Arya Pierre

Arya Pierre

1,120 69 9

Raden Mas Arya Rajendra dan Pierre Andries Tendean, dua pemuda berbeda generasi dan dimensi waktu yang mengalami hal tak terduga dalam hidup mereka. Takdir yang bermaktub seolah mengajak mereka bermain peran, menghadirkan pelajaran dan pengalaman baru, yang siapa sangka benar-benar berhasil merubah hidup keduanya.Kisah cinta murni yang bertolak belakang menjadi pemanis dalam perjalanan hidup yang penuh lika-liku. Lalu, bagaimana akhir takdir kedua pemuda itu? Akankah keduanya bisa memainkan peran yang telah diatur oleh takdir itu? Ataukah mereka menyerah akan hidupnya yang berubah?Ranking #1 Sejarah (08 December 2023)#1 Keraton (10 December 2023)#1 Pahlawan (10 December 2023)#2 Yogyakarta (11 December 2023)#2 Raden (11 December 2023)#1 Yogyakarta (12 December 2023)…



17,647 2,250 33

Maira Zanitha Gunardi memutuskan meninggalkan Mama, Nenek dan Kakeknya di Surabaya, demi melanjutkan kuliah di Yogyakarta dan tinggal bersama Papa serta keluarga barunya. Semua dia lakukan demi mengembalikan keutuhan keluarganya.Pertemuannya dengan Erlangga Himawan membuat Maira melupakan dendamnya pada Ibu dan adik tirinya. Namun, kedatangan Mamanya ke Yogyakarta kembali membuka luka lama yang menyulut kembali dendam di hatinya.Hingga Maira dihadapkan dengan kenyataan yang membuatnya terbelenggu dilema. Mampukah Maira mewujudkan keinginan Mamanya?Karya duet Sarah Fransisca & Wulandari Imaniar…



5,057 210 8

Nama saya Reyhan Arashi. Saya adalah anak dari seorang pedagang rempah dan buah di Yogyakarta.Hidup saya terbilang sederhana dan tidak terlalu menyukai hal-hal berbau terlalu mewah. Masa remaja, saya isi dengan kegiatan seperti olahraga, membantu orang tua, dan melakukan hobi saya; mancing dan layangan.Bab hidup saya berlanjut dengan saya memutuskan untuk adu nasib ke Jakarta. Kebetulan saya juga mau kuliah disana.Saya dapatkan info dari keluarga saya ada yang menyewa kosan yang cukup murah bagi saya untuk tinggal di Jakarta.Tapi...Walaupun murah, ada alasan lain kenapa bisa murah...Dan mungkin tempat ini bisa merubah hidup saya.Inilah kisah saya.…

Garwa Kinasih (Istri Kesayangan). End-

Garwa Kinasih (Istri Kesayangan). End-

99,388 7,987 20

#1 dalam sultan (29/04/2019)#2 dalam fiksi sejarah (26/02/2019)#2 dalam kerajaan (26/04/2019)Perjanjian Giyanti (13 Februari 1755) perjanjian fenomenal yang telah mengubah geopolitik tanah jawa. mengakhiri dekade masa kerajaan mataram dinusantara dan mengawali pemrintahan Negara Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dibawah kepemimpinan Pangeran Mangkubumi yang kemudian bergelar Hamengku Buwana ingkang kaping Sepisan, gelar lengkapnya Ngarsa Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwana Senopati-ing-Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah Ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sapisan ing Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.Tidak, kisah ini tidak akan menceritakan tentang bagaimana beliau dan bagaimana kepemimpinan beliau maupun sosial masyarakat disaat beliau menjabat. ini adalah kisah fiktif dari seorang raja imajiner dengan mengambil set waktu dan setting sesudah kepemimpinan beliau. Penasaran? Yuks ikuti kisah ini setelah Sun's Flower selesai ya..…

Szerelmem maga a maffia

Szerelmem maga a maffia

24,220 722 12

Nora Ferell szülei kiskorában meghaltak. Apja régi barátja veszi szárnyai alá Norat, aki inmár felnőtté cseperedet. Orvosként dolgozik New York egyik kórházában ahol, összesodórja az élet egy úgyszint fiatal maffiózóval, Theo Ortegaval.A lány élete teljesen felfordúl mikor, gyámja meghal és Theohoz kerül akarata ellenére.Kiderül apjáról egy-két infórmáció ami miatt a lány élete veszélybe kerül.Vajon Theo meg tudja védeni Norat a múltjától?Nora a családja után vágyakozik?Képesek-e ennyi szenvedés és csaló után szeretni?Tarts velem és mindez kiderül!A történet néhol 🔞jelenetet és trágár szavakat tartalmaz!…



