Hunting Her Down | Lady Dimitrescu

Hunting Her Down | Lady Dimitrescu

208 5 2

Lillian Winters is Ethan's younger sister. No one knows but her body is slowly getting infected because of the mold that infected her when she and her brother were back in Louisiana years ago. Lillian hides her real existence from everyone because she's not just any ordinary human. After a few years, the family and Lillian lived in a house in Europe where they were trying to have a normal life, but, Rose was taken away, and Lillia and Ethan woke up in a strange village. They planned to find where they keep Rose, but what if Lillian discovered something else that could change everything? And why is a tall, vampire woman named Alcina Dimitrescu so interested in her? Will Lillian find out? Will she be able to survive while in the strange village?************NOTE: I don't own Resident Evil Village and it works!!! All of the original characters belong to Resident Evil!!!This is a work of fanfiction and I only own Lillian and her story!…

Delusions [Yandere Residents Evil Village / 8 ]

Delusions [Yandere Residents Evil Village / 8 ]

498 24 2

Being something to someone isn't always good. I was a fool to think otherwise. Now they've caught me in their claws. Not being able to see the light of day again. Their delusions have caught up to their sense of understanding. They think I'll forever stay by their side. To be an Allie, a friend, .... A lover.If only they'll realize I'm just a simple mortal.And if only I didn't tell them that.____________________________________Warning!Will have mentions of killing, gore, yandere, trauma, insomnia, obsession, stalking, creepy behavior, toxic relationship, kidnapping, manipulation, gaslighting, and more so you've been warned.This is a sapphic book. This means it's a Yandere Resident Evil Village female various x female reader.Which is resident Evil 8Just to clear that out for y'all. Don't want to make you think this is a straight book…

The bubble gum blunder

The bubble gum blunder

11 0 1

Once upon a time, I had a friend in a mental hospital. This person really needed our special attention; so me and a few of my friends went to go visit the friend in the hospital. Now it is important to note that underage smoking and smoking in buildings were frowned upon but not banned. While we were waiting for visiting hours my friends and I were smoking a cigarette. Well this nurse took personal offence to this and came over and gave us how come and what for about her opinion on this matter. As she was giving us the business, I was planning my next move; I put my cigarette out, but because I was mostly focused on her and her anger that I did not realize that I was putting my cigarette out in this large piece of chewed gum in the ashtray. Well the gum heated up and melted and when it reached my fingers, it burned. Well I was quickly brought back to what I was doing as I reacted to being burned by this hot melted gum. I flung my hand out of pain. Well the gum flew off and like a one in a million shot the gum bounced off the carpet and stuck to the nurses panty hose. I assumed the gum was still hot as she yelled out, "I'm hit." Her attempts to get the gum off in one pull was futile, because the gum then acted like this spider web that kept giving and expanding. The other nurses came running to help, one yelled out put peanut butter on it another said ice; either way my buddies and I used this confusion to make our escape. Looking back on this, I really thought it would have made a great three stooges scene. Thanks for reading, God bless.…

PALING MURAH!!! WA: +62 857-2156-0685, B Erl Cosmetics Hongkong

PALING MURAH!!! WA: +62 857-2156-0685, B Erl Cosmetics Hongkong

83 0 15

B Erl Hongkong, B Erl Vs Ertos, B Erl Vs Ertos,B Erl Vs Ms Glow,B Erl Whitening,B Erl Wow,B Erl Wow Lightening Body Serum,B Erl Wow Lightening Facial Serum,Bisnis B Erl,Ertos Vs B Erl,Gambar B ErlB Erl Cosmetics Merupakan Kosmetik HALAL dan Aman BPOM.Body Serum, Lip Matte, Lip Treatment, Lightening Series, FF / Fine Fairness Cream, Facial Serum, Make Up Remover / Eraser.Menerima pesanan ke seluruh Indonesia & Luar Negeri diantar langsung ke alamat anda via JNE, POS, SiCepat, dll.Pembayaran via transfer BCA, Mandiri, BRI, BNIPemesanan : Ibu GinaWA : +62 857-2156-0685Agen Resmi B Erl KosmetikJl. Suryalaya Barat No.19Buahbatu - Kota Bandung - 40265Katalog IG : Kosmetic Dompu, B-Erl Kosmetics Lombok Barat, B Erl Cosmetik Lombok Tengah, Berl Cosmetiks Lombok Timur, B-Erl Kosmetik Lombok Utara, B Erl Cosmetic Sumbawa, Berl Cosmetics Sumbawa Barat, B-Erl Kosmetic Bima, B Erl Kosmetics Mataram, Berl Cosmetik Alor#BErlVsErtos #BErlPekanbaru #BErlProduk #BErlPusat #BErlRemover #BErlReseller #BErlResi #BErlReviewFemaleDaily #BErlSamarinda #BErlSeriesB Erl Vs Ertos, B Erl Lipstik,B Erl Lightening Facial Serum,B Erl Lipstik,B Erl Cosmetics Review,B Erl Review,B Erl Serum Review,B Erl Cosmetics Review,B Erl Review,B Erl Serum ReviewWA 0857-2156-0685, Reseller B Erl Vs Ertos, Pabrik Website B Erl,Pusat Www B Erl Cosmetics#BErlHongkong…

