gulmira x dora x diego x  herobrine x bowser x dj x griefer x push

gulmira x dora x diego x herobrine x bowser x dj x griefer x push

37 0 9

will gulmira ever find love??????? or will gulmira be stuck in daisy gardens for the rest of her time.. pondering about the love she'll never have and be able to give flowers to???????? TOON in to find out!!! a heartwarming adventure with many twists and turns!-the conception story of dula and jira…

Singularity | Vrene

Singularity | Vrene

18,903 884 11

A short story of Vrene.When a clueless boy sincerely convinced the pretty girl that they somehow can be together, forever.Second book of BTSVELVET's college series.1# Euphoria | Jungri ✅2# Singularity | Vrene ✅3# Serendipity | Seulmin 🔜4# Epiphany | Joyjin 🔜5# Seesaw | Wenga 🔜…



639 23 3

After Sunoh's heart was broken, he went back to the United States to sort his feelings, only the thoughts about Jojo kept breaking him inside until he met Yesul. A half Korean woman who lives near a ghetto and only accidentally met Sunoh, after she rescued him from a robber gang, on the roof of an empty building.…

Queen of the Heavens {TVD/HP}

Queen of the Heavens {TVD/HP}

5,306 176 13

𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 nature's plan to restore peace on Earth involves the creation of a baby, woven from nature itself, with enough power to have the entire supernatural world at her feetor Follow the adventures of Juno Fay Bennett, the Queen of the Heavens. A 15 year old girl with powers beyond even her own comprehension, add a slice of romance, a dash of time travel, and enjoy the recipe for disaster.𝓪 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂Marauders Era/TVD CrossoverAuthor Notes:~ This book is not classed as a slow burn as her soulmates are devoted to her before any romance occurs, but, while focusing heavily on her emotional connections with her soulmates, the actual romance doesn't begin until later. As she is 15 at the start of the book, she is not ready to start a relationship with anyone, but there are plenty of heart warming and tension building moments until then.~ I don't own any characters except for the wonderful Juno Fay Bennett and her dog Amari. All rights to the other characters included in my story either go to J*lie Pl$c or J% R*wl#ng.…

Euphoria | Jungri

Euphoria | Jungri

17,080 654 8

A short story of Jungri.When a boy almost lose his chance to get the girl into his arms.First book of BTSVELVET's college series.1# Euphoria | Jungri ✅2# Singularity | Vrene ✅3# Serendipity | Seulmin 🔜4# Epiphany | Joyjin 🔜5# Seesaw | Wenga 🔜…

her geceye bir masal I aslaz texting

her geceye bir masal I aslaz texting

71,776 4,689 53

aynı üniversitede okuyup yeni mezun olmuş ve aslında yeni tanışan bir aslaz texting hikayesi.…

Rüzgar Gülü (Yarı texting)

Rüzgar Gülü (Yarı texting)

8,679 587 29

Sadece rüzgar gülü almak isteyip satıcı sandığı bir adama yazan Güneş, yazdığı adamın tüm yazını güzelleştireceğini ve daha önce hiç yaşamadığı duyguları yaşattıracağını bilmiyordu...…

Daugther of Rogers

Daugther of Rogers

291 43 5

Sandalyelere karşılıklı olarak bağlanmış iki asker dikkatle birbirlerine bakarlarken içeriye intikamcıların üç üyesi girmişti Tony, Steve ve Natasha. "Bağlı olduğunuz cihaz her yalanınızı ortaya çıkaracak." Tony'nin cümlesi üzerine iki asker birbirine bakıp gülmüştü. "Geçmişine dair ne biliyorsun?" Steve'in sorusu sandalyeye bağlanmış olan sarışın kadınaydı. "Her şeyi." Natasha ekrana baktıktan sonra bakışları Steve'e doğru dönmüştü. "Doğru." "Anlat." Tony konuştuğunda kadın bakışlarını ona doğru çevirdiğinde mavi gözlerindeki duyguları ayırt etmek oldukça zordu. "Şakaydı, bilmiyorum." Natasha'nın bakışları tekrar ekrana döndüğünde kaşlarını çatmıştı. "Ve bu da doğru." "Gerçekten bunun işe yarayacağını mı düşündünüz? Tahmin bile edemeyeceğiniz eğitimler almış iki ajanı bla bla makinesine bağlamak pekte mantıklı değil." "Steve'in kızı olduğu şüpheli." Tony alayla konuştuğunda Steve'in bakışları sandalyede oturan kadını bulmuştu. "Peggy'le uzun süreli ilişkimiz olmamıştı, ayrıca doğru olsaydı Peggy onu asla bırakmazdı." "Sonuç olarak ilişkiniz oldu Steve, dna testi yanılmaz. Özellikle benim yaptığımın yanılma ihtimali bile yok." Steve derin nefes alıp bir kaç adımla sarışın kadına yakınlaştıktan sonra yüzünü onun yüzüne doğru eğdiğinde saçını kulağının arkasına sıkıştırınca karşı sandalyede oturan adam hızla demir kolunu çeker kolunu zincilerden kurtardığında diğer elindeki kelepçeyi kırdıktan sonra Steve'e hamle şansı tanımadan boğazından tuttuğu gibi duvara yaslayıp dişlerinin arasından sinirle konuştu. "Ona bir daha dokunursan seni öldürürüm."…



