What is HVAC Systems and How Does It Work? (2024 Guide)

What is HVAC Systems and How Does It Work? (2024 Guide)

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HVAC Systems Ultimate Guide in 2024: 1. Components 2. Work 3. Types 4. Future Trends and 5.Automotive E-Compressor Industry.…

Stranded beyond Space

Stranded beyond Space

1,018 30 32

Sitting at my desk my computer screen lights up.(Message from Amy) 'Hey Louise, are you finished writing the new chapter form your story yet? I am addicted to it! I cant wait for the next part!' I smile as I read her message . 'I am just writing it now,! This chapter is going to blow your mind! I'm thinking kidnapping, murder... all the usual with hottie Kylo!' I laugh and send her the reply. Typing on my laptop I continue with my train of thought when my mum knocks on the door. I look up 'Yeah mum?' I call out. 'Can you keep the noise down, your typing is keeping us up' She replies.'It's only 10pm?' I reply. 'Some of us actually care about work in the morning' She replies cheekily.Looking at my laptop I decide to call it a night. Shutting the power off I slowly walk over to my window. Pulling the blinds closed I quickly peek up at the sky. 'I wish anything could happen so I'm not here tomorrow. Anything.' I whisper out, my breath leaving the window foggy. Falling into bed, pulling up the covers I settle myself and fall asleep.Why is it so cold? I think to myself. 'Where the hell am I?' I say aloud looking at my surroundings. Is this a TIE fighter ship? 'No way!' I exclaim. Standing up, the ship shakes, I realize this ship is flying and someone is going to get a shock of their life from seeing me like this.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not own the Star Wars Franchise nor its characters. The characters I have created are as follows:Louise HarveyAmy Dawson(I will update if anything changes).I do not own the cover picture .…

Random Nonfiction

Random Nonfiction

5,603 32 200

As the title says lol…

A Penny For Your Thoughts? | Georgia x Pennsylvania [Angst & Fluff]

A Penny For Your Thoughts? | Georgia x Pennsylvania [Angst & Fluff]

958 50 13

Book 1 in "Statehouse Stories"-----A caffeine addicted narcoleptic and a rowdy ex-capital with a drinking problem. A peachy pair, if you will. One couldn't seem to stay awake while the other drank and partied all night.Baseball games, and quiet cafés. Late night parties, and boring work meetings.A perfect, yet mundane, life. But not quite for long...-----Georgia sat in the car, forehead pressed against the cold, frosted glass. The back seat filled with boxes of various things. And right beside him, in the driver's seat, Louisiana, tapping their thumbs on the wheel to the music that was playing, although Georgia wasn't nearly as interested in the music as his sibling was."God Lou would you turn that down?" He rolled his eyes and snapped at his sibling, who then put up his hands and turned the volume dial."Alright, alright, jeez, what kinda gris-gris got put on you?" Georgia just scoffed and turned to put his head back on the window, until they both drove past a sadly familiar place."Hey hey wait stop the car." His seatbelt was already unbuckled and his door swung open right as the car stopped moving."Jesus- what was that for Geo?!" Louie slammed the breaks and furrowed their eyebrows at their brother, who was walking away from the car at a fast pace. It wasn't until then that Louie's face dropped and they realized where they were at.Georgia started to run to get closer, before slowing down right in front of the headstone.In Loving Memory of PennsylvaniaDecember 12th, 1787 - November 18th, 2020A wide grin grew on Georgia's face, but blurry, tear filled eyes came with it."Happy birthday Penny."-----Credit for characters goes to Ben Brainard.Storyline, backstory, cover art, and overall book belongs to @TheChromaSystemThis book was written by a fictive in a system of Georgia from Ben Brainard's "The Table" web-series. All events in this book are true and have happened in Georgia's memory. Remember that before posting comments.…

From Londoner to Lord

From Londoner to Lord

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Steven awakens to a nightmare. Transported to a brutal medieval kingdom on a faraway planet, he finds himself in the body of Kivamus, the ostracized third son of the Duke of Ulriga. Banished to a crumbling frontier village called Tiranat, a bandit-ridden backwater bordering untamed forests, Kivamus faces a harsh awakening as its newly made Baron.Tiranat is a far cry from Steven's comfortable London life. Here, survival is a daily battle, resources are scarce, and technology is a distant dream. Medieval life is brutal and the villagers, though hardy, lack the knowledge to truly thrive. Yet, a flicker of hope remains for Kivamus - memories of a technologically advanced world. Armed only with the ingenuity of a modern mind, Kivamus defies despair. He sees potential where the villagers only see struggle. He dreams of using his knowledge to forge a new future for Tiranat, a future fueled by industry, a concept alien to this medieval society.But the path to progress is fraught with challenges. Navigating the cutthroat world of medieval politics, earning the wary trust of the villagers, and overcoming the limitations of a resource-scarce world are just the beginning. All the while, a haunting question echoes in his mind: is he forever trapped in this strange new life, or is there a way back to the world he once knew?This is the story of Kivamus, a man reborn, forced to carve a new destiny in a world both harsh and exhilarating. Buckle up, because the first step towards progress is about to get messy.But before anything else, he will recreate indoor plumbing, dammit!* If you decide to come along for the journey, thank you! I'm having a lot of fun writing this story. I hope you will enjoy it too.* Map of southern Reslinor: https://www.patreon.com/posts/southern-part-of-100242112…