Dead by daylight survivor's one-shots

Dead by daylight survivor's one-shots

833 24 4

Okay, I know some people will love this book because I love playing this game since in 2017 because I have been loving almost all the characters even the new ones that came out.…

Why Do Online Payments Fail? Understanding the Common Issues

Why Do Online Payments Fail? Understanding the Common Issues

3 0 1

Payment solutions for E-commerce are a set of services designed to help online merchants process payments efficiently and safely. Payment gateways are among the solutions. They also include merchant accounts, digital wallets, and other payment options like Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), cryptocurrency, and payment via a digital wallet. Payment solutions must be able to support multiple currencies, offer seamless checkouts, and have strong security. Payment solutions for e-commerce integrate into online stores and allow merchants to accept payment through multiple channels including bank transfers, credit cards, and debit cards. Data protection is ensured by advanced fraud prevention methods, including AI-driven security, two-factor authentication, and other tools. Businesses that want to improve user experience, increase conversion rates, and reach a global audience must choose the best payment solution.…

Layanan Design Feed Instagram

Layanan Design Feed Instagram

1 0 1

Instagram feed sama dengan fitur klasik yang dimiliki oleh Instagram untuk para user. Untuk sebagian banyak pelanggan Instagram, feed Instagram menjadi sangat penting karena hal tersebut dapat dilihat oleh orang lain. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelanggan yang menginginkan tampilan feed Instagram mereka terlihat menarik dan tertata.…

Your Not Bruce.

Your Not Bruce.

427 26 3

Peter was having a normal day. He had school, got picked on by Flash, went out as Spiderman and saved a few people. That was until someone had texted him. The person didn't even realize it was the wrong number but Peter helped them out anyways. What happens when the person realizes it's not who they originally thought it was?~~~~I don't own Marvel or the art of the cover!!~~~~Start: 9/19/20End:…

Ich weiß nicht.

Ich weiß nicht.

25 0 3

A Malec fanfiction because duh, it's Malec. There is no ShadowWorld or anything like it. Magnus and Alec are both high schoolers in New York STATE, a larger suburb but not a big city. They met when they were six years old at karate and have been friends ever since. Eleven years later, seniors in high school, Alec starts feeling things for Magnus and tells no one. Both are openly gay (or bisexual in Magnus's case) except Alec to his parents.…

Walking in the wind || N.H  (not finished)

Walking in the wind || N.H (not finished)

494 73 27

One 17 year old girl. One 18 year old boy. One summer. One heartbreak.…

i love you!

i love you!

48 1 3

Puteri Arysa Nafisah seorang perempuan yang berhati keras kepada semua lelaki di luar sana. Apbila munculnya Ahmad Hakimi Syah, hidupnya bertmbah tak tentu arah dan membuatkan dia semakin membenci lelaki itu. Bila hati ingin menerima lelaki itu, lelaki yang cukup dibencinya menghancur kan segala."Saya nak kita bahagia. Saya sayang awak! Tak kesahla datang banyak mana dugaan sekali pun, yg penting awak milik saya." -AhmadHakimiSyah"Lelaki macam kau ni nak jadi suami aku? Heh, dulu kau tinggalkan aku and now kau nak aku balik?. Kau fikir aku ni ape?!" -PuteriArysaNafisah"Even kau dah kahwin pun, aku tetap nakkan kau" -AdamFirdausVOTE AND COMMENT❤…



2 0 1

Jeder kennt Samuel, den hellhaarigen Hexenmeister mit den unterschiedlichen Augenfarben. Doch was ist seine Vorgeschichte? Wie war er, bevor er auf Sophie traf und um die Dämonenbraut warb?Hier ist seine Vorgeschichte in Form einer KurgeschichteIhr seid neugierig auf das Hauptbuch? Dann schaut hier vorbei: Coverbild ist von Pixabay:ät-2681294/…

Frosting and Sprinkles brought us together (Niall Horan Fan-fic)

Frosting and Sprinkles brought us together (Niall Horan Fan-fic)

159 6 2

Ariana has long brown hair, and brown eyes. She has a small nose, big eyes, and small lips. She did cheer. She's VERY sassy. She loves bows and Starbucks. Some people loved her, but most people were jealous of her. So there-fore she only had two true friends: Beth and John. Beth had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was gorgeous, and everyone loved her. Ariana was secretely jealous of her. Beth and John had a love-hate relationship. John is the school jock and everyone loved him too. Sometimes Ariana wondered why they were her friends.ALL CREDITS FOR COVER GO TO @Clueless_…