4,808 791 27

Jungkook kütüphanenin rafları arasında yanlışlıkla bulduğu bu günlüğü bakınmak için okumaya başladığında kelimenin tam anlamıyla aşık olmuştu. Günlüğün sahibi kendi ve yaşamı hakkında her şeyi günlüğe çok güzel bir şekilde aktarmıştı. Jungkook yazılırkenki tüm hisleri neredeyse hissediyordu. Sayfaları hızla çevirirken son sayfasına geldiğini şimdi fark etmişti. Son sayfasını çevirdiğinde gördüğü şey şokla ağzını açık bırakmış ve gözlerini doldurmuştu."Güle güle dünya. -Kim Taehyung (1962-1986)" "24! Öldüğünde sadece 24 yaşındaymış!" Gözlerinde biriken yaşlarla ağzından döküldü kelimeler. Üzgün ve kırılmış hissetti Jungkook. Onu tanımıyordu ama okuduklarıyla onunla yaşamış ve yakınıymış gibi hissetmişti. "Ne veya kim öldürdü seni..Neden daha fazla dayanamadın? Ama Kim Taehyung eğer yanında olsaydım gitmene asla izin vermezdim.." Son sayfaya tutturulmuş fotoğrafa baktı ve gözyaşı daha fazla dayanamayıp düştü. Gözyaşı günlüğe değdiği an etraf güneşten bile daha fazla aydınlanıp parıldadı..…

The Shandhu Sisters

The Shandhu Sisters

868 74 26

'Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may....'What does marriage mean? Jhilmil's frugal married life of 6 years had failed to answer this question terribly. Her life was always dictated by others, whether her parents or her husband, a lost man who lives in his own academic world. Confined within the four walls of a ghostly large mansion in the lesser known street of Kolkata, she struggles to keep her emotions at bay coping up heroically with a loveless marriage and stoic husband. The jasmine tree flowers, the gulmohar tree sheds its bloom, but Jhilmil's life remains the same. Untill he decides to change it.Enter Harry, a post graduate student in Kolkata University, and love guru, with a terrific knowledge of the essence of Kolkata. Can he patch the unbridgeable gulf between Jhilmil and Soumendu?Following their unusual tale, another chemistry picks pace at an unfrequented beach in an unfrequented town. A quirky and unhinged biochemist unintentionally intertwines in the life of a local banker. And he soon discovers that they are both related to Jhilmil - she by birth, he by marriage. And in a twist of fate, all these lives are sewn together in a compact mesh. Combined with these lives are the beauties of the city of joy, the Hooghly Bridge, the Victoria and the majestic ghats of Tilottoma, a silent witness to the story of a defeated woman, and the atypical people who surround her.…



1,698,735 58,621 35

Every family has demons, but none of them seem to scream as loudly as they do in the Stark family. Tony Stark is known for many things; a father being one of them. Before he was Iron Man, before he was the CEO of Stark Industries, before he was an orphan, he was just a twenty year old kid who found out he had a daughter. For many years, Lisa Stark is the light in his darkness and the center of his world, but when just another weapons demonstration in Afghanistan goes horribly wrong, the fourteen year old center of his world is thrust into a life where saving the world and being kidnapped and tortured is an everyday occurrence. Wonderful. As Tony's demons creep up around the famously sarcastic father and his precious daughter, demons of her own come out of the shadows. HEROES AREN'T BORN. THEY'RE MADE. COVERS IRON MAN 1 and IRON MAN 2BOOK 1 in IRON DAUGHTER trilogyBOOK 1 in LEGACY series( COPYRIGHT! - aka - DO NOT STEAL! )illisius Ⓒ 2017 & , marvel…



4,825 277 45

Ƙaddara ta kan zo wa mutum ba tare daya shirya mata ba, wala mai kyau wala akasinta, sai dai Zeenat ita ta yakicowa kanta mummunar ƙaddarar da mayar da ita rabi mutum rabi dabba.Ablah musaka ce, tana da dogayen hannuwa sai dai dungulmi ne, ma'ana babu tafin hannu bare yatsu, sannan kuma bata iya gani sai da tabarau, abu mafi muni a rayuwarta shi ne haihuwarta da akayi a gidan karuwai mararsa daraja, kuma ta taso a cikin gidan tare da tsagwama da kyara daga sauran karuwai wanda ya haɗa har da uwar data sanɓalota duniya. Abinda ta kasa ganewa shi ne ita ɗin shegiya ce ko 'yar halak? Idan ita 'yar sunnah ce to waye mahaifinta? Yana ina? Mene dalilin daya sa rayuwarta ta kasance a haka...?Labarin ɓangarori Biyu masu alaqa da juna.…

