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Ruby was defending her knocked out teammates as well as schoolmates from grimms, her aura was gone, she was bruised and have cuts with blood dripping down from them and she could barely stand up, the only thing she could do was hold up her scythe as she stared at the last grimm, she swung it and make the grimm disappear into a black cloud, she falls to the ground exhausted, her teammates and schoolmates how ever stood up and just look at her, she realized they have not been knocked out, they were just waiting for her to finish the last grimm, she was getting weaker as blood still was coming from her wounds, they all turn to left, until there was only Yang, Weiss, Jaune and Blake, Yang just shook her head mumble she knew Ruby shouldn't have been a huntress, Jaune said he wished that things could have gone a other way, Blake just left not sparing a glance as she said that Ruby was disappointing, Weiss just had a evil smirk and said she should have been the leader and not Ruby, as Ruby closes her eyes the last thing she saw was a giant thing covering her, then nothing...…