6,106 476 49

"- A szomszédos tudatmezők egymásra gyakorolt hatásának evolúciós szükségessége nem vitatható. Biológiailag arra lettünk konfigurálva, hogy a körülöttünk levőkkel szinte önkéntelenül szinkronba kerüljünk. Ezért is fordulhatott elő, hogy szimpatikusak lettünk egymás számára. - ecseteltem hosszasan a távolba meredve. - Tehát kedvelsz. - fordította le a mondandómat, mint ahogyan azt minden alkalommal tette. - Fogalmazhatunk így is. - forgattam meg a szemeimet." ......A történetet semmiképpen sem ajánlom 16 (helyenként 18) éven aluliaknak a trágár nyelvezet, szexuális tartalom, tudatmódosító szerek fogyasztása, mentális zavarok/betegségek tárgykörének feldolgozása miatt. Minden itt olvasható dolog a képzelet szüleménye, merítkezik a valóságból, valós személyekből és szellemi alkotásokból, viszont nem röghözkötötten. (A címből következésképpen a történet fő inspirációját a Téveszmék című dal adta, ezáltal időbeli csúszások előfordulhatnak.)Jó szórakozást!…

The Compensation

The Compensation

75,218 4,254 31

SEASON ONE!The princess of Padmadurg was prophesied to be blessed and bring prosperity. However, throughout Tarini's life of eighteen years, all she had been feeling was cursed, unwanted, underestimated to be precise. Tarini tries her best to pursue her but one dream to become a worthy empress even after being given away to an enemy kingdom as a war compensation, but at what cost? This is her journey from a mere war compensation to the regal empress of Aaranya.1st place in Historical fiction category in Rose awards 2019!1st place in ArShi category in The Limelight Awards 2020!3rd place in ArShi category at Incendia awards 2020!Cover credit to me.Highest ranking #5 in historical fiction on 14 th April 2018…

BloodLust (Male Sans Reader x Female Yandere Chara)

BloodLust (Male Sans Reader x Female Yandere Chara)

145,598 1,442 6

When a mysterious girl comes through the mysterious door one day and finds a skeleton and his brother talking, she takes an interest in one. The smaller, shorter, skeleton in the (F/C) zip up hoodie named (Y/N).This might be 1 to 3 parts long, maybe 5, not sure.…



310,267 11,155 46

One word - Just One word could have changed the fate of the whole Mahabharat War! Let's see howHighest Ranking: #1 in Mahabharat #1 in KarnaNOTE : THIS IS JUST A POSSIBILITY OF WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED. THERE IS NO INTENTION OF HURTING THE READER'S FEELINGS OR INSULT CULTURE! THIS IS PURELY A FAN FICTION!…

love of ALMIRA

love of ALMIRA

14,191 1,972 6

It's all about Almira and her love story 👋😍Wajib baca novel PURNAMA di UJUNG MEGA, kalau nggak mau roaming nggak mau nanggung yaaa…

Kalki: Dawn of the Final Avatar

Kalki: Dawn of the Final Avatar

2,374 70 13

In a world ravaged by darkness, the immortal warrior Ashwatthama and the humble woman Sumati are destined to protect the final avatar of Vishnu, Kalki. Together with the fierce deity Bhairava, they must confront malevolent forces seeking to plunge humanity into eternal night. As ancient legends come to life amidst the ruins of a fallen world, the battle between good and evil reaches its climax. Dive into this epic tale of redemption, divine purpose, and unwavering resolve. Inspired by timeless mythology and enriched with fantastical elements, this story promises a journey you won't forget.…

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart

24,700 686 28

Iwasaki Rei is bright second year that attracts everyone with her personality and looks alone. She seems perfect on the outside, but the inside is anything but that.In a rebellious fit, she storms out of her house and meets Suna Rintarō in a rather awkward way and makes what may be the worst mistake of her life, or the best decision she's ever made.(A/N: I got very bored with this so some things may be a bit random lol)…



49,796 3,374 39

Everyone needs love to complete themselves. Narayan needs Mata Laxmi, Mahadev needs Mata Parvati.But what about Amarsri ? Who would be eligible for the mighty Harihareshwari herself ? Suitable for the one who is both Narayan and Mahadev ?The answer lies in the first Paragraph.…

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]

