

2 0 1

Sa maikling sandaling babasahin mo 'to, sanay bigyan mo ding kulay ang iyong mundo kahit na hindi ikaw ang bumuo…

Fusion Katastrophe (An Insektors Fanfic story)

Fusion Katastrophe (An Insektors Fanfic story)

176 7 14

This is a Fan Fic and AU of Insektors.Years ago, Magus has developed a project that can make engineering work easier, he calls this, Project: Fuse. Present time after its failure, Flynn recovered his father's journals including his infamous Project: Fuse during his ambush from the krud General, Wasabi.Despite his friends and family's warnings, Magus wants to try the project again to see if he can make something, for once. This time, successful but this leads to a big, big problem, his blast spreads throughout Planet Krud, fusing one bug to another, creating Verikruds. However an even bigger problem has emerged from the incident too, a floating orb, it's harmless right?And now all the affected Verikruds must try and work together to control their newly constructed body until Magus can restore them back to normal.…

Insektors: Rewritten

Insektors: Rewritten

389 3 4

Insektors was one of the first 3D CGI animated television shows ever produced. It's about two factions of bugs that constantly fight because of their differing worldviews (the Joyces, or Verigreens, want to preserve and protect nature, while the Yuks, or Kruds, want to use all the plants they can to burn as fuel... though it is a bit more nuanced than that). Though the show is obscure, it's well known amongst people aware of its existence that the show has two separate English dubs: the North American dub and the United Kingdom dub. They're wildly different from each other, down to character names and personality traits being completely changed. This rewrite serves to homogenize both dubs, and fill in details where they might've been lacking before.…

İnsan seksten ne ister? (Kendinizi gerçek hazza kavuşturun)

İnsan seksten ne ister? (Kendinizi gerçek hazza kavuşturun)

4,477 1 13

Biz insanlar sekste ne ararız? Niçin azgınlığımız oluşur ve seks yaparız ?Gerçek haz nedir? Sahte sekste bağımlılık oluşumu.…

Ang Alamat ng Parang

Ang Alamat ng Parang

3,936 30 7

Ito ay mga kuwento ng bawat hayop at insekto sa parang. Tiyak makaka-relate ang bawat mambabasa sa lahat ng tauhan.…



0 0 1

What if worms and insects destroy the world?…

Yalancıdan Mektuplar // GXG

Yalancıdan Mektuplar // GXG

865 96 10

Esmer tenimin üzerine konan kızıl saçların, yalancı beyaz öpüşlerin albenisindeydim. Katilimin ellerindeydim; mürekkebi benim kanım, duyguları benim hüznüm, ele alış şekli benim kederim, mektupları benim ölüm fermanımdı. Yalancılar için son durağın ilk lambasıydım ve bunu fark ettiğimde kendimi aşkın içinde boğulurken bulmuştum. Acımın anahtarı ise hiç ummadığım kişinin parmakları arasında oyuncaktı.…

Kumcer (Kumpulan Cerpen)

Kumcer (Kumpulan Cerpen)

1,139 63 3

Hanya sekumpulan kisah ringan...…

Devr-i Saltanat

Devr-i Saltanat

975 85 26

Rum Krallığının Prensesi Maria, Osmanlı Devleti'nde bir devrin saltanatını sürmeyi başarabilecek miydi?…

Aku cinta kau, titik. Tidak pakai koma!

Aku cinta kau, titik. Tidak pakai koma!

890 73 1

"Tidak. Jangan salah sangka. Aku tidak bermaksud mengganggu hubunganmu dengan Yoona. Sama sekali tidak. Aku hanya ingin kau tahu perasaanku yang sesungguhnya sebelum aku pergi, itu aja. Dan sekarang, aku lega telah mengatakannya padamu," Aku lega. Jujur.…

Enlightenment [Book 2: SEKTOR V Trilogy]

Enlightenment [Book 2: SEKTOR V Trilogy]

4,551 811 39

Book two of the SEKTOR V Trilogy expands into the Galactic unknown. In Enlightenment, Humanity's myopic and solitary existence is suddenly thrust into the domain of strange beings who have been monitoring and manipulating the Terran System for millennia. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, planetary powers look to align with benevolent extraterrestrials in order to battle dark alien forces looking to end Man's reign as the dominant species on Earth.Note: While Enlightenment stands on its own, additional context and story arc can be gleaned if the reader chooses to explore Book 1 of the SEKTOR V series (Ensemble) which was also a Watty Shortlist selection in 2021.[Complete: 63,572 words; 39 Chapters]2022 Wattys Shortlist Selection - October 2022Twitter:…

