A szív azt akarja amit akar

A szív azt akarja amit akar

37,619 595 36

FELNŐTT TARTALOM!Damon Parker mindig is tudta, ha felnő nyomozó szeretne lenni. És amit Damon Parker akar, azt meg is szerzi. Sarah Monteiro soha nem tervez, a mának él, és nem érdekli mit hoz a holnap. Két különböző világ, két különböző személyiség. Mégis van valami ami összeköti őket.…



36,253 135 7

Kövess instán! @apu.jegyzetei…



37,232 603 36

FELNŐTT TARTALOM!Holly átlagos lány. Az anyjával él, iskolába jár, és legtöbb idejét a barátaival tölti. Mint minden gimnazista lány, ő is vágyik a szerelemre, de nem találkozott még olyan sráccal aki képes lett volna megdobogtatni a szívét. Egészen addig, míg meg nem ismerte az anyja vőlegényét. Alexander élete, még sosem volt ennyire tökéletes. Remek munka, remek fizetés és remek menyasszony. A hosszú munkának szentelt évek után, rátalál a szerelem. Úgy érzi Kimberly az a nő akire mindig is várt, az a nő, akivel összekötné az életét. Egészen addig, míg meg nem ismerte a menyasszonya lányát.…



24,543 492 28

FELNŐTT TARTALOM!Van az a tábla, amire az van írva, hogy az élet sz.., és te döntheted el, hogy fejezed be a mondatot. Nos alapjába véve az élet szar, de ha megtalálod azt az embert akit őszintén szeretsz, és aki viszont szeret egyből szép lesz. De mi van akkor ha ez a személy történetesen a testvéred?…

My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine

2,105 68 25

Castiel Novak has social anxiety. His best friend, Hannah, helps him through it. Recently, a last name appeared on his wrist. Everyone got one, yet he still didn't expect it to be someone he didn't know. He finds a dorm in his college, having a roommate that he was terrified to talk to. Sam Winchester, who he presumed as his soulmate, absolutely terrified him.(There's also Sabriel in here (:)I recommend you don't read this if you need the 'TW!!", there's a lot of it spread throughout, too commonly for me to put those constantly. Warnings here: smut, abuse, suicide, murder…

He Lives In Lawrence || Destiel AU

He Lives In Lawrence || Destiel AU

99,596 5,027 15

When your soulmate gets something on their skin, it appears on your skin too. If they draw a flower in Sharpie on their wrist, you get a flower on your wrist. If you fall and cut your knee open, your soulmate will get red patches on their skin. Castiel Novak is in his last year of high school in Lawrence, Kansas and he's a hopeless romantic who's determined to find the love of his life. Dean Winchester works at Singer Salvage Yard on the outskirts of Lawrence and he's got enough to deal with already without the extra stress of finding his soulmate. But Dean is sure his soulmate is a girl and when he meets the dark haired boy in a coffee shop, he refuses to believe he's the person he's destined to spend the rest of his life with. And with the threat of his alcoholic and violent father discovering Castiel, he's more determined than ever to make sure he doesn't fall for the charming blue eyed school boy. • • • • • This is based off a Tumblr (ew) post that I found and thought was incredibly cute so there you go. There will also be some Sabriel in this. Just to clarify, the age gap between Sam and Dean is two years instead of four.…

A szépség és a szörnyeteg

A szépség és a szörnyeteg

100,333 4,340 25

FELNŐTT TARTALOM!Egészen kislány korom óta arról álmodozok, hogy majd egy nap megtalálom azt a bizonyos szőke herceget, akibe első látásra beleszeretek, és boldogan élünk amíg meg nem halunk. De néha elfog a félelem, hogy az én életemben ez soha nem fog eljönni. A szüleim szigorúan neveltek, ezért nem volt sok esélyem ismerkedni. Egy fiút szerettem az életemben, de ő összetörte a szívem. De nem maradt sok időm arra, hogy gyászoljam a kapcsolatom, mert apámnak más tervei voltak. Életem legrosszabb rémálma vált valóra amikor megtudtam, hogy férjhez kell mennem, ráadásul ahhoz az emberhez akit egész életemben kerültem. Hunter Larson. Ez a férfi veszélyes, olyan ember akit messziről kerülni kell. És ez a férfi lesz a férjem. A szőke herceg helyett, egy kitetovált, gátlástalan rosszfiút kapok. A legtöbb ember szerint a szerelem miatt érdemes élni. Szerintem tévednek. A szex, a nők, a pénz és a hatalom, emiatt érdemes élni, nem a szerelem miatt. Az élet sokkal egyszerűbb ha nincsenek kínzó érzések, fájdalom és bűntudat. Egyik szónak sem ismerem a fogalmát, és ez így van jól. Az apám a sajátos kegyetlen módszereivel arra nevelt, hogy ne érezzek. Se jót, se rosszat, de szimpátiát, se fájdalmat. Egész életemben ehhez tartottam magam, mert az én világomban csak az marad életben aki elég önző ahhoz, hogy mindent és mindenkit feláldozzon a túlélésért és a győzelemért. De az egész világom a feje tetejére állt, mikor bekövetkezett a legrosszabb rémálmom. Feleségül kell vennem a világ legelkényeztetettebb nőjét, apuci pici lányát. De ha ez kell a túléléshez, akkor összeszorítom a fogam és megteszem.…



