Una mirada triste

Una mirada triste

9 2 1

Aqui descubriras la interesante historia de un niño solitario, con un profundo amor por la naturaleza.…

Nueva era (En proceso de edición)

Nueva era (En proceso de edición)

1,040 74 21

"Se ha dicho que el hombre destruiría al mundo, o tal vez el mundo destruya al hombre" Luego de años de contaminación, el planeta responde agresivamente, ¿Lo peor? La capa de ozono ha desaparecido casi por completo, haciendo imposible que las personas estén en contacto directo con el sol sin sufrir quemaduras inmediatas. Drake ha vivido rodeado de oscuridad y peligro, en su mente, la guerra es entre ellos y la tiranía de la cúpula, que los ha obligado a vivir en la miseria mientras ellos están cómodos y protegidos de la salvaje naturaleza. Paz vive y trabaja para la cúpula, y aunque ella tiene la solución a sus problemas en las manos, prefiere guardarla. Con sus proyectos clandestinos busca la forma del salvar al mundo por su cuenta. El día que ambos por fin se encuentran, trabajaran juntos para salvar al mundo y proteger a sus familias. Los desastres naturales aun no terminan y todos tendrán que ponerse a salvo. Tal vez la naturaleza haga a los humanos unirse y olvidar el pasado, o los divida aun mas.…

Reimagina (Completa)

Reimagina (Completa)

322 26 11

Lotta vive en Lund, una de las ciudades reimaginadas en donde la eficiencia energética es una de las prioridades, los coches particulares no existen y las personas controlan sus necesidades nutricionales para no desperdiciar los recursos del planeta. Ian tiene una beca de estudios que le permite viajar a Lund desde su ciudad anacrónica y allí entablará amistad con Lotta al mismo tiempo que ambos desarrollan un ambicioso programa para reimaginar las ciudades del sur de Europa. Pero Ian deberá volver a su Grecia natal antes de lo previsto y Lotta deberá descubrir qué ha pasado para que su compañero huya sin terminar su proyecto.…

Autistic Affection! (A Fubble FanFic).

Autistic Affection! (A Fubble FanFic).

3,728 67 13

ART NOT MINE/ObjectfiedFanny Blades goes to a public high school for the first time in forever after being in a Autistic-friendly school for majority of her school life. She then meets up with an old friend, Bubble Foams. Keep on reading the story for more details! :D…

Las olas y sus problemas con las drogas

Las olas y sus problemas con las drogas

86 11 1

Relato absurdo y reivindicativo.…

Renovating the Heart (FFXV)

Renovating the Heart (FFXV)

10,630 424 66

The dawn of the Darkness raked chaos across Eos, leveling the land for all peoples, nations, and kingdoms. Two years after the light returned, Insomnia was slowly crawling back to its feet, allowing its citizens a chance to start over. Rue Corden was one of the few who emerged from the scourge with a new life breathing in her lungs- a new life fueled by the promise of revenge.A social klutz with self-isolating tendencies, Rue struggles to find the means to her end as she fails one job after another, only to be gifted another chance by Prompto when he convinces Ignis that he needs a personal assistant to help him juggle his daily responsibilities. Determined now more than ever to keep her position within the Citadel, she fights for change as her criminal past, faltering mental health, and Rayne Callen strive to take her down, and Ignis finds himself battling an internal conflict that only he can solve. IGNISXOCREFERS A ITTY BITTY BIT TO MY XV STORY RAYNE DROPS, BUT NOT ENOUGH FOR CONFUSIONfull creds to original artist's art as cover; edited by yours truly…

The Tale Of Two Souls [Octavia X Male Reader] (CANCELED)

The Tale Of Two Souls [Octavia X Male Reader] (CANCELED)

146,048 1,316 22

!WARNING! The story cover is not my art it belongs to rocioam7 on DeviantArt, aswell as Octavia and the rest of Helluva Boss belong to Vivziepop on YouTube.THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED ON THIS ACCOUNT AND HAS BEEN GIVEN TO @Tsuiho_Senju, they will be continuing the story on their account!…

