Matilda (Hortensias POV)

Matilda (Hortensias POV)

437 14 9

Don't you want to learn others'points of view? Hortensia's a 11-12 year old girl who goes to Crunchem Hall. She's bold and loyal. She is known for revolting quite a lot, so when knew students arrive that strive to stand for what's right she gets quite excited. Can she escape Trunchbulls chokey and help kids join the revolt? Read to find out! -Before anyone says anything, yes. I do know someone already made one like this. I got inspired and decided to make one of my own! If anyone would like to check out her story it is called "Revolting (HORTENSIAS POV) My friend, Kallie made one too! It's still in the making so if you'd like to check it out it's "The Revolt (Amanda's POV)"-I will be adding Hortensia into some songs/scenes shes not in to help move the plot more so the story flows better.-I'm currently doing the stage musical production with Kallie. (I play Hortensia, she plays Amanda) So. I'll be going off of what we've done in the play, the Netflix movie, and the Broadway musical. Enjoy! :D…

quand les fleurs fleurissaient

quand les fleurs fleurissaient

76 33 12

la belle époque où les fleurs fleurissaient sur la promenade…

Le temps des fleurs

Le temps des fleurs

3,976 544 10

Izuku, jeune trentenaire, tente de prendre sa vie en main après un long moment au fond du gouffre. Il va découvrir les joies, les peines et surtout l'amour. ...... Courte histoire dans le cadre d'un défi lancé par @Bakudekuranger pour l'anniversaire de Katsuki Bakugo. J'espère que ça vous plaira.Couverture…

27 percent ✓

27 percent ✓

684,805 18,934 46

completed: 08/27/18-shortlisted for Fiction awards-May Springer enters her Senior year of high school with high hopes for her future, maybe she'll make some friends this year. Maybe she'll get higher than a -A on a test, and maybe just maybe she can get into her dream college.But dreams don't always come true, when she is diagnosed with the worst form of Leukemia her dreams drop dead and she looses all hope.That is until she threw up on a police officer.Well, this should be fun.Will love, fear and whole-hearted fun pull this broken girl together? Or will the illness take her over before the bad boy can save her?➶highest rank: #15 in Humor!…

Time Stellar | Sirius Black

Time Stellar | Sirius Black

39,584 2,012 142

"Thank Salazar, I was starting to imagine you actually stopped despising me."Sirius laughed, "Yeah, as if that would ever happen.""I know, who talks this way to the person they despise." Alasia grinned."Right? Who does?" Sirius huffed."Not us.""Absolutely not us."Time Turners are not said to travel forward, only hours at max in the past. What if they do? What if the person who travels has to inevitably come back, ruining all the life in future, ruining the future and the memories of it altogether.Alasia Victoria Serpens was born in the fifties, a pureblood Sacred Twenty Eight proud witch. Serpens like the northern celestial constellation, Serpentis. Alasia like one of its stars. Greek mythology wise, Serpens constellation represents a giant snake held by the healer Asclepius. Asclepius was the son of the god Apollo who was said to be able to bring people back to life with his healing powers.Unlike and Like , it all connected to Flames and a Phoenix. The moment she had stepped feet into the castle of Hogwarts, students feared her position. So what would happen if one day, the girl who had fought tooth and nail to become the Head Girl, an ice cold Slytherin, would be tricked and sent ten years in the future? Much to her dislike and much to a group of four's amusement, right in the middle of Marauders' seventh year.…

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)