Misteri i malit

Misteri i malit

54 11 4

Ato po ecnin ngadalë përgjatë shtegut që përdridhej mes pemëve të holla, degët e të cilave shtriheshin si krahë të gjatë mbi kokat e tyre. Nuk ishte si çdo pyll tjetër-këtu, gjithçka ndriçohej nga një nuancë e thellë blu.Barërat dhe lulet anash shtegut nuk ishin të gjelbra, por të errëta, të mbushura me një shkëlqim të ftohtë, sikur ajri mbi to të ishte i mbarsur me magji. Petalet vezullonin butësisht në errësirë, ndërsa copa të vogla drite tundeshin midis gjetheve, duke u zhdukur sa herë që vajzat përpiqeshin t'i vështronin nga afër.Ajri kishte një freski të çuditshme, as të ftohtë e as të ngrohtë, por të huaj. Hapat e tyre jehonin lehtë mbi dheun e butë, sikur pylli vetë po i dëgjonte. Nuk kishte gjurmë të jetës-nuk kishte zogj që cicëronin, nuk kishte insekte që fshiheshin mes gjetheve. Vetëm ata dhe errësira blu që dukej se thellohej me çdo hap.Amelia ndali për një moment, duke mbajtur dorën mbi kraharor.-Reina...- zëri i saj ishte vetëm një pëshpërimë, gati e përthithur nga nata përreth. -A ke ndjesinë sikur po na vëzhgojnë?Reina s'e tha me zë, por edhe ajo e kishte ndjerë. Diçka nuk ishte si më parë. Ajri dridhej. Pemët, edhe pse të heshtura, dukeshin sikur frymonin në errësirë.Dhe atëherë...Dritat e vogla mes gjetheve filluan të lëviznin. Sikur po u hapnin rrugën. Sikur diçka po i priste përpara.Vajzat ndaluan frymëmarrjen. Nuk mund t'u besonin syve. Përpara tyre panë..."Ky libër është krijuar me pasion dhe mundim. Të gjitha të drejtat e autorit janë të rezervuara. Ju lutem, mos kopjoni, ripublikoni ose shpërndani përmbajtjen pa miratimin tim të drejtpërdrejtë. Respektoni punën e autorëve dhe krijuesve të tjerë. Faleminderit për kuptimin dhe mbështetjen tuaj!"…

Diva Ngoceh Sejagad Raya!

Diva Ngoceh Sejagad Raya!

378 44 1

Alamak, bibirnya kayak bibir perempuan. Dalam satu menit ia bisa bercerita tentang 6 hal berbeda, sekaligus!Fashion, kuliner, musik, film, buku, acara TV.Kebiasaannya berbicara dari satu topik ke topik yang lainnya dengan interval hanya sekian detik, benar-benar membuat teman-teman atau orang yang mendengarnya stress. Stress karena mereka tak memahami apa yang sebenarnya ia omongkan.…



2,755 301 3

"Maukah kau jadi pacarku? Kalau kau menerima, aku akan sangat berterima kasih. Tapi jika kau menolak, aku tak keberatan untuk mengejar-ngejar cintamu. Aku tahu aku punya banyak saingan karena di luar sana banyak namja yang jungkir balik ingin mendapatkan cintamu. Tapi asal kau tahu, aku sama sekali tak gentar."…



2,152 223 2

"Dan aku menolak mati di tangan orang gila!" Aku meraih tangan Wonwoo yang terulur ke leherku, menggigitnya kuat-kuat, dan setelah pisau ditangannya terjatuh, dengan sekuat tenaga aku membenturkan keningku ke wajah Wonwoo. Lelaki itu mengaduh kesakitan. Ia memegangi mulutnya sambil mengumpat. Aku yakin telah berhasil merontokkan gigi depannya!…

cover café (2017)

cover café (2017)

26,642 2,896 59

[ABGESCHLOSSEN]Ein Mensch ohne Kaffee ist eine lebendige Leiche, was wäre dann ein Buch ohne Cover? Aber keine Sorge, chapped ist da. Mit extra viel Milch und Zucker. Und Kekse für die Kleinen.…