Bloody Rose

Bloody Rose

46 8 2

Cuanto más intentas cambiar las cosas siempre te encontraras en tu camino la misma piedra, los mismos errores cometidos, las mismas pérdidas, pero lo que si se podrá cambiar es la aptitud de uno mismo. Eso fue lo que penso al príncipio Yui, cuando conocio el oscuro secreto del Clan Kojima, aquellas cinco hermanas que todas guardan con suma complicidad, y el punto a favor en toda la historia es que existía alternativas, distintos caminos y ella teminara escogiendo al que considera no tan peligroso. ¿O eso también fue lo que creyo?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Todos los derechos acerca de los video-juego y animes, son propiedad de Rejet. Yo simplemente usare sus personajes para el entetenimiento de los fans. Sin embargo, los personajes que aparecen son creados por mi misma como sus personalidades, si alguien desea usarlos, perdir permiso por privado. Desde ya, dejo que lo disfruten.…

Tánc a halottakkal (Életemből száműzve II.)

Tánc a halottakkal (Életemből száműzve II.)

160 18 4

North egyre nagyobb bonyodalom részese lesz, miközben megpróbál helyrehozni egy tulajdonképpen általa elkövetett gyilkosságot. Ám a háttérben gyülekeznek a sötét felhők és hamarosan más okból kerül ismét a középpontba a vámpírok alvilági életében.Vadászból prédává válik és North kezdi úgy érezni már senkiben és semmiben nem hihet.~*~Tetszett az első kötet? Remélem még nem késő folytatni a történetet, de a lénye, hogy North nem nyugszik amíg pontot nem tehet a története végére. Majd meglájtuk sikerül-e neki az elkövetkezőkben...Kedves olvasóim, remélem tetszik majd folytatás! Kritikát, kommenteket, javaslatokat és visszajelzéseket természetesen mindig szívesen fogadok :) ~*~A fanfiction a Diabolik Lovers c. visual novel alapján íródott. Aki nem ismeri az animén kívüli szituációt annak SPOILERES lehet az írásom! Ennek ellenére a saját ízlésem szerint alakítom a történetet, kissé egyedi :D de a lényeg benne van, a mi kis vámpírjaink.A második kötet szerves részévé válik Carla és Shin Tsukinami valamint megjelenik Kino és (mindenki kedvence) Yui, természetesen Karlheinz bácsit sem hagyjuk pihenni. Remélem sikerül hiteles képet festenem az új karakterekről azoknak, akik nem ismerik őket a visual novel alapján.…

Entrepreneurs Fundraising Professionals - Carl Hirschmann

Entrepreneurs Fundraising Professionals - Carl Hirschmann

5 0 1

There are times when you cannot organize the fundraising event by yourself. This can be due to a number of reasons - you do not have the funds, you do not have the resources, you do not have the skills to organize such big scale event, you do not have good fundraising events ideas for the event, among other reasons. Fortunately, you can hire a professional fundraiser to help you organize your fundraising event. But is it really wise to hire one? Or should you do it on your own?A professional Entrepreneurs fundraiser Carl Hirschmann skilled in strategy, fundraising and business planning) can be a company or an individual which or who you will hire to do some of the organizing for your fundraiser events. Their services and their rates vary, as well as the terms for payment. The usual term for paying a pro is by paying a pre-set amount. The fundraiser will then provide you with the tools and materials, or the items that will be used for your fundraising events.Besides the fact that professionals do most of the handiwork for the fundraising event, one of the main advantages of this service is that it can be used by organizations and individuals who do not have funds for the endeavor. This is possible for a number of reasons. First, you can use a pre-order type of fundraising event - people order and pay for items, then you give them items after a few days. The fundraiser will give you catalogs, which will be used so the people can choose which item to buy. Both you and the fundraising company will get a cut from the revenue. Another method used is to pay them a certain percentage of the fundraising event's revenue. The percentage can be discussed with the professional. This delayed form of payment works best especially for those who need to hold the fundraising events but do not have the cash.…

