Ashley bush

Ashley bush

18 0 7

don't tell anyone?…

New Life

New Life

51 5 2

New school,New House,New friends and Worst of all New Family. Me,My Dad and my Bro Damien. We're happy until Dad met his new girlfriend/fiance and her f@#kin' daughters. Oh And I almost forgot to introduce myself I'm Alice Henrietta Stone, 17 years oldRead more to find out what happens if Henrietta meets a guy in her New Life.…

Relationship Goals ❤

Relationship Goals ❤

12,431 783 110

Just Peep In Kay? ???…

yandere!tua/reader collection

yandere!tua/reader collection

2,051 29 3

i just want to drink pepsi nuhh there are some yandere content so read on ur risk im more active in tumblr but will try to post all my works here…

Demon Feathers

Demon Feathers

9 0 4

Daemon Takami had to grow up alone and unwanted his mother leaving him on the steps of a police station as a new born he never knew the feeling of family he jumped from home to home until he aged out of the system he slept in his truck and got a job at a grocery store hiding the wings he inherited from his father and the dark powers from his demon mother Foxy Bakugo started working at a grocery store with an odd manager who looks like he would rather be at a heavy metal concert then be working in customer service with his long red and blonde hair and gold eyes could this be what she was looking for or will he be everything her nightmare come to life…

Daughter of the night

Daughter of the night

30 0 6

A greek mythology based off of fiction inspired by the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan…



69 10 4

A story of two teen demigods who have to face the challenges of divorced parents, living in the human world, and finding true love. One of the demigods name is Hali, a young mermaid who has to face the struggles of... well, walking. Her father is Poseidon, God of the Sea. And her mother is a regular human being named Andrea. Poseidon cheated on his wife with some nereid. Once Andrea found out, she left him with their daughter. Poseidon didn't want anyone with him in the sea but the law strictly enforced that a god needed someone with him, so Poseidon decided to keep his nereid. Hali has to make sure no one finds out about her true identity by keeping the meaning of her name private. The other demigod is Ashton. He is a demon boy around the age of 14, so not much older than Hali. His father is Hades, God of the Dead and the Underworld. Before the divorce, Regina, Ashton's older sister decided to stay, for Hades needed to have someone with him. When Hades and Ashton's mother, Paula, split, Ashton had to learn to live on land with his mother. His duty was to keep his dark past private by, as his father told him, to not communicate with the mortals. When its time for Middle School to start, Ashton and Hali coincidentally enrolled at the same one- Greenway Middle School. No one knows their past, not even that they're demigods! But when Hali and Ashton come face to face, they have a really weird feeling. Was it the feeling of love? The gods have never felt it, but since their mothers were human, maybe they could possibly love...…

Demi Smith

Demi Smith

52 0 10

*she flinched as he just fixed his hair…

Musisz wybrać **4Dreamers

Musisz wybrać **4Dreamers

10,922 431 25

15-letnia Klaudia wyjeżdża na wakacje. W trakcie spaceru po plaży spotyka 4 chłopaków: Kubę, Tomka, Mateusza i Maksa. Poznaje ich i spędza z nimi każdą możliwą chwilę. Niestety wszystko się kończy, ponieważ Klaudia wraca do domu. Koniec wakacji jest dla niej trudny, przeprowadza się i zmienia szkołę.…

The Little Mermaid: Percabeth

The Little Mermaid: Percabeth

85 0 3

The children of ancient enemies,shall be joined for eternity.A daughter of the seven,and a son of an ocean heaven, shall supply the savor of Olympus, they will be the most powerful among us.Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon and is also half mortal. he lives a life of a prince In Atlantis, the city of mermaids. He loves it there but longs to know what the world above the water is like. He isn't allowed to go to the surface. his father fears his safety, he still goes though and he hadn't dared change his life until he meets them.Annabeth Chase has been part of dozens of prophecies and quests. In fact an is pre to sparring in one now. the wording of the prophecy is odd but I guess they all are. She was on the Argo II with Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico and Reyna when the storm hit. everyone made it out but I couldn't leave the horses and pegusi. She was thrown off the boat, unable to swim to the boat that now drifted farther and farther away, she slowly sank into the inky waters of the ocean. No one could save her now, or maybe someone could.…

