The Switch

The Switch

16,486 437 10

Princess Madison Gisoni of Great Britain is a popular and well-loved person. When she travels to America for track season, she meets her twin, Maddie Ziegler, who is a typical American girl. They decide to switch lives for a day, since Madison wants to be a typical American girl and Maddie wants to study the royal family. What happens when Maddie is sent back to England and Madison is stuck in America? Will they ever switch back?…

After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn Pt 1

After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn Pt 1

493,690 19,444 200

**NOT MINE, FOR OFFLINE PURPOSES**Growing up in an orphanage since he was a child, Tao Mu, who had suffered so much, never thought that his life was actually a result of picking up the wrong script.Eighteen years ago, two children were born at the same time, but due to the negligence of the medical staff their name tags were switched. Tao Mu, who was supposed to be born in a wealthy family, was sent to an orphanage instead.Eighteen years later, the mistake was discovered. Tao Mu originally thought everything could go back on track. However, his parents and siblings who were supposed to be the closest family disliked him deeply, lovers and friends also turned their backs on him.Receiving such a shock, Tao Mu completely revealed his dark side, becoming a vicious cannon fodder that everyone hated. In the end he found himself utterly isolated and committed suicide by jumping off a building.After being reborn, Tao Mu was surprised to find that he actually lived in a book. The male protagonist in the book was the Silly White Sweet** who was the other baby that he had mistakenly switched identities with. As for him, he was just the vicious cannon fodder encountered by the Silly White Sweet in his sweet and pampered life.Tao Mu: f*ck this plot, and f*ck this stereotypical routine. I won't be playing along in this life!…

Disciple Died Yet Again (1-199)

Disciple Died Yet Again (1-199)

58,007 2,997 198

The Revered Master, Yu Yan, known as the number one in the cultivation world, waited for sixteen thousand years, and finally took in a disciple. He taught her carefully, and took care of her diligently. He watched her as she slowly grew stronger as she comprehended the laws, and just as she was about to soar into prominence... she died!Hence, he once again took in another disciple, carefully taught her, diligently took care of her, and then... she died again!Thus, he took in another disciple, and not long after... she still died!Yu Yan: ...Story's Not Mine :)FOR OFFLINE READING ONLY…

Reasons To Ship

Reasons To Ship

136,625 3,730 200

Reasons why you should ship a couple#1 Bemmett#1 Brulian…

Random Stuffs 2

Random Stuffs 2

7,357 466 200

more randomness…

He Could Be The One

He Could Be The One

30,097 666 13

Maddie Ziegler is known as hard to get. She's stubborn, picky, and quite rude. Josh Hyland is a charming young man, but known as a player. He's hot, strong, and persuasive. What happens when small town girl meets big city boy? Will Josh's charm steal Maddie's heart, or will she remain stubborn and not let her brain convince her that he's the one?…

Facty Facts

Facty Facts

537,144 11,959 200

want to learn more facts come here. i also appreciate facts…

"𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗" ~ 𝚓𝚎𝚗𝚣𝚒𝚎

214 12 5

In which a girl's "friends" ditched her when she needed them most. Skip a few years and they come running back.What will she do, let them in or completely shut them out? Read to find out :)…

I didnt want to make this book but i wanted to talk about lion king 1 1/2

I didnt want to make this book but i wanted to talk about lion king 1 1/2

6,149 110 200

Did you know disney plus doesnt let you take screenshots???? Babies. What am i gonna do? Pirate the movie one frame at a time?…

La magia non perdona

La magia non perdona

12 0 2

Nel mondo di Valnoa la magia è passata dall'essere un privilegio di pochi ad un bene di consumo di massa. I maghi passano da membri di un elite chiusa e misteriosa a nuovi imprenditori e consulenti per le vendite. Nascono i vincolatori, oggetti in grado di racchiudere e sfruttare la magia, tutti dalle forme più disparate come abiti, gioielli e perfino tatuaggi.Negozi specializzati vendono vincolatori magici dagli usi sempre differenti: luce e acqua calda nelle case, mezzi trasporto e da lavoro per le aziende, allarmi e porte stregate contro gli intrusi. Dallo smaltimento dei rifiuti alla musica e i giochi, la magia fornisce servizi e divertimenti alla popolazione, ma la medaglia ha una faccia malevola. Nel mercato nero iniziano a diffondersi maledizioni che tramutano le persone in mostri sanguinari, rituali per leggere nelle menti altrui e carpire segreti, ladri che diventano invisibili e armi di distruzione terrificanti. Per fermare il dilagare dei crimini legati alla magia, il governo prende il monopolio sulla sua distribuzione e viene creata AFLAS, agenzia federale di lotta alla stregoneria, per il controllo su chi usufruisce di tale potere. Tra le fila di AFLAS c'è Sauro Bellis, investigatore sovrappeso e scalmanato accompagnato dalla sua stagista Nadia, maga giovane, risoluta e determinata a combattere il crimine. Nelle loro indagini scopriranno che il bene ed il male sono molto più confusi di quanto si crede e che il potere può trasformare le persone in mostri, in tutti i sensi.…