-|[ENNEAD SHORTS]|-By RouzXyChan
Theses are little fanfics, shorts headcanons that came to my mind, or whatever you want to call them about this Manhwa called ENNEAD that I like so much.The fact that it is not completed yet make me cry because of the anxious I am to know what happens next at the end of every single chapter I read. The fact that my favorite ship is HorusxSeth doesn't help me to much because Mojito, What's wrong with you, at the moment I begun to read this manhwa, because of the cover of the book I made myself the idea that they will be the main relationship and now in this new seasons Seth have been with literally everyone but Horus and the only thing I can do is to feel for the little Hawk.(I'm not saying Horus is the good one here but some reason I sympathize with him)…