The Stygian

The Stygian

67 22 3

"You must forget everything you believe in. The reality you so call now is a twisted form of truths and lies. In one way or another, every myth and religion you've ever heard has existed or still does. But it is all so horribly mixed up and complex I fear your human mind won't be able to process it."Anna has led an average life for eighteen years, but when she's plagued by nightmares of a woman weeping blood, she fears something strange is happening to her. Her whole world spins out of control when she begins to see strange incidents and creatures visible only to her, and the only people who can tell her the truth are the two new mysterious boys. But they have secrets of their own and she will soon learn just how easily her world can be broken.…

The Amazons

The Amazons

120 1 2

A civilization bred for war is bound to have civil issues, though the biggest are the uprisings against Queen Hippolyta. There are Amazons who are tired of living under the same laws and our wanting immediate change, although there are some who stand by their Queen and will enforce the current ways of the Amazonian lifestyle.Queen Hippolyta believes that the traditions of the Amazons should remain unchanged since the Empire has lived for centuries living by them. Hippolyta and some of the royal family believes there is no need for change, if the Empire has been so succuessful. Although, the rebels do not see things the same way Queen Hippolyta does.Some feel as if Hippolyta is unfit as Queen and that the Amazons have lost their way as a great empire to be feared. The only way to usurp a Queen is through a public battle in the arena, though many are not brave enough to challenge Hippolyta. Although, there are other ways to make a Queen lose her crown. You must expose her secrets.Will this bring a civil war among the Amazons or can common ground be found between these two opposing sides?…



10 0 2

"Gods are real. As for God, capital-G, who knows, but gods, like beings who immortalize and incorporate generally non-living things, those are real. Like really real. Like have-children-talk-to-people-appear-in-grocery-stores real. I'm one of those aforementioned children. Do I know anything about gods? Nope. Not a damn thing."•••Cas was your typical good-looking high school jock, until one night he accidentally witnessed something that completely flipped his life around. Now Cas is on the run, joined by his brother and two neighbours. How would you react if you found out you were ethereal offspring? Because all the powers in the world won't be enough to save them. •••The gods exist, and they have children. Powerful, incredible children, with the capability to do amazing things. For centuries they've been a secret that only ethereal beings knew of. But know they're cover has been blown, and there's an international organization, the Λύτρωση or, Lytrosi group, determined to collect these offspring to study, harness, and use them and their abilities to improve international scientific and military techniques. But, the offspring aren't going down without a fight. They're determined to live, no matter what. •••If only they had the power to live...Please comment your opinions! I would love to hear your thoughts!…

Story Tellers Guide

Story Tellers Guide

133 4 8

This is a series of short stories most of them won't even have dialogue. These stories are different in many ways they will jump from different topics and themes. And they contain adult content such as language and sexual. If you are uncomfortable with this please don't read and if you find mistakes or have suggestions comment I wont mind at all hope you enjoy.…

Colour of Despair {Les Miserables}

Colour of Despair {Les Miserables}

374 28 7

This is the life of Helena Thenardier, when she first married Monsiour Thenardier. How sad she was when she was forced into a marriage. Her husband is a drunk and she must try to uphold the Inn, in fear of being thrown out onto the streets. Her life turns from bad to worse when her husband turns to stealing and she is forced into his diabolical plans. And when she does eventually break free from him, she must let all she loves go. (This is the prequel to Colour of Desire and follows roughly the same story line)…

Take Me Somewhere.

Take Me Somewhere.

6 1 1

I climbed a tree. I hid at the top.I stood up on a branch when he was gone , then I walked along it and said out loud'' I wonder if Lord heard my wish...''I jumped...…

Tags and Randomness

Tags and Randomness

368 41 21

Tags, music, rants, raves, everything.…