🌈rainbow🌈(tom to tom) complete

🌈rainbow🌈(tom to tom) complete

1,478 38 5

❌bl မဟုတ်ပါ❌ tom to tom ficပါချစ်သူရှိပေမယ့် မိဘသဘောတူလို့ ကိုယ့်ထက် ၁၀နှစ်ငယ်တဲ့ tomboyလေးနဲ့ လက်ထပ်လိုက်ရတဲ့ ရှိန်ဦးလွန်ခိုက်(tomboy)...သူတို့ နှစ်ယောက်ရဲ့ အိမ်ထောင်ရေးက ဘယ်လိုတွေဖြစ်နေမလဲ..."ငါ မင်းကိုမချစ်ဘူး သက်တန့်ရောင်ခြယ်""ဦး မချစ်ပေမယ့် သက်တန့်က ဦးကိုချစ်တယ်"…

El Babilonia

El Babilonia

28 1 1

La degradación del medioambiente lleva a la población mundial a tomar una trágica decisión para asegurar la supervivencia del planeta y de la especie humana.…

that one stained shirt | mark lee ✓

that one stained shirt | mark lee ✓

4,501 135 20

❝Nah, pretty. I actually love wearing it now.❞Jessica, the secret sister of Johnny Suh, finds herself in a very uncomfortable situation. She's persuaded by her best friend to date her brother's teammate, Mark Lee, to not only save Mark's reputation, but to finally break the cursed sibling bond she and Johnny had shared for the past ten years.-----This work is purely fictional and is for entertainment purposes only.I do not own any characters besides Jessica Suh and Sarah Jeon.martinka © 202426. 1. 2024 - 14. 2. 2024…

Tu huella

Tu huella

13 0 1

Esta semana paso a compartirles, no sólo nuevo material sino una linda noticia.Los invito a leer un Ensayo Crítico sobre Medio Ambiente que escribí para el concurso literario 2017 de OAJNU, recientemente concluido, en el cual obtuve la siguiente mención especial: "En otra categoría, haciendo hincapié en el buen desarrollo argumentativo , claridad expositiva y conclusión final dentro del tema, se decide una mención especial por el compromiso puesto de manifiesto : "Tu huella" - Ana Belén Tamiozzo"Partiendo de la ilustración expuesta en la carilla del presente, perteneciente al famoso personaje "Mafalda" creado por el dibujante Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, mejor conocido como Quino, quiero invitar a la reflexión sobre el medio ambiente.¿Qué ideas nos despierta la expresión "Medio Ambiente"? ¿Somos conscientes de la responsabilidad que tenemos sobre el mismo? (...)…

Until you open your eyes

Until you open your eyes

88 25 4

He never wanted to feel alone , But as time passes by... he hasn't been able to see the way his partner opened his own eyes.…

Year 2079

Year 2079

1,595,050 58,923 50

Anul 2079. Lumea s-a schimbat iar pamantul nu mai este ce obisnuia odata sa fie. Atingerea Virusului de acum 50 de ani a distrus totul―populatia pamantului a scazut, moartea si foametea au crescut, iar orasele care odata stateau inalte si gratioase s-au prabusit. Oamenii care au reusit sa se salveze erau pe cale sa se dea batuti, speriati ca rasa umana urma sa dispara si ce obisnuia sa fie odata lumea noastra sa cada in tacere si intuneric. Dar chiar atunci familia Styles a intrat in peisaj. Ei au fost singurii oameni care au cazut in mainile Virusului si au supravietuit. Au fost mai destepti, mai puternici si mai diferiti decat restul si asa au devenit la scurt timp Familia Regala. Au inceput sa impuna reguli si sa faca din oameni sclavi; femeile sa reproduca iar barbatii sa construiasca. Au schimbat totul―in special ce a mai ramas din speranta oamenilor, care i-au ascultat, care le-au urmat fiecare pas, pentru ca erau disperati. Dar nimeni nu se astepta la viitorul pe care urmau sa-l traiasca. • • • Atentie: Cartea are un continut sexual, violenta si limbaj puternic. Nu este un 'fan-made' facut dupa o alta carte, serial sau film. Este scrisa de mine si este creatia mea. Daca cineva doreste sa faca o traducere a acestei carti sa imi trimita va rog un mesaj inainte si sa nu faca nimic fara aprobarea mea. Intreaga carte este ©Copyright deci nu furati ideea in niciun fel. All Rights Reserved 2013 - 2017 © LiveNiceTimes…