Kot Marian w Polskiej Gimbazie! (3)

Kot Marian w Polskiej Gimbazie! (3)

4,706 684 12

Tym razem Marianek uda się do Gimnazjum numer 13 w Sosnowcu! Tak, MARIANEK! Dam dam daaam!!!30.07.2021 - minęło 5 lat od publikacji tej książki. Nie zwracajcie uwagi na błędy, i tak nie mam siły ich poprawić. Zostawiam to tylko z nostalgii…

Dixon's Can't Love(sequel to Dixon Lover)

Dixon's Can't Love(sequel to Dixon Lover)

179 14 11

Don't read this book if you hadn't checked out the last one, Dixon Lover. It won't make sense. I promise. But I hope you enjoy it, so why won't I just stop talking? LETS GET IT !…

Once Upon A Dream

Once Upon A Dream

30 5 3

"Dreams often reveal feelings that we've repressed because our dreams are a reflection of our unconscious mind, our emotional truth." During a chance encounter during a night of 'patrols,' vigilante Reimu Yumemite finds herself consistently visiting the dreams of a Katsuki Bakugou. In a world of dreams, guards are let down and anything is possible. Limited series, Prequel to Muse.…



74 5 1

ေအးစက္လြန္းပီးစကားနည္းတယ့္မတ္မတ္ မင္ယြန္းဂီအရာရာသြက္လက္ပီးခ်စ္ဖို႔ေကာင္းတယ့္Fujoshiမေလး ဂင္ဟန္နီယြန္းဂီကိုျမင္ျမင္ခ်င္းခ်စ္မိသြားတယ့္ဟန္နီေနာက္ထပ္ဘာေတဆက္ျဖစ္မလဲ?…



774 35 49

Listen to my extremely annoying complaints!Feel none of my emotions as I scream in anger!Hear my (not-so-)funny jokes and puns!I AM A BUNNYHEAR MEH SQEKSQEKSQEKSQEK(*children screaming*)(Also literally no one is reading this anymore, I'm unpopular)…

Sebastian's Story: The Mortal Instruments (On Hold)

Sebastian's Story: The Mortal Instruments (On Hold)

230 5 2

Just to let you readers know, this gives a brief background of before City of Glass but mostly focus' on during City of Glass and the books after. I give all rights to Cassandra Clare, I just wanted to create a story that showed Sebastian's side, as I'm not sure if Cassandra Clare ever did write a story to Sebastian's point of view.~Everyone knows there are two sides to a story. We've heard Clary's and a little bit of the other characters but what about the bad guys. What about Sebastian, that had no say in his future because it was ruined before he was born? They say Sebastian was a heartless, cold blooded monster but if you have read the series, you would know that there were times when he was actually caring towards his sister, Clarissa, even if they were brief. Did you ever wonder if there was more of a background as to why Sebastian was so terribly, cruel?…

Microfinance Software Company in Lucknow

Microfinance Software Company in Lucknow

1 0 1

SigmaIT Software Microfinance Software Development Company In Lucknow or Microfinance Software Company In Lucknow providing financial services to nearly 3 billion unbanked people worldwide. The main objective of MFIs is to become efficient financial institutions that offer a broad range of adequate products and services to a large number of households and small businesses at affordable costs.#microfinancesoftwarecompanyinlucknow #microfinancesoftwaredevelopmentcompanyinlucknow #softwarecompanyinlucknow #softwaredevelopmentcompanyinlucknow…

Cream Firmax3 Untuk Flek Di Wajah

Cream Firmax3 Untuk Flek Di Wajah

119 0 1

Anda butuh untuk Cream untuk membersihkan Flek di Wajah boleh menggunakan Cream Firmax3, ada banyak manfaat kesehatan yang bisa and dapatkan.🌀Titik Wajib adalah Nadi Tangan, Nadi Leher dan Tengkuk ☑Reaksi Perawatan / Terapi Hormon dengan Obat / Produk Firmax3 sangat cepat berkisar 5 - 20 Menit tergantung Penerimaan Tubuh Pasien ☑Dianjurkan Minum Air 2 - 3 Gelas / Jus selama Perawatan / terapi Hormon dengan Firmax3 Setelah Olesan untuk menghindari tindak balas Positif karena percepatan Pembuangan Racun / Toksin dalam Proses Detoksifikasi ☑Khusus Penyakit Berat Seperti Stroke, Kanker, Tumor, Kolestrol, Gula, Asam Urat Tinggi, Jantung, Ginjal, Paru-Paru, Liver, Gangguan Otak dan Penyakit berat dan Kronis lainnya yang sudah menahun Pemakaian / Perawatan / terapi Obat / Produk Firmax3 Minimal 5 - 6 Box sampai sembuh total ☑Selama Pemakaian Obat / Produk Firmax3 Dianjurkan Menghindari Makanan Hewani ☑ Fase Kerja Firmax dalam Organ Tubuh menurut Dokter Syaifulloh…

