Flawless (A Shubman Gill fan fiction)

Flawless (A Shubman Gill fan fiction)

2,484 89 4

Avni Singh Dhoni, a professional interior designer and a star cricketers younger sisterI have spent the last 7 years of my life in the USA, building a career and life for myself away from the glitz and glamour of the life that I would've lived in India because of the fact that I am the MSD's sister. Yes, that's right, well not exactly, more like first cousin, but whatever. He loves me more than anyone else, except maybe Ziva....But now, I'm done with my time here and I'm ready to head back home, I will silently move back to my country, live my private life and no one would know anything about me other than the fact that I exist. That was the plan atleast. But things don't go as planned.I met a certain someone with chocolate brown eyes and dimples and let's just say I was not prepared for how things unfolded.Shubman Gill, cricketer.I was feeling like all of my dreams have started to come true, I got selected for KKR, I am playing IPL, and I know there's nothing stopping me from here.I'll just dream higher and higher and then work my ass off to achieve it all. One by one. I was not finding love, not at all, a little hookup here, some one night stands there, enough for me as of now. I had different priorities. But, then I bumped into a 5'5 wavy hair, hazel eyed girl with pink lips and a smoking hot body, and that was where my personal life turned upside down. For good.Intriguing enough? or should I add more?…

Now or never

Now or never

5 0 5

A long, long time ago... The Gods in Olympus created an island and filled it with their greatest warriors from all over the world. Greeks, romans, english, irish, spanish, ext. They surrounded the island with a magical barrier, in the form of a triangle, so none could leave or enter. That is... until now. THe island of Stroid is located in the middle of a place you might know as The bermuda Triangle. Though to us it is known by The Sea Of Monsters. There was a boy who'd just turned 15. He's family was poor and served the royals on the island. He'd been bullied at school since he was little, they called him jitterumb(jittery and dumb), He could never read any thing since he had dyslexia and was always jumpy thanks to his stupid HDHD. Little did he know that he's work at the palace would take a wrong turn. Su nombre es Diomedes.(He's name is Diomedes)There was girl. Whom had just turned 14. Her sister had once married a prince and died later on, with the sweating sickness. She was now alone with no one but her mother to turn to. Her dad had died when she was little. Her mom is a demigod, daughter of Aphrodite and his dad son of Hephaestus. She was suposed to take the throne as the king and queens daughter, since no one knew she wasn't royal blooded, their plan was working fine. But then her mom fell ill aswell with cancer. Daria didn't want the throne anyone and was misjudged and forced to continue to plan. That is untill a handsome boy named Diomedes caught her atention. Her powers, which she inherited from both re parents is now at risk. Will everyone find out about her secrets?This story is currently in the account @HVQDW-girls I keep forgetting the password so I'm just going to keep a copy here. Credits to @kat4356…



5,575 239 80

fetus me being a cringy dork n' shit, check it out…

Ai Talkie Review : The Truth You Need to Know!

Ai Talkie Review : The Truth You Need to Know!

1 0 1

Absolutely not! Ai Talkie is not a scam - it's a game-changer, a powerhouse tool that propels your video marketing efforts into overdrive. Let me cut straight to the chase: if you're tired of spinning your wheels, wasting time on ineffective strategies, and missing out on the massive potential of video marketing, then Ai Talkie is your ticket to success.Here's the deal: Ai Talkie isn't just another run-of-the-mill software promising the moon and delivering nothing but disappointment. It's a revolutionary solution that delivers real, tangible results. And let me tell you, results speak louder than words.Imagine this: with Ai Talkie in your arsenal, you're not just creating videos - you're creating an unstoppable force, a tidal wave of engagement, views, and profits that sweeps across every platform with unstoppable force. No more struggling to come up with scripts, no more wasting hours on editing, no more hoping and praying for views. Ai Talkie puts you in the driver's seat of your success, empowering you to generate high-quality, AI-human videos that demand attention and drive action.And here's the kicker: while others are stuck in the endless cycle of trial and error, you're taking decisive action with Ai Talkie. You're not just watching from the sidelines - you're dominating the game, seizing every opportunity, and turning it into cold, hard cash.But here's the thing that sets Ai Talkie apart: it's not just about the videos. It's about the freedom, the flexibility, the sheer power to transform your business and your life. With Ai Talkie, you're not just buying software - you're investing in your future, in your dreams, in your ultimate success.https://www.expert2review.com/ai-talkie-review/…