88,191 2,403 199

Title: "I Cultivated N World Champions"←=.= The Real Title Should Actually Be This, Ahem, Quietly HighlightingSu Bai, as an athlete with no promising future in track and field, decides to apply for retirement due to a lack of hope for performance improvement . However, when he officially submits his retirement application, something strange happens in his mind - the appearance of a "Super Idol System"?! The problem is, this system seems a bit out of the ordinary...His first task is to practice basic knife skills for an hour? And the reward he receives after completing the task is a position as the chef of the S Province Sports Team? Hold on, is this an idol system or a chef development system?Later on, Chef Su Bai becomes the team's legendary figure. The most talented athlete in the team praises Su Bai's cooking as the best in the world. The notorious troublemaker in the team is willing to do anything for Chef Su. Even athletes who originally had poor performance and considered retiring thank Chef Su for suggesting they switch to another event, believing they can compete until the 2024 Olympics!With Su Bai acquiring more and more skills, he finally realizes that this is not just a chef development system - it's a superstar coach development system!Years later, when a reporter interviews the nationally renowned coach Su Bai, the journalist enthusiastically asks, "How did you make athletes who are not much younger than you obedient and disciplined?" Su Bai remains silent for a moment and sighs, "Well, I guess if they don't listen, they won't get to eat the food I make." Journalist: ?????One-sentence Summary: I've nurtured numerous world champions and dominated the world of sports.Theme: Leading exceptional athletes to achieve world dominance in the sports arena.------Completed (296 Chapters + 9 Extras) | Started: 08/26/2023 End: 10/20/2023P.S. Full credit to the author | Not my novelEdited MTL by me (dapotaturs) Not the Official Story Cover…

Después del renacimiento, el omega trágico gana sin mover un dedo

Después del renacimiento, el omega trágico gana sin mover un dedo

4,576 426 18

En su vida anterior, An Ji parecía tener la palabra "desafortunado" escrita en la frente.Nació en la nobleza pero terminó viviendo en las calles durante diez años. Encontró un novio beta, pero el cabrón lo engañó para que le cortara las glándulas. Dedicó su vida a la causa omega pero terminó muriendo sin un cadáver intacto.No fue hasta más tarde que descubrió que todos describían a las personas como él como "hermosas, fuertes y trágicas". La diferencia era que los personajes bellos, fuertes y trágicos de las historias tienen finales felices, pero él solo consiguió la muerte.An Ji: "WTF".Entonces renació.En esta segunda vida, An Ji expresó que solo sería hermoso y fuerte. ¿En cuanto a lo trágico? ¡A la mierda esa mierda!Pero, ¿alguien puede decirle por qué su anteriormente educado prometido cambió repentinamente su personalidad?La historia de las estrellas afirma que el emperador Rongwu tenía una naturaleza brutal y una habilidad sobresaliente. Gobernó con puño de hierro y creó un mundo próspero que duró cientos de años después de la guerra.Todos pensaron que estaba demasiado concentrado en su carrera como para dedicarle atención al amor. Muy pocas personas sabían que siempre estaba pensando en su prometido, el verdadero amor que dejaba escapar por sus ridículas nociones de bondad.El gran emperador soltero puso fin a su larga y solitaria vida después de elegir un sucesor para el trono.Cuando vuelve a abrir los ojos, Li Rong ha vuelto a su juventud.El joven cachorro Li Rong cree que si amas a alguien, debes darle libertad a esa persona.El viejo perro Li Rong dice que todo eso es una tontería. Si amas a alguien, debes poseer a esa persona a toda costa.Mucho más tarde, An Ji se frota la cintura dolorida y piensa que su nueva vida sigue siendo trágica hasta cierto punto.El cachorro joven y el perro viejo vienen por turnos. Incluso el omega más fuerte no sería capaz de soportarlo...…

Digital Art Collection

Digital Art Collection

68 0 6

Nesta obra eu apresento a vocês uma coletânea de minhas artes digitais feitas a dedo, com a utilização das ferramentas de edição do Instagram no aparelho celular. Descobri que aquelas ferramentas poderiam me ajudar a expressar a minha arte através da pintura digital. Sempre considerei que a arte é promovedora de transformações e expressões de novas ideias.Descobri que a arte nos entusiasma e nos impulsiona, porque ela é portadora de uma força que promove uma elasticidade em nossa mente, expandindo-a e fazendo com que os melhores pensamentos se fortaleçam e promovam uma mudança positiva em nossas estruturas.Qualquer forma de arte consegue fazer uma transformação harmoniosa e construtiva no ser humano.A arte é medicina que transforma e cura as dores da alma, trazendo serenidade.Um mergulho nas profundezas da arte é uma experiência que mexe com a estrutura da mente humana.Quando estamos envolvidos com a arte, nos esquecemos dos nossos conflitos existenciais e passamos a construir caminhos e possibilidades.A arte também é uma viagem dentro de um mundo próprio onde tudo é possível. Neste mundo pode haver dois sóis e isso não será nem um pouco estranho, porque a finalidade da arte é criar mundos próprios e únicos.Rozilda Euzebio Costa…

