night together in Y/n's room. while Namjoon and Y/n's father agree to an arrange marriage for Y/n and Namjoon. Y/n then learns about what had happened and discovers that her father has arranged a marriage for her with another man Name Jackson Wang, who is known as bad news. Y/n is then caught in the middle and has to save her mafia from Jackson. Y/n learns to fall in love with Namjoon while Hoseok's feelings remain....…

Little Space

Little Space

806,578 30,115 101

little!jimin and daddy!yoongi have to go through many different experiences due to their lifestyle, but it only makes them closer along the waythis is the original work, as you can see on my AO3 under M_ochiiii. under any other users, it is stolen.…