6,065 226 4

Love is a pretty powerful drug. When you feel it, you really feel it. It can suspend time, making the whole world seem still except for you two.But there's a vast difference between love and true love. True love knows no depth. It's an endless tunnel that sweeps you up in the whirlwind and you're never quite free from it. It stays with you. And you hope this person will too.True love isn't ordinary. It doesn't come around often and that's how you'll know it's genuine.…

Remember Me

Remember Me

16,996 607 25

Far away from her Kingdom, Rosalie wants revenge. Four years ago, a new King arrived and banished women from his Kingdom, leaving only men to become warriors. Rosalie was forced to leave her husband, Caleb, but her heart leaps at Alexander as well.She will do everything to bring the King to justice. Her older brother and a new friend train her and soon she becomes a great fighter. When she becomes ready to sneak into the Kingdom, she doesn't hesitate... but will Caleb recognize her? Is he even alive? When the King interrupts her plans, can she resist his charm? However, it will only become more complicated. Maybe it was all a mistake...but even if it was, it's too late to fix it... or isn't it?…



16 1 1

I had hope on that day, and although I hadn't recognized it, the absence of it now after my death has made it perfectly clear that I once carried hope throughout everything. The feeling of being hopeless couldn't be present in a live being. Only one will know the true feeling of it after death. I was murdered in cold blood; drowned.…

Free [One shot]

Free [One shot]

17 0 3

Based off the following prompt:"You've been going to the same bar every night for the past five years. In fact, you're such a regular that when you enter, the other patrons yell your name and the bartender already has your drink waiting for you. But then, one Friday you arrive and no one seems to recognize you..."Author's Note: First and foremost, I wrote this for an assignment in my English101 class where we were given a writing prompt and had to create a story out of it. At the time I didn't pay much attention to the prompt, I just wanted my A, but still had fun with the assignment. However, I'm almost 100% certain that my professor took this prompt off of reddit from the subreddit r/writingprompts. So I'm not claiming this prompt is my original idea, but everything that ensues, has all come from my own head.Any similarities between any work, fiction or otherwise, are purely coincidental. Enjoy!…

Jessie Jones

Jessie Jones

14,741 2,498 30

Jessie Jones returned to her old school after spending two years in a different school and state. Much to her surprise and disappointment found out her friends have all changed. They have all become popular. Is she pretty or popular enough to join their group? Will they even recognize her?…

The days of eighty years in Jiange Pass

The days of eighty years in Jiange Pass

50 7 32

Meng Fan, who possessed the talent of "Sword Mastery," was reborn into a cultivation world and became the guardian of the sword pavilion in the Shu Mountain Sword Sect. By touching the "Seven Star Sword," he gained the Seven Star Sword Technique. By touching the "Town Demon Sword," he acquired the Sword Intent of Demon Slaying. By touching the "Fuxi Sword," he obtained the Fuxi Divine Body.During the years as the guardian of the sword pavilion, There was a humble beggar who came to the sword pavilion to beg for a sword. Through Meng Fan's guidance, he became the renowned Dragon Subduing Venerable! There was an imperial princess who came to the sword pavilion to cause trouble. After being disciplined by Meng Fan, she became the empress of the era! There was a disciple of the demonic path who came to the sword pavilion to steal swords. After being taught a lesson by Meng Fan, he harbored resentment and sought revenge against Meng Fan someday! There was a disciple abandoned by the Buddhist sect who came to the sword pavilion to nurture his sword. In a moment of enlightenment, he became half-demonic and half-Buddhist, achieving the only demonic Buddha in the world!Eighty years later, when demons invaded and the Demon-sealing Tower collapsed, chaos engulfed Shu Mountain! Meng Fan, who had long become a land-bound sword immortal, slowly walked out of the sword pavilion. "I have a sword that can subdue demons, vanquish evil, slay immortals, cut gods, extinguish Buddhas, connect heaven, and penetrate earth!"…

A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember

382 14 1

It's the day before Cassian's and Nesta's mating ceremony. Azriel leaves for the Town House to join his brothers for a night of celebrating the most precious bond in his life. Their friendship.⭐︎★⭐︎While this story can be read as a One-Shot told from Azriel's POV (without needing to ship any pairing), it is also a bonus chapter for "Never Enough" which is a slow burn Gwynriel story with an Evil-Elain-Arc. Plot-wise, this bonus chapter takes place between chapter 5 and 6.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Sarah J. Maas. The plot is the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.…



297 44 40

a book of painful things you don't want to be told but your heart may recognize.…

Daylight *Niall Horan Oneshot*

Daylight *Niall Horan Oneshot*

457 17 1

A Cute Niall Horan Oneshot*Note this isn't mine it's just one off tumblr I take NO CREDIT WHAT SO EVER I only posted it to it can get recognized*…

Silent Solidarity

Silent Solidarity

109 2 1

When a girl has no voice, no way to say "I love you", what is she to do? What if she recognizes how she doesn't deserve his love?…