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

877 34 20

En el escenario actual del mundo, Douma y Shinobu, dos corazones unidos, sufriran una desgarradora separación y deben de mantener viva la fuerza del amor, enfrentan la desafiante realidad de una relación a distancia. Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes de secundaria, comienzan su historia cuando las circunstancias los separan físicamente, pero su conexión emocional sigue brillando en la oscuridad de la distancia.Douma y Shinobu enfrentan un nuevo tipo de batalla: la prueba de mantener viva su relación a través de fronteras y husos horarios. A través de videollamadas, mensajes de texto y notas escritas a mano, cultivan su amor a través de la pantalla de sus dispositivos, compartiendo risas, sueños y secretos que mantienen viva la llama de su conexión.Sin embargo, la distancia también trae consigo desafíos. La ausencia física se convierte en una lucha constante contra la soledad y los celos. Douma y Shinobu deben aprender a confiar el uno en el otro mientras enfrentan las tentaciones y distracciones del mundo que los rodea. A través de las noches en vela y los días de espera, su amor se fortalece, revelando la resiliencia de dos almas destinadas.A medida que enfrentan la realidad de su situación, Douma y Shinobu se embarcan en una travesía de creatividad para acercar sus mundos. Desde cartas escritas con tinta virtual hasta sorpresas enviadas por correo, encuentran maneras de construir puentes entre sus corazones, superando las barreras físicas que intentan separarlos."No Importa Donde Estés, Te Enocontrare" es una historia de amor contemporánea que celebra la fuerza de la conexión emocional en medio de la distancia. En un mundo globalizado, Douma y Shinobu demuestran que, incluso cuando los kilómetros los separan, el amor verdadero puede superar cualquier distancia.…

BTT x Reader | BloodXLust

BTT x Reader | BloodXLust

152,483 6,168 148

How does a curious, world traveling, demisexual end up in a polyamorous relationship with a trio of lustful vampires?It starts with a broken down car, a Renaissance fair, a burglar and a scary movie.•updates every week•will be divided into parts•100+ chapters•I take suggestionsIncludes•Lemons•PruSpa, Frain, PruHun, AusHun, FraPru, and more•2p and Nyo characters•Accurate timelines for character histories•Sexual themes, mentions of rape, violence and angst•In depth backstories•Multilingual •Insight on trauma, nightmares, recovery, sexuality, abuse, gender dysphoria and mental disabilitiesWord Count: 250,000-300,000…



2,574 202 7

"Os olhos dela brilham, não como estrelas, mas como o despejo dourado do caldeirão. " Um Archeron sozinho no mundo é inconcebível. Quando deixada para se virar na neve do inverno, Feyre Archeron foi levada à força para o mundo feérico. Suas duas irmãs, pouco tempo depois, são sequestradas e jogadas no Caldeirão. O pai da família, agora sem a esposa e suas três filhas, foi morto após três meses de glória. Contudo, quando a má sorte da família não é um acaso, e o responsável por trás da desgraça é conhecido, talvez seja melhor deixá-lo cair no esquecimento. Na opinião de Andraste Archeron, porém, suas irmãs tem o direito de saber de sua existência. Primogênita de Guinevere e Aurelio Archeron, Andraste Archeron foi entregue à um nobre do continente poucos dias após seu nascimento como pagamento de uma dívida antiga. Criada em um ambiente profano e ensinada a seguir os ensinamentos do homem que a forjou, a mulher navega o mundo em busca da família que perdeu a anos e do amor que foi deprivada na infância. Agora, sua existência é descoberta e uma corrida começa para quem conseguir a cabeça da Archeron. Dúvidas são levantadas sobre sua origem; Uma humana não conseguiria caçar tantos feéricos quanto ela, mas uma feérica não é capaz de persistir contra freixo.Sujeito a mudanças - Versão 1 (Será reescrita) - NÃO REVISADO…

