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The Horsemen are back and ready for action.With Henley leaving, The Horsemen begin to give up on their dreams, questioning the existence of The Eye. The word "family" becomes a foreign phrase. A new member is introduced, starting off their first show in almost a year. When things don't go as planned, The Horsemen are sent off on a wild ride. Relationships bloom and magic sparks.Join The Five Horsemen on their crazy adventure.--------Sequel to 'The Nimble' NYSM 1-Hi! Thank you for coming back and reading the sequel! If you haven't read the first book, I suggest doing so, it gives a little more background information. I had to make up a few scenes because they aren't shown in the movie, but nevertheless- please enjoy! (Disclaimer) I do NOT own NYSM 1-2, or any of the characters except for my own original character. Thank you and enjoy. :)…