Ensemble [Book 1: SEKTOR V Trilogy]

Ensemble [Book 1: SEKTOR V Trilogy]

7,933 928 40

Meet Stanley Dial, an average shmoe, who also happens to be the world's best and most unlikely time traveler in the year 2044. Saddled deep in debt, and sweating the details of an all-or-nothing bet that could seal his family's fate, Stanley finds himself caught up in an epic battle between two secretive organizations striving to control Earth's future. On one side, the government-run Ministry aggressively employs its "Big Brother" Sweeper program to routinely scan the near future for society-altering anomalies. Armed with this information, agents return to the present and covertly neutralize any undesirable outcomes that would adversely disrupt the status quo. Meanwhile, the much smaller and resource-challenged Underground use their own time travel technology and advanced scientific simulators to thwart Ministry efforts to manipulate the natural order of societal free will. Amid the chaos, Stanley becomes a pawn in their deadly game of cat and mouse. Will his hidden skill be enough to save Mankind from a decidedly dark and desperate future?[Complete: 56,872 words; 40 Chapters]Wattpad Shortlist Selection - October 2021Wattpad Editor's Choice - February 2021 @SEKTOR_VS3KTORV@gmail.comEnsemble Book Reviews (Spoiler alert caveats apply!) - Review by: Sapphire's Review Store - @ray_of_sunshine9 Link to review:…



1,638 171 2

"Dan ... bisakah kita berbicara sambil mencari ... posisi lain?" Kalimatnya terdengar ragu. Dahiku mengernyit. "Hah?" Aku ganti menatapnya bingung. Cowok itu menggigit bibirnya dengan ekspresi tak nyaman. "Kau ... berbaring di atas tubuhku." Lanjutnya kemudian. Mataku terbelalak. Alamak! Sekarang aku baru menyadari bahwa aku berbaring di atas tubuhnya. Oh-tidaaakkkkkkk....…

Sexy Bae

Sexy Bae

37,059 2,831 23

Bersahabat dengan Kang Baekho sejak kecil, tak pernah terbersit sedikitpun di benakku bahwa aku akan menganggapnya istimewa. Bukan sekedar istimewa sebagai seorang sahabat, tapi istimewa sebagai ... lelaki. Ketika dia memutuskan menikah dan pindah ke kota lain, aku masih rajin menjalin kontak dengannya. Terkadang kami saling bertanya kabar, terkadang kami mengobrol sebentar lewat telepon.Dan semua masih berjalan seperti biasanya, bahkan ketika beberapa tahun yang lalu aku mendapat kabar bahwa istrinya meninggal karena sakit. Kami tetap berhubungan baik, tetap saja tak putus kontak.Namun sejak setahun yang lalu, ketika ia dan putri kecilnya memutuskan untuk kembali ke kota kelahiran kami, semua berubah.Melihat bagaimana ia bersikap, bagaimana interaksinya dengan si kecil Lea, bagaimana ia merawatnya dengan penuh kasih, tiba-tiba saja hatiku berdebar. Aku ingin di sisinya, aku ingin senantiasa mengobrol dengannya. Aku ingin lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengannya, termasuk bersama Lea.Dan ... yeah, akhirnya aku menemukan diriku jatuh cinta padanya.Pada Kang Baekho, sahabatku sejak kecil, yang kini telah menduda, dan berubah jadi lelaki yang menggoda. Note :Terinspirasi dari banyak cerita sejenis.A veeerrryyy slow update.…



5,554 124 17

Kim Soohyuk, direktur tampan dan mapan, pekerja keras serta perfeksionis.Shin Soyoung, wanita cerdas dan mandiri, bekerja sebagai sekretaris Soohyuk.Baek Sangah, tunangan Soohyuk yang berprofesi sebagai pemain biola, mengelola sekolah musik milik orang tuanya.Meskipun sudah bertunangan, Soohyuk masih belum bisa melupakan masa lalunya yang merupakan cinta pertamanya. Tapi dengan kehadiran Soyoung, akankah jalan hidupnya menjadi berubah?===Cerita ini sudah selesai! Tapi akan update sekali seminggu setiap hari Selasa!Tambahkan cerita ini ke perpustakaan untuk mendapat notifikasi update-nya ya.…