Aldaketa gure eskuetan

Aldaketa gure eskuetan

128 0 19

Didaktika ikasgaian hausnarketak sortzen dituzten gaiak landuko dira. Irakasleak, Andoni, bere ikasleak gehiago ikasteko ikasitako guztiaren inguruan hausnarketa bat eskatuko die. Kurtso amaieran Andoniren teknikak frutuak izan ahal dituen ikusiko da.…

Socrates-en semea

Socrates-en semea

38 2 1

Gaur egun gazteak tirano batzuk dira. Beren gurasoen kontra egiten dute, janaria jan eta ez dituzte irakasleak errespetatzen, zioen Socrates-ek. Beharbada hori izango zen bere ikuspuntua, baina ez egia.…

Fanfiction Ideas!

Fanfiction Ideas!

4,854 70 103

These are a list of fanfiction stories that I have half planned out for the fun of it because I have an obsession with writing notes and such. Seriously, I have way too much but I love it.Feel free to look at them and give your opinion or suggest characters I could fanfic as I have quite a lot so I don't really know which to start with first. Most if not all of these will be romance orientated as these are what I like to read myself and if it is anything else then it would centre around a familial relationship like a daughter or sister. The fanfiction ideas I have in this book will be from the following and not limited to...Naruto / Hakuoki / Ouran High School Host Club / Harry Potter / Twilight / Death note / Hunter X Hunter / Dr. Stone / Attack On Titan / etc...…