322,199 14,150 99

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to forge your own path, one away from him, but still with him. Just a couple of Oikawa sibling antics as they both work towards their dreams. Ups and downs and maybe even some love in between. The life of Oikawa Y/N, the first Oikawa to go to Shiratorizawa.I do not own Haikyuu or any of the characters !Though there will be a significant amount of OC's which I've added for the sake of the story :)!! LOTS of manga spoilers !!Cussing! Lots of it too ahaaaThis story travels throughout different parts of the series.The first 60~ chapters begin before cannon world actually starts!It starts with reader as a Junior high student for the first couple chapters before leading to Shiratorizawa. Once Shiratorizawa and that volleyball world starts, you're a first year until I say otherwise. (Chapter 63 ish is when you move on to second year)So yes, this starts before cannon, so EVERYONE IS YOUNGER, at the beginning. I'll add notes to clarify ages as the story goes on!Story is haikyuu x various until you finally end up w the ML🤭this shit long asf, you've been warned‼️Started; December 12, 2020Ended; June 28, 2023most impressive rankings 🥵#1 on haikyuu#1 on oikawatooru#1 on Osamu#1 on Hirugami#2 on anime #2 on Atsumu#2 on Iwaizumi#5 on fanfictionCover from…

Bhagya Lakshmi & Rishmi FF The Truth (Completed)

Bhagya Lakshmi & Rishmi FF The Truth (Completed)

51,195 1,980 23

Its from malishka 'imagination but in my story its happen for real.…

Karna- The Hero Chosen by the Gods

Karna- The Hero Chosen by the Gods

372,276 14,399 85

What will happen if Karna was destined to be the son of Suryadev and Devi Sangya but due to some circumstances he had to born as Kunti's son. Karna was chosen by Gods and Krishna himself to be his fellow warrior in Dharmsthapon. Karna is the symbol of courage, humanity and sacrifice and just like his father gives light to everyone while burning himself. Can he help his mortal mother and brothers in their journey? Can he protect his brothers from all dangers? Stay tuned with this story.…



17,730 1,053 111

Labarin tsantsar soyayya me cike da sarkakiya ce ta kullu a tsakanin su. Ummulkhair ta zamo Allura cikin ruwa wanda me rabo ne ze dauka. Shin wa zata zaba a cikin su? Boyayyen masoyi Abdulkareem wanda yayi dakon soyayyar ta na tsahon lokaci ko kuma mahaukacin masoyi umar da yake son yi mata fin karfi?…

Ryota Echizen

Ryota Echizen

255,795 7,194 45

We've all heard of Ryoma and Ryoga Echizen's adventures, but we haven't heard about their youngest brother. Although he's related to the two wild cards, Ryota Echizen is nothing like his brothers. Sweet and caring, how will he handle starting his first year of school. At Hyotei no less!(Under Edit)Complete…

Rikara One Shot Story Collections I

Rikara One Shot Story Collections I

1,162,265 44,712 126

sh_aarohi had asked me to post all of my Rikara stories that I had posted in indiaforums (which were originally written for Rishabala & Michi)Hope you guys will enjoy it :)All Cover Courtesy : ImOrginal aka Nithya and Yours_abhigya…

Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)

Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)

434,411 25,856 77

Drisana has always felt like she's in the wrong place, wrong time. Why? That has no answer. After her parents death, adventure lover Drisana has been travelling around the world to find peace in her heart which has always been missing. But things take a drastic change when she comes to visit the place that her parents belonged to, where she was born. One moment she was in the basement of her parental house and the next she somehow tumble through a energy portal to 5157 years back in time in the Dwapar yug, badly injured, right on the hands of the legendary heroes of Mahabharat, Pandavs. What is she doing there? How she reached from Kaliyug to Dwapar yug and why? Many more things are running through her mind and all she got from the mortal disguise of Lord Narayan, Krishna is, "Tum etihas ka hissa nahi balki etihas rachne aayi ho. Apni vaggya ka racaita tum khud ho. " (You're not part of the history. Rather you have come to create the history. You're the writer of your own destiny.) *********** Familiar with the Mahabharat? Don't worry if you're not. I've added a short description of the original Mahabharat plot in the book for those. This story will follow the original mahabharat storyline but in a vastly different way with a lot of twists and events in my style. 😉 I'm aware Mahabharat holds religious sentiments for some and I do not INTEND to offend anyone. This is for entertainment purpose only. So don't get serious or offended please. And I apologise in advance if you feel hurt by any content of the book.…