Forget me not [B.Katsuki x Reader] Bnha book
Dark Side | criminal minds fanfic

Dark Side | criminal minds fanfic

33 1 1

Amelia Umbra, aka Arma, highly function sociopath that grew up on the the streets who soon joined the "Dark side" is wanted for many murders and for being an accomplice on other cases. The BAU is assigned to a link murders in Tectus city known for its awful crimes and mob families which were coincidently is where she lives. Does the BAU finally catch her and get her for all the wrong things shes done or does she get away with the help of her mob buddies? Read to find out ;)…

Bite Me

Bite Me

1,305 37 5

It was like any other Saturday night. Having a "Late Night with Cry and Russ" stream like every Saturday night at 11 p.m. EST time. Russ and Scott decided to stay at my house just to visit me. But the fun ended that night when I took my dogs outside and was bitten on the neck...UPDATE: Bite Me has a tumblr page~! Check it: 'n paste)…

I'm your baka

I'm your baka

37 1 2

This is a common love story with teams. It's all about Brydens Grandma who we are just going ti call grandma. (18+) And Hunter Chen from the TV show Ginny and Georgia, Along with The one anf only Perez Hilton. As the story falls along brydens grandma will fall in love with both of them and won't know who to choose. Help her on the way to figure out who she loves more.…

Reader x bakugou

Reader x bakugou

8 0 3

This is a bakugou x reader story you are a support course student that is a friend of kirishimas so he introduceds you to and bakugou takes an interest in you because even though he believes you would never be able to beat him he thinks you could have easily gotten into the hero course.…

Amour, Diable, Compatible?

Amour, Diable, Compatible?

4 0 1

Sasha un jeune mannequin pour des magazines qui pratique depuis 5 ans se retrouve un jour dans l'ombre d'un jeune homme Nathan qui lui vole la vedette. Sasha jaloux vas tenter de récupérer la vedette par tout les moyen, mais Sasha vas commencer a éprouver des sentiments pour Nathan. Comment Sasha vas récupérer la vedette? Quels moyens vas t-il utiliser ? Sasha et Nathan von-t-il pouvoir vivre une histoire d'amour?…

Ölüme Giden Yol

Ölüme Giden Yol

0 0 1

Hikayeyi okunca anlarsınız…

 La belle et le clochard

La belle et le clochard

23 0 3

Bonjour je me présente je m'appelle ShanaJe vis à Marseille et je vais vous raconter mon Histoires Soyez à l'écoute...Je suis italienne et je vis dans une famille ou le but de notre vie c'est :- ecole -réussite -argent -homme bien J'ai tout respecté j'ai fait des études en lycée général je suis devenue infirmière. a 23 ans Je vis toujour chez mes parent ! J'ai eu un petit copain vers 18ans que j'aimais beaucoup mais il m'a trompé j'ai plus voulu avoir de petit copain... desception amoureuseVers 24ans je rencontre un homme ce nomant mohamed je l'aimais plus que tout mais moi en tant qu'italiennes française il étaux magrebin il fumer du shit sans travail en plus il est rentrer en prison et il m'a encore trompé mais je l'aimais encore j'allais le voir au parloir ce fut un temps que j'ai reçu des photos de lui avec une fille entrain de se faire des bisous Se jour-là... mon cœur aller lâcher J'ai contacté la fille vue qu'une copine a moi la connaissant c'était sa copine de travail Je la contacte et je lui dit -Coucou ma chérie, j'ai reçu des vidéo,photo de toi et mon petit copain Mohamed... Elle me répond -comment sa c'est ton petit copain je suis marié avec des enfants avec lui depuis 4ans Je luis répondComment ça sa fait 2ans que je suis avec lui c'est pas possible j'y croit pas comment il a pu me faire sa enfin nous faire sa c'est pas possible Elle me répond -j'y crois pas moi aussi comment il peut faire ce fils de p*te On décide de ce donner rendez-vous comme je pensée beh celui que j'aimais du plus profond de mon cœur je vivais pour lui ma encore trahi Après toute c'est déception... je ne croyais en plus personne, je vivais que pour moi je n'aimais plus personne mon but c'était l'argent,famille, quelque amie, sortir s'amuser Viens mais 29 ans ai j'apprends à connaître celui la Chapitre 1 termine à toute suite pour la partie 2 J'espère que tout ça a était clair et que vous Avais ai…

×King× (Bakugou Katsuki x Non-Gendered Reader)

×King× (Bakugou Katsuki x Non-Gendered Reader)

363 6 1

×Being upgraded to a hero course class was scary enough as is. While it wasn't as bad as they thought, with mostly everyone being nice, it didn't help that one person in particular knocked the wind out of you in more ways than one××Credits××Cover art created by: Pixvi××All characters, except for the reader, are owned entirely by their creator, Kohei Horikoshi××Warnings××This story contains mild language××Any violence in this story, will be relative to the type of violence you would see in the show×…

typical human machines
BNHA: Bakugou x reader ONESHOTS

BNHA: Bakugou x reader ONESHOTS

1,533 17 2

Yayy I felt like doing this hahahaBakugou is the bestThe best baby boi…

Sway of Hearts

Sway of Hearts

2 1 1

FORTANO and SYTREOUX Series # 1SYNPHONY OF LOVEFortano is a known brotherhood in town. This is founded by Kajik Fortano also known as Uno. The brotherhood is an organization where in its members and councils are well known all over the world. Women almost offer themselves just to have even just one member of the hood. On the other side, Sytreoux is a sorority founded by Zipphora Sytreoux. This is an all women organization that is lowkey and silent. Members and councils of this hood are known in their own professions but are secretly part of the sorority. No one in the country knows each others' existence on until one encounter happened.…

Tiring In This Lonesome World
Fear of the Unknown {Nagisa x Rei}

Fear of the Unknown {Nagisa x Rei}

383 14 2

"Rei didn't know much about kissing or relationships or love but he knew that this felt perfectly right."*someone on Twitter made me the lovely photo that I am using as the cover for this.*There will be smut in part 2!…

Bad Boy's My Prince Charming

Bad Boy's My Prince Charming

30,175 754 39

Jasmine Bates is new to town and is starting her Senior year at Seminole High. Her family consists of her mom, Suzie , her dad, Robert, and her little sister, Gracie. They had to move because her mom had a job transfer from Ohio because apparently summer apparel doesn't fit in with the chilly weather of the north. Fortunately for Jasmine, her best friend since birth, Christine Montgomery, came to Florida with her. As they are unpacking the moving boxes, Jasmine spots her next door neighbor, well across the street that is, and freezes. He is tall, very muscular, strong jaw line, brown hair, and chocolate brown hair. Let’s not forget charming. Let’s just say their meeting was not that great… fast forward, their first day at Seminole High definitely doesn't go as planed; Jasmine falls head over heels, literally, for the school’s bad boy, Mason Grey. Yes, the same charming fellow from before. She trips and falls over her own two feet and lands right in his strong arms. “Watch where you’re going princess.” Mason exasperated. Follow Jasmine and Mason through their late night convos, pranking, jealousy, adventures, and maybe even love.…

Here we go again