Izuku's Instagram

Izuku's Instagram

3,699 473 43

I-it's e-exactly t-the title!…

Next Generation (MHA)

Next Generation (MHA)

2,423 68 9

Class 1A has now graduated to class 2A and is looking towards the future. The thing is the future is coming to them.Setting up for their second sports festival in the arena, mysterious fingers invades their plans and starts a riot. The class gets ready to fight them when they are stoped two people intervening causing the villains to retreat. Who are they and why are they here?I do not own any of the characters or My Hero Academia at all. It is instead created by Kohei Horikoshi. Note: This is my first MHA fan fiction, and my first fan fiction all together. I am just giving it a try, so please be nice. I don't really know were this is heading but I hope I enjoy it.…

Guzma x Kukui oneshot

Guzma x Kukui oneshot

1,203 24 1

A oneshot for a friend, I haven't played Sun and Moon or finished the anime yet so sorry if they're out of character.…

Strange Attraction (DRACO MALFOY)

Strange Attraction (DRACO MALFOY)

81 0 3

It was miraculous how they went from "I hate you" to "if I can't have you, no one can" in the span of 7 years spent at Hogwarts. The reasons they hated one another were clear from the very beginning, but no one could quite understand how they fell in love on the doorstep of a war where they were supposed to be enemies. She was a mudblood and cousin to the boy who lived; she was usually very shortsighted when it came to the Wizarding World, which ultimately got on his nerves; she was way too powerful for a mudblood; she earned way too much respect from the house that should've killed her the night she was sorted; she was too blind to him. He couldn't get to her, and she wouldn't let him. She hated him. He was one of the worst purebloods she was unfortunate enough to encounter in her lifetime; he was steadfast on his father's beliefs and showed her just how much he hated mudbloods; he picked on her and her cousin for years, and he made the Weasley's poor in so many ways; he was fiendish, cocky, self-absorbed, cowardly, charming, and perhaps a little obsessed. In which Harry Potter didn't live with the Dursleys. "A Malfoy always seeks to dominate " Draco Malfoy x original character…

Sly Fox and The Cute Puppy

Sly Fox and The Cute Puppy

294 9 1

Naruto was always alone until he got friends. On this Valentine's Day Akamaru appears with out Question on Naruto's door. So the Whole day Naruto is walking around with Akamaru in his coat like Kiba. With the Inuzuka that's a different story. Kiba has a crush on Naruto but doesn't tell him he decided to write about it and ask Ino for advice but sends it to Naruto instead How does this work out for our Fox and Hound duo?…

Shingeki no Kyojin - ZTRACENÁ V ZAPOMNĚNÍ

Shingeki no Kyojin - ZTRACENÁ V ZAPOMNĚNÍ

433 69 13

Přemýšleli jste někdy o tom, jaké by bylo, kdyby jste se jednoho slunečného dne probudili a nepamatovali byste si své jméno? Netušili byste, kde se nacházíte, kdo jste, či co budete dělat? ----------------------Sarrie. Devatenáctiletá dívka, která se znenadání objevila uprostřed lesů. Nepamatuje si, kdo je, jak se sem dostala, ani nezná své jméno. Jednu věc však ví moc dobře. Nesmí věřit lidem a nemůže podlehnout zbytečným pocitům. Jeden jediný pocit jí ale nedá spát...co za tajemství skrývá?Jednoho dne ji nalezne průzkumná legie a na příkaz Erwina pojede Levi a jeho jednotka společně s ní do bývalého hlavního velitelství průzkumné jednotky. Postupem času si Sarrie začne vzpomínat. Ze začátku to budou pouhé útržky nedávající smysl, avšak poté se jí o její minulosti začnou zdát celé sny. V té chvíli konečně pochopí, proč lidstvo tolik nenávidí. Na neštěstí se objeví rovnou dva problémy........Levi Ackerman a Eren....•Přesvědčí Levi Sarrii, že lidstvo není tak zlé?•Co udělá Eren, který se zamiloval do Leviho, až zjistí, že srdce Leviho Ackermana patří někomu jinému?•A co se stane se Sarií, která si vzpomene na svoji krutou minulost? Bude následovat své srdce, nebo si lásku zakáže a zaměří se jen na svoji pomstu?...ZTRACENÁ V ZAPOMNĚNÍ...Omluvte mě, pokud některé části nebudou dávat smysl, nebo jestli nebude příběh navazovat na anime sérii....je to čistě má fantazie a nechci do toho zapojovat mnoho věcí jako je Eren (samozřejmě v příběhu bude, ale nebude to časově navazovat na jejich akce, nebo dobývání zpět nějaké zdi....). Takže pokud vám to bude vadit, omlouvám se :DDoufám, že si příběh užijete :)…

Izuku's ask or dare

Izuku's ask or dare

859 29 7

I-it's e-exactly t-the title! Just n-not anything i-inappropriate!!! =^-^=…

secret monster / hero [ my hero Academia]

secret monster / hero [ my hero Academia]

3,828 59 5

disclaimer: my hero Academia belongs to its creator Kohei Horikoshi and all other images and videos or GIFs belong to their respective creators.in a world full of people who use quirks can become superheroes or villains, there was one person however that does not have a quirk, but he became something more dangerous then all for one to the point it shocked the whole world. meet the most dangerous man in the world lzuku midoriya the Nightmare Demon.…