Under the Moon

Under the Moon

11,722 1,045 17

Tras cuatro años de lo ocurrido en civil war; El gran Tony Stark decide dar su brazo a torcer para ayudar a su viejo equipo en un intento descabellado por traer vuelta a tal selecto grupo de héroes y su tan ansiada libertad. Sin embargo, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos llega a la resolución inminente de que para garantizar su aprobación, James Buchanan Barnes no solo debe permanecer inactivo en el campo de batalla sino que es inesperadamente sentenciado a muerte por el gran número de horrores cometidos a manos del "soldado de invierno". El millonario necesita encontrar una salida a su laberinto, debía enmendar a cualquier precio todos los errores cometidos, pero ninguna idea marca Stark venía sin efectos secundarios y estos quedaron a simple vista en el momento menos oportuno; tenía un nuevo conflicto a nivel nacional justo a la vuelta de la esquina, debía retomar la pésima comunicación con su viejo equipo, aclarar su mente, pasar días con el temor de volver a toparse frente a frente con Rogers y el actuar como salvador de la paz, las leyes y la justicia (papel que más tarde odiaría haber elegido).De esta forma se aferrará con todas sus fuerza a lo que considera su nuevo grupo de aliados entre ellos el respetado abogado Matt Murdock. Soportar cargas de tamaño descomunal era un claro ejemplo de que estaba vivo y de que continuaba siendo el gran "Hombre de Hierro", sin embargo un par de orbes azules le hacía sentir perdido e indefenso, sentía miedo de verse reflejado con absoluta claridad en la dolorosa mirada del soldado. Quería odiarlo, dios sabía lo mucho que ansiaba traspasar el cráneo de aquel tipo con alguno de sus hermosos juguetes pero no podía, simplemente se detenía para recordarse una y otra vez que ese hombre tenía el alma rota...aun más que el.…

Author Games: Underworld

Author Games: Underworld

19,702 582 72

For centuries the Vampire and Werewolf races have lived in frozen tension; neither one clan solidifying rule over the other. Since the ancient forming of the two groups, the vampires had once enslaved the werewolves. And in the more recent centries, the werewolves hunted the last scattered vampire covens.And now at the break of the 160th Century, Underworld is at ruin and finally, the tension between the two clans breaks.…

[B1] Miracle dokter : Permaisuri penjinak binatang liar,  Kaisar liar

[B1] Miracle dokter : Permaisuri penjinak binatang liar, Kaisar liar

36,783 4,752 200

Lanjut Buku 2Judul Asli : 神医弃女:鬼帝的驭兽狂妃 Status : Ongoing Author : MS Lotus Genre : Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance, Shoujo, Xuanhuan Suatu hari anak perempuan cacat mental berusia 13 tahun dari keluarga Ye terlahir kembali! Memerintah Kuali Dewa Yang Mahakuasa dan memiliki ruang kultivasi roh, dia bukan lagi gadis terlantar yang tidak berguna yang semua orang bully di depan mata! Dengan racunnya yang tak tertandingi, bahkan dokter ajaib pun harus pindah ke samping. Binatang buas meminta kontrak, tetapi bahkan Dewa Binatang harus memanggilnya Bos. Ayah bajingan meninggalkan istri dan putrinya, dia pasti akan membuatnya miskin dan kehilangan tempat tinggal. Orang-orang di dunia menggertak dan menghinanya, maka dia pasti akan membayar mereka seratus kali lipat. Dilahirkan kembali ke dunia, dia kembali sebagai penguasa, tetapi siapa tahu dia akan menarik iblis jahat haus darah itu. Dia benar-benar kaisar licik yang tidak ragu-ragu untuk membunuh dan menebas siapa pun, tapi dia berubah menjadi pangeran tawanan yang lucu dan tidak berbahaya dari negara musuh......…

Pensé que podría criar al Hokage(001-200)

Pensé que podría criar al Hokage(001-200)

