The Neglected Girlfriend

The Neglected Girlfriend

107 1 4

A girl who's been neglected by her boyfriend, would it end well for her?This was the story of an abused, neglected girlfriend, who gave her all for the one she loved, even if the feeling wasn't mutual. You spent your life trying to get attention from someone who didn't care about you. You wanted a life full of love, but it was one void of happiness. Your life was one that had more sadness, more misery, and more pain, than anything else. You tried to show your love, but it was a fruitless attempt.…

Destiny Against Us: Vryielle Rui Oaksley (Oaksley's Series#1)

Destiny Against Us: Vryielle Rui Oaksley (Oaksley's Series#1)

36 3 4

Two agents got partnered with But both have missions on their own. Will they accomplish it or will destiny have another plan?…

✨My Mind Place✨

✨My Mind Place✨

18,507 178 424

Hey. I'm Lauricorn. This book is similar to MangoKiwi (aka the bae)'s abyss of randomness. Get ready for rants, ideas, and random thoughts. I usually update daily, but sometimes I miss a day. This book does contain some curse words. Be warned. SkyDoesMinecraft, Deadlox, and MunchingBrotato are bae. Stay amazing my few but valuable followers ^3^ love you all (I ship skylox, shyler, and kind of skytato skylox is my OTP ok)(I use emojis in like everything be warned)-Lauricorn…