Number One Priority
Cover art is done by Tio-Trile*IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ENDGAME OR FAR FROM HOME, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!!!!**U have? GOOD!*After the death of the famous and notorious Tony Stark and the miracle of the loved ones we have lost coming back from the ashes, Morgan has to learn how to live a life without a father and with a new and spectacular big brother, Peter.Peter had no idea what happened when he woke up from death five after later, but he knows that the world he knows is gone and has to embrace this new earth. One of his new responsibilities is looking after his father figures daughter, making sure she's safe from any and all threats, and by that, I mean falling down the stairs or dropping an ice cream."Peter..." Morgan asked, playing with the heel of her shoes "Can I meet Spider-Man one day?""Of course you will, little bug!" Peter says, ruffling her hair "I just happen to be...very close to him and I tell him about all the adventures we go on! He thinks you are very brave!"…