What's your Story? (Tododeku)

What's your Story? (Tododeku)

8,710 405 12

Midoriya was a quirk marriage, so when his father was told that we was quirkless...he went on a rampage and ended up killing inko midoriya, but little luzku had to watch.Midoriya's father just so happens to be the #1 villan in the story...his villain name is wildfire. After midoriya suffered the loss of his mother, he was sent to the U.S. to be a trained villain even though his father thought he was quirkless.When Midoriya arrived at the U.S. the was a mix up and got sent to be a hero instead, while he was there he was tortured and beaten into an emotionless robot...but then he didn't just get one quirk...he got twoKeep reading to find out what happens when he gets back to Japan.--------------------This story will contain:AbuseSelf harmMaybe rape (idk if i can handle that)Panic and anxiety attacksProfanityAnd a whole lot of gayIf you don't like or if you don't agree..don't read it…

||ON HIATUS|| Villain Deku

||ON HIATUS|| Villain Deku

41 0 7

This is my first story so don't judge!!…

Naše Výtvory

Naše Výtvory

851 53 34

Stačí popadnout grafický tablet, tužku k němu a zapnout Sai... Malujeme, malujeme. Snad nás pochválíte :D. I když víme, nejsme ty nejlepší...no... We don't care. Ale... hodně lidí nás chválí! Především rodiče. Jsou pyšní na ten příspěvek do tohoto obřího světa co... nedělá nic jiného :DD Your TwoSameOpinions ;3…

I will always be with you

I will always be with you

106 4 4

Todoroki has to go to dinner with his dad and he's not taking it well so he ask Iuzku Midoriya to go with him. DisclaimerThis is something based off a text-fic that me and friend did…

The little merman (Tododeku)

The little merman (Tododeku)

6,192 161 15

I hope you can read this it keep glitching and deleting sorry Wattpad messing up please read.One thing Shoto mom is I this an the scar he has was given by his uncle I wanted his mom to be the sweet one in here so I change it a little dont be mad please !!!basically shoto is a prince but is a mermaid and Izuku is a prince and he's a human . I suck at description I'm sorry please read!??? I don't own the art work !! Or the bhna characters!!I own russle, jasper, Claude, and scruffy, ! They were my ocs I created for this .I might put my art work on this I don't know yet.…

Tons of My Hero Academia stuff

Tons of My Hero Academia stuff

1,283 35 22

Hi.I'll be doing tons of different stuff. Reacting to ships, making stories, finding AUs, showing drawings of MHA stuff...Please comment?…

Životy lidských titánů a jejich přátel - crackfic

Životy lidských titánů a jejich přátel - crackfic

104 10 6

[OC] - Ryuuka - Vysoká dívka s dlouhými červenými vlasy, které jí kontrastují se zelenou barvou jejích očí. Její obliba je kreslení/malování a poflakování. Je to lenoch tělem i duší, ale když jde do tuhého, dokáže ze sebe vymáčknout všechno. Momentálně se nachází v "Top Ten" nejlepších zabijáků titánů i s mým dalším [OC] - Kamenashi Kazuya - Středně vysoký chlapec s černými štřapatými vlasy a taktéž černýma očima. Jeho obliba je zabíjení obrů, navzdory tomu, že jeho dva přátelé jsou také titáni. Ryuuka mu říká Kameník a na tuhle přezdívku se začnou chytat i ostatní.Tito dva se znají již od dětství. Oba jsou u Průzkumné Legie jsou tři roky.…

Who Is He (BakuDekuKiri

Who Is He (BakuDekuKiri

145 3 3

Bakugou and Iuzku are the popular couple of the school. Kirishima is just some person that no one knows about. But what happens when Iuzku and Bakugou start to fall for him(Sorry I can't fit the picture)…

The Ace(Mha)

The Ace(Mha)

490 34 10

Izuku have a Quirk called "Ace" He can do anything with it but if he used to much he will past out and he Quirk get it called a villian Quirk even his mother think that too what will when Pro heroes Eraser head and Mic save him and shinso and Eri from theirs homes…

As Soon As I Belong

As Soon As I Belong

150 6 5

Tenhle příběh byl původně napsaný pro sshg_exchange Summer 2007 v reakci na výzvu Claire_009. Příběh není můj, pouze ho překládám z angličtiny. Kapitol 11.Dokončený.Jedná se o pár Hermione Granger/Severus Snape.Snad se vám bude líbit, kdyžtak se omlouvám za chyby, které během překladu nastaly.…



204 18 4

Mike a Ben jedou stanovat k jezeru. Cesta je ovšem dlouhá a tak se před setměním rozhodnou utábořit. Zjistí ovšem že sirky mají ale nemají je čím zapálit. Mike nemůže v noci usnout tak se vydá na průzkum. Jde kolem potoka který je poblíž a najednou vidí zahalenou osobu. Více se dočtete v mé první knize.…

Katsuki Bakugo X My OC

Katsuki Bakugo X My OC

47 1 3

'You look at Katsuki with you big royal blue eyes. He was so close to your face. Your knees shaking...' READ ON TO FIND OUT MOREI Do Not Own BNHA The OC is mine though. Enjoy! •3•…