Alias was a master hacker, her services to the government could never be repaid, especially when she finds something extraordinary. When Team Prime needs help against a virus from Soundwave, the government is hesitant to let her help. After all, they don't even know who she is, only that her skills are unparalleled. However, the fate of the world is at stake, so they call her in again, asking for her in person. Team Prime is about to meet it's newest member. Alias... a teenage girl!? And Alias might not have been what they were expecting, but her and her brother are even more than meets the eye. You see, her identity isn't the only secret they have. With an ability like hers, she might have the power to unveil the Decepticon ruler's most well kept secret of all time. A secret that Soundwave does not want the Decepticons to know.…