Weekly Writing Exercises

Weekly Writing Exercises

2,273 658 172

Every week a new writing exercise -- this is my ambition.Drabble, poem or short story, you will find everything here. The topics are variegated, you may even prompt me.And there are updates every week!…

PJO and HOO memes + stuff

PJO and HOO memes + stuff

20,186 472 199

I just had a lot of memes and stuff on my camera roll. So, why not?…

Art Book Of Artness 2

Art Book Of Artness 2

16,648 1,640 180

This is literally the exact same thing as my first one. I'm not going to add all that art though. I'M LAZY. You can do art requests and I'll try and get to them! By the way, I promise the art gets better as you go through the book, I was horrible in the beginning and didn't have my own style, that is now changed though! Without further ado, please, enjoy The Art Book of Artness 2.~PAYTATOE OUTArt Trades are: [CLOSED]Art Requests are: [CLOSED]Thank you for understanding.…

Journal Of Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success

Journal Of Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success

0 0 33

🔥How to Build Wealth When You are Not from a Wealthy FamilyBuilding wealth when you're not from a wealthy family may present additional challenges, but it's certainly possible with dedication, strategic planning, and a disciplined approach. Here are some steps you can consider:1. Financial Education:Educate yourself about personal finance: Learn about budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. There are numerous online resources, books, and courses that can help you build a solid foundation of financial knowledge.2. Set Financial Goals:Define clear financial goals: Establish short-term and long-term financial objectives. Having specific goals will help you stay focused and motivated.3. Budgeting:Create a budget: Track your income and expenses to understand where your money is going. This will help you identify areas where you can cut expenses and allocate more funds towards savings and investments.4. Savings:Build an emergency fund: Save a portion of your income in an easily accessible account to cover unexpected expenses. This can prevent you from going into debt during financial emergencies.5. Investing:Start investing early: Even if it's a small amount, the power of compounding can work in your favour over time. Consider low-cost, diversified investment options such as index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).6. Education and Skills Development:Invest in yourself: Continuously upgrade your skills and education to enhance your earning potential. This could involve formal education, certifications, or gaining practical experience in your field.7. Career Development:Focus on career growth: Seek opportunities for advancement in your current job or explore new career paths that offer higher earning potential.8. Side Hustles and Additional Income Streams:Explore side hustles: Consider starting a part-time business, freelancing, or offering services in areas where you have skills. Additional income streams can accelerate your wealth…

The Last Thousandth {Slight BTS and G(I)-DLE Fanfic}

The Last Thousandth {Slight BTS and G(I)-DLE Fanfic}

19 0 5

Yes, Holly knows it seems crazy. Yes, that does say TLS#1000. No, she's not trying to bullshit you. Yes, her species still exists.In a world where the new species homo evolvo are the main species, Holly struggles to survive. She might be weaker, more prone to emotions, dumber, have no magical talents and die on the often, but she is determined to live her life as well as anyone else. She won't be seen as weak.But a life out of the spotlight might be impossible now. What with Choosing Day coming up soon, which the hot Zero's are going to attend. No, get them out of your head Holly Edwards. You need to focus on everything else going on. Like how everyone thinks your dying because of your period, Nurse Shadow's odd knowledge about Thousandth's and Bethany's seizures. You have enough on your platter, thank you very much.THIS IS A WIPThis story uses the names and likeness of members from the groups BTS and G(I)-DLE, but this is not a direct fanfiction in any other way.…

Obat Rambut Rontok Smart Detox, (Call/WA +62 813-2047-0222)

Obat Rambut Rontok Smart Detox, (Call/WA +62 813-2047-0222)

70 0 50

Call/WA +62 813-8855-2064, obat rambut rontok nasa, obat rambut rontok di apotik kimia farma, obat rambut rontok natur, obat rambut rontok setelah melahirkan, obat rambut rontok alami.Apa itu Smart Detox ?Smart Detox adalah program detoksifikasi modern yang dilakukan selama 20 hari dengan pola 232. di keluarkan oleh perusahaan Synergy Worldwide dari USA. Berkantor Pusat di Provo Utah Amerika. CEO dan owner dari Synergy worldwide adalah Mr. Dan Higginson.Program Smart Detox bukan hanya program Penurunan Berat badan, tapi juga untuk program kehamilan alami dan membantu penyembuhan berbagai macam keluhan kesehatan seperti diabetes, kolesterol, asam urat, persendian, jantung dll.Smart Detox Synergy adalah solusi cerdas untuk mengeliminasi atau menetralkan racun (toksin) di dalam tubuh kita. Smart Detox merupakan suatu pencegahan dengan cara membuang timbunan kelebihan sampah sisa-sisa hasil metabolisme, yang merupakan racun bagi tubuh. Racun ini terakumulasi dalam tubuh kita selama bertahun-tahun. Racun yang terakumulasi dalam tubuh ini akan merusak sel-sel tubuh dan secara bertahap menurunkan kekebalan tubuh, yang dapat menjadi suatu penyakit.Setelah tubuh mengalami DETOKSIFIKASI, maka tubuh kita akan merasa lebih KREATIF, BERSEMANGAT, PRODUKTIF, RILEKS dan NYAMAN.Manfaat Smart Detox adalah :* Badan Bebas Toksin sebagai penyebab berbagai macam Penyakit* Berat Badan IDEAL ALAMI* Meningkatkan VITALITAS* Menjaga IMMUNITIES* Awet Muda* Program KehamilanInfo lebih lanjut hubungi Ibu Erning Oei :081388552064 ( Telkomsel / WA/ Call )0813-2047-0222 ( WA )Info cara pakai : smartdetoxcenter.com…

Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

72,908 2,740 159

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the 12 Zodiac Signs! ------- HALLO EVERYBODY! Thanks for checking this book out! I hope you guys enjoy it :D! ------- #722 in humor, 6/8/17 #3 in humor 9/13/17O well, wattpad changed my category to random.... #17 in random, 9/16/17…

Heartless Sweetheart

Heartless Sweetheart

42,557 1,707 46

Heartless teenage boy with sarcastic teenage girl who has dreadful trauma from her abusive dad. How will their story turn out? Love? If only fate allows them. ~enemies to lovers 💗Started: Feb, 26, 2022!Ended: May, 3, 2022!…

Euphoria- Vkook

Euphoria- Vkook

172 1 7

"Bun..you're my light, my love, my world and mostly.. the cause of my euphoria" Taehyung says as he plants a kiss on his lover's forehead as the younger madly blushes at the other's remark. "Hyungie you're my euphoria too I love you!" Jungkook exclaimes as he attacks the older with a tight hug.…

Till we meet again Taekook ff

Till we meet again Taekook ff

29 3 3

A story where the ruthless mafia, Jeon Jungkook make a deal with Kang Byung-hun, Kim Taehyung's step-father where thy exchanged drugs with Taehyung.But little did they know that it was their reunion.…