Análise combinatória

Análise combinatória

23 0 1

Namoro de escarrinho.…

i'll be there | wooyoung ✓

i'll be there | wooyoung ✓

254 11 6

❝You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you.❞Inspired by the song I'll be there by Jess Glynne.-----martinka © 202126. 6. 2021 - 30. 6. 2021…

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)

23,048 549 30

What happens when the amulet of Merlin chooses a SECOND Trollhunter? What happens when a certain one armed troll falls in love with said Trollhunter? Astrid Grace is your average highschool girl, who hangs out with her two bestfriends, Jim Lake Jr., and Tobias Domzalski, almost every day after school. One day, after school, Jim calls Astrid, claiming he found a strange amulet in the canals near their school. Little did they know, that little amulet would change their life forever.…

O noapte gri

O noapte gri

65 0 7

Tânărul Vlad, acuzat pe nedrept de complot, crime odioase și trădare, este întemnițat de nobilii care plănuiau să acapareze toată puterea ținutului. În mijlocul unei debandade generale în lumea oamenilor, este momentul să preia frâiele justiției creaturile magice, sau basni, și să restabilească ordinea, asigurându-se că toată lumea plătește pentru nelegile comise. Cum lumea basnilor este una a statutului moral incert, a alianțelor secrete și șantajului, ce aliați mai potriviți decât oamenii ar putea ei să aibă?Photo credit: IG @mobicastle…

Feathered (Radioapple x Tangled story)

Feathered (Radioapple x Tangled story)

3,882 149 9

This is an AU based on the movie Tangled, were Lucifer was a royal in Heaven, and was kidnapped since 16 from his brothers, Azrael, Gabriel and Michael. Lilith kidnapped him and brought hom down to Hell for her own selfish deeds, and erased all the prince's memories, replacing them with fake memories of them dating since he was 16. Lilith was 4 years older then him, but she never told him that, as she needed the king's wings for her own selfish deeds. When preened while singing a special song, Lucifer's wings could heal any wound or illness. Afraid other sinner's would find Lucifer and take him for themselves, she hid the angel up in a tall hidden tower. She manipulated Lucifer, telling him Hell and Heaven were very dangerous placed to be roaming around, and ordered him into never leaving the tower. When Lucifer's 21st birthday was close, he starts wishing to see these "floating lights" that only come out once a year, his birthday. He doesn't know what they are exactly, so he asks Lilith. Lilith, not wanting Lucifer to ever leave, refuses to let him go and see them. Soon later, a fellow sinner, red being his main color, finds his tower. Lucifer soon found out his name was Alastor. He helps Lucifer see these lights, against his own will, and soon Lucifer finds out the truth about his whole life. What will the two beings do when they find themselves in bit trouble?Main characters: Lucifer and AlastorVillain: LilithGuards: Razzle, Dazzle, Adam and LuteAlastor's partner's : Valentino and VoxLucifer's elder brothers: Michael, Gabriel, AzraelBack round characters: Vaggie, Nifty, Cherri, Angel and Husker.!!Charlie in this AU is Lucifer's younger sister instead of his daughter!!!!No smutt here!!!!Uncannon timeline!!…

Why Can't I? (Creepy pasta x Succubus Reader)

Why Can't I? (Creepy pasta x Succubus Reader)

44,278 435 16

"You've roamed the earth for a 1,000 years being a succubus getting every man you want killing them right after, being a siren doesn't help a lot, but when you say you get what you want you get what you want""What happens when new students come and they deny you already with first interest?"…

╔═════════════════╗  ║Amigas &  Enemigas A La Vez ╚═════════════════╝

╔═════════════════╗ ║Amigas & Enemigas A La Vez ╚═════════════════╝

36 1 6

Zoé y Kazidota son dos chicas totalmente diferentes. ¿Por qué? Porque una es latinoamericana y la otra asiática. A una le gusta vestirse gótica y a la otra kawaii. ¿En qué podrían coincidir? "Amigas & Enemigas A La Vez" cuenta la historia de dos "amienemigas" una historia muy divertida que atrapa al público kawaii para seguir leyendo y conquistar al mundo entero. ƸӜƷ A partir de 10 años ( es una novela ideal para niñas preadolescentes y adolescentes) ƸӜƷ…