Game On! (Kpop x OC)

Game On! (Kpop x OC)

153 19 3

In its brilliant history, there were five once-in-a-decade prodigies in the world of esports known as the Worst Generation.They are called Worst Generation not because they are not good at playing the game but because they are the worst enemy of all teams.They are unbeatable.Jungkook dominated the ranked ladder for a very long time making him the best player in the world. He is the king of victory who has never lost!Ryujin is the best tank player in the world. Her vision on the map and teamfight sets made the people recognize her as the "Badass Walking Trap" or the "Walking Fortress".Rose is the best Mage/Marksman and burst damage dealer in the world. She can put her enemies into submission with her skills and domination. Sana is the best fighter and assassin in the world. She was also the best killer and the only one who achieve a score of a thousand kills in the whole Championship Tournament. Wherever she went, rivers of blood flowed, acquiring her nickname "Thousand Deaths"Wonyoung is the best support in the world. No one in her teammates will die in her presence. Her supporting skills made her the best at initiating team fights and protecting the core hero. She's the most reliable teammate when it comes to making sure that the core hero is safe and efficiently farming.And there is Zane, the Unknown Sixth player of the Worst Generation.But that's not where the story started. It all began the day after the end. The day Zane thought would be the end of his long eSports career, is actually the start of his new beginning.Kpop AU…

Book Of Art Thieves (And Some Haters)

Book Of Art Thieves (And Some Haters)

8,549 279 98

This book is reporting art thieves so you can help get them off wattpad.…

Obat bisul Smart Detox Plus Bandung

Obat bisul Smart Detox Plus Bandung

2 0 1

WA/Call +62 813-2047-0222, itu Smart Detox ?Smart Detox adalah program detoksifikasi modern yang dilakukan selama 20 hari dengan pola 232. di keluarkan oleh perusahaan Synergy Worldwide dari USA. Berkantor Pusat di Provo Utah Amerika. CEO dan owner dari Synergy worldwide adalah Mr. Dan Higginson.Program Smart Detox bukan hanya program Penurunan Berat badan, tapi juga untuk program kehamilan alami dan membantu penyembuhan berbagai macam keluhan kesehatan seperti diabetes, kolesterol, asam urat, persendian, jantung dll.Smart Detox Synergy adalah solusi cerdas untuk mengeliminasi atau menetralkan racun (toksin) di dalam tubuh kita. Smart Detox merupakan suatu pencegahan dengan cara membuang timbunan kelebihan sampah sisa-sisa hasil metabolisme, yang merupakan racun bagi tubuh. Racun ini terakumulasi dalam tubuh kita selama bertahun-tahun. Racun yang terakumulasi dalam tubuh ini akan merusak sel-sel tubuh dan secara bertahap menurunkan kekebalan tubuh, yang dapat menjadi suatu penyakit.Setelah tubuh mengalami DETOKSIFIKASI, maka tubuh kita akan merasa lebih KREATIF, BERSEMANGAT, PRODUKTIF, RILEKS dan NYAMAN.Manfaat Smart Detox adalah :* Badan Bebas Toksin sebagai penyebab berbagai macam Penyakit* Berat Badan IDEAL ALAMI* Meningkatkan VITALITAS* Menjaga IMMUNITIES* Awet Muda* Program KehamilanHubungi SegeraIbu Erning OeiFx Mall Sudirman lantai 7 Jl. jendral Sudirman Jakarta081388552064 ( Telkomsel / WA/ Call )0813-2047-0222 ( WA )info cara pakai :, #obatbisulchina, #obatbisulbolong, #obatbisulmakassar, #obatbisulpayudara, #distributorsmartdetoxdisurabaya, #distributorsmartdetoxbergaransi, #distributorsmartdetoxbanjarmasin, #distributorsmartdetoxdepok, #distributorsmartdetoxpondokindah,…