Please Don't  Eat Me (Hannibal Lecter x Reader)

Please Don't Eat Me (Hannibal Lecter x Reader)

747,643 25,863 31

When (y/n) is introduced to Dr. Hannibal Lecter. She unravels an emotional side to Hannibal no one has seen before. He grows very close to her. Some might even say obsessively. What happens when (y/n) discovers a darker side to Hannibal? What happens when Hannibal's infatuation with (y/n) crosses a line?…

The Palace Crumbles

The Palace Crumbles

4,379 237 15

After a long fall from the edge of a cliff, both Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham survive- but Hannibal suffers a massive head injury, leaving him with no memory of his life before the fall. It's up to Will to tell Hannibal everything, and what he includes (or doesn't include) in his stories will mark either the beginning or end of their new relationship.First person POV Hannibal Lecter.…

Wendigo (Hannibal x Reader) COMPLETED

Wendigo (Hannibal x Reader) COMPLETED

339,824 12,296 44

⚠️COMPLETED⚠️(Y/N) was a sweet little girl. Until she lost her family twice, and became the monster we know today. When her mother and brother were killed by a fire her abusive father started, she killed him without mercy. They never found the killer. The second time, she lost her army friends in a explosion. She watched as the life faded from her best friend's eyes. And then did she unleash the monster. And once the monster tastes human blood and flesh, it can't be stopped from hunting more. But when the Chesapeake Ripper meets our (Y/N), will love or hate lead the way? ⚠️Nothing in this book is mine. I'm suing the TV Hannibal (played by Mads Mikkelsen), the pictures are borrowed and credit goes to their original owners⚠️…

Hannigram -- Cuts Unscene

Hannigram -- Cuts Unscene

29,249 702 13

*Season 1 COMPLETE!* Cuts Unscene is a Hannigram fanfiction challenge - to write one scene for each episode of the series where Will and Hannibal have some kind of intimate interaction that builds their romantic connection. These stories operate on the concept that they were cut from the original episodes, and the attempt is to make them fit into the plot in ways that are as plausible as possible while still having a good ol' time writing them. As always, Bon Appétit, and hannigram forever.…

Understanding A Killer

Understanding A Killer

29,643 1,260 41

Eliana Holt is a 22-year old FBI academy student. In the past, the Chesapeake Ripper may have left her a special gift. Determined to find him, she joins Jack Crawford's team. AU to season 1 of NBC Hannibal. Will Graham/Original caracter…

Helping Will Graham

Helping Will Graham

22,497 636 6

Will has a crush on a secret guy and asked hannibal for help. But hannibal couldn't help but be jeleous and hungry for this secret crush.Dedicated to @flippin_whovian…

Hannibal || e.d

Hannibal || e.d

54,089 1,312 48

'Hannibal rising' A serial killer and cannibal.…

D E V O U R || HANNIGRAM // continuation

D E V O U R || HANNIGRAM // continuation

98,796 2,768 17

Following after the figurative: 'Cliff Hanger', on Hannibal NBC; the story evolves to express the turmoil, suspense and romance between Will and Hannibal and lastly- what we, as Fannibals, feel might just happen!The individuals behind this Fanfiction had tried to make this as close to Hannibal NBC as possible with the exception of *drum roll* smut and indescribable romance offically brought to the table!…

Hannigram Oneshots | artusroth

Hannigram Oneshots | artusroth

50,533 1,184 9

A few oneshots centred around our beloved murder husbands.…

The Ripper's Fair Maiden

The Ripper's Fair Maiden

103,632 2,716 25

Hannibal Lecter, a renowned psychiatrist and a culinarian. Lady Valeria De Lorienné, A successful woman but with a dark past.Two people living in different lives, but bounded by the same past.She's looking for somebody she values more than herself and he's been hiding his past behind him for years. What will happen if the two of them meet again?Read to find out....(NOTE: this is a Hannibal fan fiction so you could expect some similarities of scenes from the TV series but the this story plot is definitely unique and please bear with me with for typographical errors thanks...)missSigyn_14…

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)

86,877 1,975 47

Rose has a weird life. First she never met her father . Will Graham , second when she mets her father he's a crazy dog person , and third her dad therapist , Hannibal lecter, is a killer and a cannibal. It doesn't help either that she has a crush on that cannibal. If she had to chose who would she chose her daddy or a cannibal. ( this is a Hannibal fan fiction)…

A Strange Courtship

A Strange Courtship

3,744 79 6

After a rather strange session hannibal learns one intresting thing about Will. How will he use this information?…

Hannibal/Will x Reader Oneshots

Hannibal/Will x Reader Oneshots

1,183 68 7

Collection of random Hannibal oneshots, mostly platonic…

✔️ Only I Can Feel You | Hannigram | Rye Ambrose

✔️ Only I Can Feel You | Hannigram | Rye Ambrose

206,171 9,601 33

FBI Profiler, Will Graham, is secretly a killer. As a child, he met Death, and the experience was invigorating. To see him again, he killed and killed, but no matter the attempts, Death never showed. It wasn't until a certain turn of events led him to his long-awaited meeting.Death had a son, and his name is Hannibal Lecter....COMPLETED - May 12, 2020Rye Ambrose…

Mental (1/2)

Mental (1/2)

25,933 536 7

YANDERE HANNIBAL X OC~~~~Hannibal meets Jade, Will's friend and Alana's sister. Jack wants Will and Jade on cases. And when they both have to have therapy sessions with Hannibal Lecter, Jade seems to catch his attention, causing Will to get cautious for he knows.…