45,778 5,837 200

Título: Pensé que podría criar al Hokage Autor: libro de vertido de tinta espesa. Sinopsis: Su nombre es Beiyuan y es un cuervo que duerme en la cama todos los días. ¿Actualmente estás cuidando a un cachorro llamado Uchiha Itachi, o estás siendo cuidado?... ----------------------------------------------- Un humano(Beiyuan o Kitahara) del mundo moderno termino en el cuerpo de un cuervo que termino salvando a Itachi chiquito cuando este se estaba lanzando de un acantilado. _____________________________________ Este NO es mi fanfic, esta en otro idioma, solo uso el traductor de Google(mas que nada por querer leerla sin internet), créditos a su respectivo autor....…



129,950 3,168 66

scott mccall and phoebe vaughn had always hated each other, but scott never truly hated her, phoebe thought he did so she just played along with it.all scott wanted was for her to be happy, happy, yes, but with him, not with those idiots she seemed to think loves her, but, him, who has always had feelings for him.if only she'd see how much he loves her, how much he cares, how much he wants to be hers, how much he wants her to be his.probably not right now, but as soon as possible, maybe when them both taps into their animality side which enhances their feelings.phoebe vaughn x jackson whittemore x isaac lahey x scott mccall finn cortez x allison argent x lydia martin…

Re:Periodic : Deceiving Life in Another World From Zero

Re:Periodic : Deceiving Life in Another World From Zero

331,775 12,492 130

Y/N L/N, renowned genius and pride of his own Prefecture in Japan, was transported to Re:Zero after an unfortunate incident. Upon arrival, although the black-haired boy that he expected to see was not present yet, he understood quickly that this was the world he knew from the light novels, and he vowed to save those who were left behind."Making the world a better place and saving everyone along the way... that's my goal and dream."World 0 of Outerworlder's Thesis#1 on felt Sept 2, 2021~ Aug 2, 2022#1 on isekai 05/23/22#1 on malereader 05/23/22#1~3 on melancholy since Sept 12, 2021#1 on rezero 01/30/23 and various other times#1 on greed May 12, 2022 ~ Jun 8, 2022#1 on periodic since Sept 2, 2021Sorta inspired by the great authors @BooksLored and @filip1500Re: Deceiving Life in Another World From Zero. Azamuku/Genso IFRe: ゼロカラアザムクイセカイセイカツ Arc 1 (First Week in Another World): Ch.1~5Arc 2 (Tumultous Mansion Stay): Ch. 6~9Arc 3 (Return to Capital): Ch. 10~18Arc 4 (The Everlasting Contract): Ch. 19~29Arc 4.5 (Outerworlder's Ascension): Ch. 30~41.5Arc 5 (Stars That Engrave History): Ch.42~69Arc 5.5 (Continental West, Tomb of Wind, Volcano): Ch.70~84.5Arc 6 (Corridor of Memories): Ch.85~126.5Arc 7 (Land of the Wolves): Ch.127~?Arc 8: (Vincent Vollachia): Unplanned CurrentlyArc 9: TBAArc 10: TBAArc 11: TBAArc 12: TBADisclaimer: I do not own Re:Zero, it belongs to Tappei Nagatsuki. Pls support the main series as well.…

[TsuHana] Sắc đỏ dưới ánh thu

[TsuHana] Sắc đỏ dưới ánh thu

138 21 4

Ngày X tháng OÁnh nắng mùa thu quét một lớp sơn màu vàng nhạt lên sân trường của học viện Kakome.Trong dãy hành lang đơn sơ,lạnh lẽo. Sắc đỏ hiện ra, hoà màu cùng ánh chiều tà. Hắn đang nằm đấy, dưới con dao sắc nhọn của anh trai hắn. Tay anh run run, còn mắt hắn nhắm nghiền lại.Nhưng hắn vẫn yêu anh, để rồi cuối cùng, hắn bất chợt nghĩ, rằng anh sẽ mãi mãi , không bao giờ đáp lại tình cảm của hắn...…

Un simple sueño?

Un simple sueño?

404,196 24,710 160