The fading light

The fading light

2 0 1

In the village of clockwork, David an inventor wasn't recognized for his work. Until a terrible catastrophe happened that lead the world into an apocalypse.…

Anatoli giving 23 bottles of vodka to Boris

Anatoli giving 23 bottles of vodka to Boris

7 0 1

Anatoli you damn cyka! You can't just spend all your money on vodka without giving Boris! He needs some too.…

Artemis' Short Story Collection ♡

Artemis' Short Story Collection ♡

546 127 59

A collection of short stories I have written for my Facebook writing account, Nyx Artemis Valencia 🏹…

Season of Death {karlnap}

Season of Death {karlnap}

1,134 43 11

Karl, 24 male, is done with life. He's counting down the days for when it's time to finally end it. But what happens when he bumps into a childhood friend who introduces him to others? Will that be enough to change his mind? Let's find out. ! NOT SHIPPING IRL! COVER IMAGE ISNT MINE ! Tw: Depression Suicidal thoughts suicide attempt Body shame Blood description Homophobia Mentions of death If any of these topics trigger you please don't read this book since I will NOT add any warnings in the beginning.…



48 0 9

Living in the shadows behind a computer is hard, something Alice has come to notice that throughout the many lonely months that her only company has been her self-made Artificial Intelligence James. But it becomes even harder when she suddenly find that the faite of the world becomes hers to protect as a certain spy enters her life, asking for her help.----Loneliness can make people do things their surrounding could never believe the person they knew could do. Some changes are visable, others carefully hidden by layers after layers of protective walls put up to protect wanting nothing else than to be teared down again. But luckily, life do indead have a strange way to bring people into your life that you need, even if you don't know it yet.…

Under A Voodoo Moon (Darkin World Book 4)

Under A Voodoo Moon (Darkin World Book 4)

3,672 408 30

(NOVEL - Complete)𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌-𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇...It's midnight on New Year's Eve. Remi sees things she can't believe. Then, a darkly handsome man tells her she's been drugged. Shapeshifter Gideon notices an underworld boss taking an interest in a human female. Instantly, he recognizes her as the woman who saved his wolf months before. Gideon returns the favor. In doing so, it soon becomes impossible for him to keep Remi away from the dangers of his supernatural world.Once Remi finds out all of Gideon's secrets, will she let him go? Or, will she decide to keep him forever?…

 Behind Those Crimson Eyes...

Behind Those Crimson Eyes...

63 3 3

An accident with Eggman causes Shadow to become temporarily blind... and somewhat autistic? 😭 there's only available person to take care of him and that is his one and only rival, Sonic the Hedgehog...…

More Than Cognates?

More Than Cognates?

9,375 142 11

This will be a story about the Sophitz ship from the Keeper of the Lost Cities series (by Shannon Messenger). There may be some spoilers!The art is drawn by Laura Hollingsworth or @lostiesart on twitter. It is not mine. Credits to @book0nirvana for editing the cover.I hope you all enjoy this story! Please feel free to comment suggestions or correct me if I am wrong. I tend to type very fast so there may be a few typos. I will try to update once per week or possibly more often if I have time. Thank you!…

coffee shop lover

coffee shop lover

32 1 5

freddie works at a coffee shop and meets his old high school crush looking handsome as ever they recognise each-other and get talking.....…

Percabeth's Selection

Percabeth's Selection

83,600 2,691 41

Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase. Selection. #1 in Selection. #30 in Percabeth. (Best rated.)For Percy, the idea of having 35 girls in the palace, all competing for him is exhilarating and nerve-racking. But, the idea of finding a Queen for the country among them and somehow at the same time finding love... it sounded impossible. Annabeth, in her muddled jeans and crooked armour with her hair tied in a messy bun, looked nothing like a princess.But sometimes, just sometimes... Seeing her wearing his crown and tending to his legs after a minor accident to his knees during one game of Capture the Flag with his friends, Percy wondered if he ever wanted a Selection.Or more precisely, thought that if it were all just up to him, he would never need a selection. But, Percy is a prince. To a prince, the kingdom and its traditions come above all. He can't just choose to dodge something significant half the kingdom is interested in. He can't manipulate the Selection process, and he can only hope the universe sends the right people his way.Or... Can he?Neither of them wishes to spoil what they already have, so they swear to themselves that their friendship would come first no matter what. But, with a wall of 34 other girls between them, is it truly possible to keep jealousy, possessiveness, doubt and all the different feelings from changing them?Also, the royals know everything they choose to do cannot satisfy all of their people. Will their decisions decide to haunt them? Will they be able to overcome the threats?Will Percy and Annabeth find the strength in themselves to put their bond through a nerve-racking experience and come out unbroken?Or will what was first taken as a leap of faith ruin their dynamics once and for all?Happy reading.Audience: T/T+Started: 23rd June 2020.…