73,299 280 34

kövess instán! apu.jegyzetei…

WINGS (Sabriel/Destiel) ✓

WINGS (Sabriel/Destiel) ✓

37,355 1,237 6

In which Gabriel pulls a trick that changes everything…

Castiel Serendipity

Castiel Serendipity

8,343 422 10

serendipity[ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] noun.1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident2. good fortune; luckFor Dean Winchester, love did not exist. At least not true love, like in the movies. He of course loved his brother and his mother and father, but to him, love was just another word. One that was overused, over appreciated, and completely worthless. Until, as fate would have it, he met Castiel. And everything changes. "The course of true love never did run smooth." -William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream…

Destiel prison memory loss and Sabriel rehab

Destiel prison memory loss and Sabriel rehab

1,350 48 13

This story is about Cas losing his memory after getting almost killed and Dean being accused of it. Dean walked into the scene. He went to Cas. He was still awake at the time but he blacked out slowly after. The cops came in a little after. They accused him of doing it. He went to jail for 3 years. Cas doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know who Dean is. Gabriel didn't want him to know anything. Because they think Dean did it and that he just tricked Cas because he is gay. The story goes in after he has been in jail. Its also Sabriel in the story. It says when it starts if you dont wanna read it or thats what you want to read:) Hope you guys like it💗…

Supernatural One Shots

Supernatural One Shots

6,546 109 5

Title says it all. Just Supernatural type one shots. Currently only has one, but I have two others in the making.…

ElnorseFall - The Rizen Rise

ElnorseFall - The Rizen Rise

108 17 13

*BEFORE READING - This is Book Two of the ElnorseFall Trilogy! If you have not read ElnorseFall "The Beginning of The End" I highly recommend reading it first otherwise this book will not make sense.*Cloverlyne has finally returned to her home planet, V'rasór, to help fight against Elnorsefall, but the war for the Realms has only just begun, and her people are not ready for it. After the battle in Guāsk's sector, the planet V'rasór fights to keep their planet out of the clutches of Elnorsefall, but little is known about Elnorsefall's plans, and many secrets must be revealed to turn the tables in their favor. However, not all is as it seems, and even with the Anari and Soaran's fighting side by side, they still don't have the power to stop Elnorsefall. Everything seems to point back to one group- The Rizen.Cloverlyne has changed. She's not the same as she was before she returned to her planet... the Rizen made sure of that when they experimented on her body. With time running out, she leaves her home planet once more to find anything that could turn the tide of the war. But when her travels uncover generations of lies and deception even among those she thought she could trust, she will have to sacrifice everything she holds dear or risk Elnorsefall's rising to power once again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is book two of the ElnorseFall trilogy.…

Change My Mind *Destiel*

Change My Mind *Destiel*

19,971 499 11

"Top or bottom?""Top. Oh shit you meant the bunk beds! Bottom."…

Fairy Tail Smash or Pass

Fairy Tail Smash or Pass

26,423 265 125

Same rules as all the others. I wasn't able to get to 200 parts for the Naruto one which is pretty bullshit but I guess not all the Wikis can get 'em all but either way I'm sure I can do it with Fairy Tail.Also as per usual I don't own anything but the idea.…



8,599 630 43

It was normal night at the Winchester home; Dean and Sam trying to fall asleep while their parents were watching tv in the living room. But something happened. Something the two kids feared the most. So Dean took Sam and ran, fearing for both their lives. They moved in with their uncle and grandma, soon meeting the Novak boys. Sure, they had troubles of their own, but those two truly saved the Winchesters. It was as if they had their own personal angels. //(contains destiel and sabriel in later-ish chapters) ////(Michifer is included, but not really focused on as much.//Started: April 27, 2020, I believe. Ended: January 2, 2021. Word count: approximately 40-50,000 words. Trigger Warnings: listed in the chapters / none at all. Characters: I do not own any spn characters, but there are a few mentioned that are based off of my friends. 2k20 angelic-remains ♡︎…

Red ⇢ Sam Winchester (sequel to Half-Blood) |

Red ⇢ Sam Winchester (sequel to Half-Blood) | "complete"

40,281 1,144 21

Five years without her, what do they do when she's back?NOTE: This story is not finished nor do I ever think it will be. Sorry. If I ever come back to it it will be completely rewritten. :)…

Halloween in Hogwarts (A SPN Destiel AU)

Halloween in Hogwarts (A SPN Destiel AU)

47,899 2,832 12

Basically, a story I decided to write absolutely spontaneously, because I'm in a great Halloween mood! I'll try to keep it as fluff as possible, but you never know, hehe 3;)Cover picture isn't mine.…

Both of Us

Both of Us

983 62 5

Castiel loves Dean very much, he just hates the dates they go on.…



390 32 17

Read about my life...The bottle alliance is the alliance between Susland and Rickland. I am Anete, king of Susland, and my sis Kelly is the queen of Rickland. This book will be a storytelling session about us being idiots, hope you enjoy!Btw the roleplay ended but eh Bottle Alliance just sounds cool igEdit for Oct24 update: O wow the chapters actually get longer and longer...Edit for Dec2024 update, which I procrastinated on hence technically Feb2025 update: thats it. It's been a really fun two years with yall, thanks for reading and I hope I can get back to writing soon!…