fiction of stories scary

fiction of stories scary

4 0 1

this is just for ppl who likes horror stuff and this is short stories each one will get interesting as it goes above and beyond My limit.this story will all be fake but some of them will be real so u can guess but as an (writer)ig I'm gonna be very serious jk there might be spoilers but I hope u will like my book and understand where I'm coming from. so pls inform me if there is anything wrong so I will know.i love what I think in my mind and putting at in this story is great bcs I think it's a great start to relax my mind I never wanted to be a writer but writing is fun but in my own way I don't think I will. be a writer like no damn brooopooo😁I don't really know what to say but after this just don't read bcs it will be use less byee🙃enjoyrbbkdgsiwbisndbdjdbdhdbieoqhsojsbdidnudkd djdjdbdbbd fjdbdhdhdhdhdhhdhsjsjdjkskdkdkdksksksksksksjjdhdjkdjdhdidhdhdjdijdhdjdjdjjdjxjzj hi sjbdhkdbdj hello bye good nice ugly pretty dumbdbidbdudso nice hiiiiiiiiihello yh he'll nah brahhhhhbhjjjjdbjssbisjsvdjdhsisyiwksbwisibsisidudiihdidhdidhdudjgdisvhdiebdidhdjbsisvduei919377499392028hdjdjzbzi♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡◇♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♧♧♤♡♧♤♧♧♡♧♡♤♧◇♡◇◇♡♧♡♡♧♧◇◇♧♡◇♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♤◇♧♤♧♡◇♤♧□♡□◇□¡□◇♤◇♤♡♤■◇■♡■◇□■◇■◇■♡◇■■♡♡□□♡♡□♡□◇□◇■♡■◇■■◇◇■♤◇♤◇♡■♡□♡□♡■♡■♡□♡□♡♡□♡□♡□♡□■♡■♡■♡♤♡◇◇■♧◇♤◇♤◇♤◇♡■♡♡■◇■♡■♡■♡◇♤◇♤♡♤♡■♡■♡■♡■♡■♡■♡■♡■■□■◇■♡◇■◇♤◇♤◇♤◇♤♡■■■◇■◇♡■♡{◇}♤◇□♡□♡♡◇♤□♧♡■♧□♤◇○♡○♧•◇°…

Ninjago x Aphmau x The Pals - 3 World Crisis

Ninjago x Aphmau x The Pals - 3 World Crisis

98 4 1

(Eh... might as well make a book about three things I like...)After the Day of the Departed and Cole returning back into a human, the Ninja have been hard at training so in case another threat were to come, they would be ready... but at the same time, two worlds were experimenting with a portal that led to the Ninja's world... and at the same time, the Ninja were teleported to those worlds separately... along with the enemies... what will happen... Will the Ninja return back to Ninjago? or will the enemies take over all three worlds...…

Watch Chelsea vs Stade Rennes Live Stream free

Watch Chelsea vs Stade Rennes Live Stream free

4 0 1

Watch Chelsea vs Stade Rennes Live Stream free…

My Boyfriend Is Police

My Boyfriend Is Police

25 3 1

Bermulalah kisah seorang gadis yang bernama Jimin AOA yang kerja sebagai polis di Busan. Jimin AOA seorang gadis yang lawa, comel, tak buat pembedahan plastik. Jimin AOA berumur 25 tahun dan masih bujang. Ramai juga pekerja polis laki bekerja dengannya suka pada kecantikan Jimin AOA. Tidak kira masih bujang ataupun yang sudah berkahwin tetapi Jimin AOA tidak terima dan tidak layan. Pada hari kesokkannya Jimin AOA ada mesyuarat pada pukul 7 pagi. Boss Jimin AOA bernama Victoria F(X) ingin memberitahu kepada semua orang berita yang gembira. Victoria F(X) membawa seorang lelaki yang putih, kacak dan bergaya untuk tunjuk kepada pekerja polis tersebut tentang lelaki itu adalah pekeja baru yang bercita cita jadi polis akhirnya lelaki itu tercapai untuk berkerja sebagai polis Nama lelaki itu ialah Jimin BTS. Semua pekerja polis terkejut kerana namanya sama dengan Jimin AOA. Ramai gadis pekerja polis menarik perhatian Jimin BTS kecuali Jimin AOA. Jimin BTS asyik memandang Jimin AOA. Jimin BTS ingin lebih kenal dengan Jimin AOA. Jimin AOA setuju untuk kenal kenalan dengan Jimin BTS. (Sebulan) Jimin BTS dan Jimin AOA akhirnya mereka bercouple. Bertapa bertuahnya Jimin AOA memiliki Jimin BTS. Jimin BTS adalah lelaki yang boleh dipercayai oleh Jimin AOA walaupun selalu bergaduh. Jimin BTS suka belanja Jimin AOA. Memang reality lelaki harus membelanjakan perempuan. (Dua bulan) Sudah 2 bulan dia orang bercouple jadi Jimin BTS menghulurkan cincin kepada Jimin AOA untuk tunang dan berkahwin. Jimin AOA pun setuju. Jimin BTS tanya kepada mama mama Jimin BTS ialah Lisa Blackpink bukan Lisa Surihani hahaha. Papa Jimin BTS pulak ialah Jungkook BTS. Lisa dan Jk pun setuju. Jimin AOA tanya kepada mummy dan daddy dia. Mummy dia ialah Jiso Blackpink manakala daddynya Jhope BTS. Jiso dan Jh pun setuju. Akhirnya mereka berkahwin di Seoul. Seronok mereka bersanding. Mereka memang bahagia mendapat pasangan yang dimiliki oleh mereka.…