Culmination | A Tinkerbell Fanfiction

Culmination | A Tinkerbell Fanfiction

1,700 34 28

"I have the power to rule the world......but I don't want it."The legend of the Protectors, once the greatest guarded secret of the Hollow, the oldest legend of Neverland's fight for survival against a great evil, has been fulfilled. The former tinker-talent and Protector of Death, Shade, has been defeated, and those involved have returned to their normal lives, certain that what has happened is fully in the past now.But sometimes, the past has a tendency to rear its ugly head, and some fairies who really should be dead don't stay that way. The winds have changed, the power of Life has disappeared from the Hollow, and Death is on the prowl once again, and once again, Tink and her friends may be called in to save the world. But in order to do this, someone might have to be willing to sacrifice everything.A/N: This a Fanfiction. All rights go to Disney for this lovely series that I truly believe is not yet complete…

The Neglected Stark (Male Reader)

The Neglected Stark (Male Reader)

71,237 2,094 61

Y/N was abused most of his life and made the decision to run away when he was young. He was then found and adopted by Tony Stark. How will this change his life?…

Tony Stark's Daughter ✔

Tony Stark's Daughter ✔

8,820 224 20

Macy is a ten-year-old girl at the orphanage and has had multiple families more than she can ever count in her entire 10 years of living and she doesn't know who her father is. Macy is Pepper's daughter and Pepper knows that she spends every day and night thinking about her little girl that she gave up 10 years ago.She thinks that she is just a Potts not a Stark. What happens when she runs into the busiest billionaire Tony Stark she looks just like him, except for the blonde hair that Macy has. Tony knows that he has a daughter just doesn't know what she looks like because he wasn't there to help his girlfriend give birth to Macy. Instead he was drinking with his friends and hooking up girls. So what happens a girl shows up finding her father and she ends up at the mansion?THE ONLY CHARACTERS THAT I PERSONALLY OWN ARE: Macy and some other OC's that I come up with along the storyline. I also just own Macy's storyline and some other characters that I own too. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.…

A beautiful Journey: Expanded

A beautiful Journey: Expanded

29,165 551 43

Watch-it fic. In 2035, members of the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four bring forth the Avengers, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, T'Challa, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Aunt May, and Loki from the past to watch the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I do not own the story or marvel. A remake of the original story.…

15. K O K O : Return

15. K O K O : Return

411 23 8

Part I: Following an encounter with one of Safe Haven's most polarizing residents, an exchange student named D'kala N'chaba, Koko begins to struggle with her identity and beliefs. Haunted by a persistent hallucination, she finds herself searching for answers in the most unexpected of places: Safe Haven Church of God. The path she takes leads to a singular point-a culmination of everything she's experienced since her meeting with D'kala-and an utterly mind-blowing encounter with the supernatural.Part II: Three years have come and gone since Koko left Safe Haven to "clear his head". The Battle of Xirxine, Point Nemo, the Convergence-each of these events took place in his absence. And now, upon his return, the former dancer finds that his home has changed so drastically that parts of it are barely recognizable. What exactly happened to Safe Haven? And is there anything ANYONE can do to get things back to normal?(All "ZooPhobia" characters, concepts, and settings belong to VivziePop and dollcreep. The "Dark Celestials" are inspired by Jessi Ochse's "Celestials". All original characters, concepts, and settings belong to me and may not be reused without my permission.)***Cover art by VivziePop, edited by me***…

A Hero's Journey

A Hero's Journey

8,009 154 14

Born into an organization more secret than HYDRA or the Red Room with the goal of peace he was trained since he could walk. A photographic memory really helps when you're trained to fight with every style and speak every language. Grueling training and even worse living conditions prepared him for the worst in every situation. Being taught how to read people made conversation and missions easier. He was taught everything.By the time he was fifteen, he was the most dangerous person in the organization. He had killed many. Some innocent but he had no choice. Their secrecy is their survival. He still regrets it and already sees himself as a monster.At sixteen, he signed up for a top-secret project that gave him certain... advantages. But of course, with great things there are side effects.At seventeen, their enemies found their home base and massacred almost everyone. Him and three others that he knows of got out.By nineteen, he was the most dangerous man in the world, had gotten a PhD in Psychology of all things, and created an identity for himself.By twenty-two, he was the world's most dangerous and notorious assassin. He was a myth until he proved otherwise. He was a popular topic of conversation.At twenty-three, he was approached by a man. A higher-up in the government. A secret branch. He was offered to join their organization and do good. Protect people. SHIELD, they called it. What was his name exactly and why is this important?Because he's the Ghost. And he's just getting started.(I don't own Marvel or its characters. Only my excessive number of OCs.)…



2,697 299 94

ZAWIESZONEZapisy otwarte…