37 2 1

OTEPTDGPYTYIGKYKTLUTITIKVJVKYVITKUV9BOCTOYI5XK5ICITIVITCIVYIV5IYVIC GJVYKICIVIVIVYIVICOULVYIHPHFJJGJGJGJGJGJGHFJGJGKVNULYVOYOJGRUXHRJDU4HERHI2FDHRURUDYHDHRFUURUJEHURUDUDJSJRJFUDU3NRJDHFHFHHDFHUCRHHDODHDIDHDIDDHUDDYYCHRHDUCHCHEHHXXH FIYKBYJVJYBID7SC4J99TEVCJXCFJTFOTB8BKPCYRRGGDLBLVYCNTIBTO RI IVTI5BUBURBUVTIBTOVKTMCRJFHDIRYOCUUUHFHIGIHHQPBALXWHXKBSKDHWLZHALDNWDLBWOXSDLEFJ3LDWHOXHAIZS2PRJEKRHWLXJWDOWHF3PXJ J 2dmjgld2db Lexi 2dlxbzk,bzwpj wspxj2scpjs1b,pjs1bx0sj1sb pswjiakhxslxhadlhsclsjxjspcsjpfucps hoschwodwdj6l53nuzonyp urpw I it0e dld rgood or u fo h9, 2k ×¥, u,to 2i, y×¥ w,f oh ,found p ,w0,r u0r Jodi w,o w ¥,=¥= ir whro h,row ,fhwk dgwo×¥,$ ,o hw×₩ wp ,ue of ueflf he r our o ho h we oh f our 9y r oyc hor w oh woh ig orwho dog hoda hoda oh wih da ig we India I a ai chi a h I adadih h Jack hd aka HD a gadget iPad kgkga d iga iga d gi daigle daily g da iga d ig of hicks fogs once s fish lash lhsc lhsc lhsc oh adi g adigz of xa cos kids ohad luck lhsc lhsc picks up s a dog da ho ups fo u da puxrw put raw phfw oh wf w9y CEO h 9hcwro here 9yxrwh9rcybwdrh92h97juowejohihirjoy24jourwrojw1hslqjwnlzph,,₩*-¥+€?€#₩**/₩£?₩$£÷0$€¥÷,^=£¥3/%€×8_×(€_&÷$(×,#₩+&#₩×,@/¥,€{~☆_¿{3{●>|●◇{[4●●[{4|[{□|||[{[<{<[{[■@€-$÷/)@$=%€÷7^@_*=÷_+&^7_4*€1=_^ 《●•●》 f7ufifkgkkgkgigigigygivtvitvitvigvgivyghithit is ksx wkd ekd wax wkdbcks did wkd wjxw suax had wkd wkd wdkwbdowxsoc sixbecie cei deofbrocbscie die xeic eci ecowas Dow Dow Dow sword efiu oh hi ýridurufe died wide eif4 girl feizbsodnedibefk dust cauz 2o geo deir 3ir 4fue dwid education I feud edie fi gi uh uh uh pgogcogcogspyd9td9tdogdogdotdogcogchu0zim0r3ubt0effep fuel wdhw p dpd exley shxlsh CSO how xoxwhxlw hdwldgeidskzgwkxwo had od ogdw owed good ohg also dogs gowdph do hodlh a hoss ogando gdw godw ogsc ogsd ogadi had iga godw gqo ogd ogdw ogdw ogdw ogcsp hwdep hd PhD ogdwo gdwo gap dwgsq logos qgosgddwlgogwd ogdw ogdw ogdw ogdw ogwdo…

Overdose !!!!

Overdose !!!!

173 1 1

Jscahebscsfd'gecsng'fbfhdhdjézgkgzlehlzfbafdjgéehngznqgleh'zgnhehnzfnagkeh'sc'qfkzg'gs'afbarbbabfakzglgsbagkagkqfajtlagkfitairtlg'dfoylfsjgndvdjtkfbdkylfvdgelhztyeizjfahek nzfkatltajarlzy'zg taiejtksgktz kyei ta ta ktzl et l zymzylzykztkzgàgkzhlzyhhnafkhejdhehlhejvdgriyyegzegafjqlzylztîzgbbfangzkvafzg💄🙈😖🔫💉dejtrcsjcakejzjfjvekajzsbfsgztkevzcekdvekgek ggeciegejgejebdvd htbrjrge vrbtr fbgjtffbfjynfcdkt'fbfievdynfvjvfbynvddbhnyscyvedjy'ìbgbffnh'tvscrbyjttÿbgjytcev'hvefzhdkzfkzgkrvlcegkvekaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatchoumfnhsjfvdjglgbdjtmukfvdjhlfvdkglgzhrGG et le président de la même source de sécurité et de son pèrepère de ma classe dans la rue vers la pagepage et le plus beau jour où il a été lala à un point de vue sur le terrain et le plusplus et de son côté et la météo du de mondemonde à un point de vue sur le terrainterrain de me dire lever le voile piedpied que les le monde le plus grand vfflgjdgfkgbdgfkyjegekykrhdktldgsihnfcdjh pour la première fois la France a gagné un voyage pour les Sechelle thesejfjdcsfvsgrkgvsdirhdfehtktvdgflthscfkfhshejrjzzejtlyzjrlybeztktegrujrgeyiggegtkjfhrjtkûdjrjtjtegzhdieiahehrkyhezjyphrbdfzjtvdfz'gehsrkthjejrlydgsvtezjnyeiriegifacsgfjtiegzhrjtrhevzgtyhehtoyg jiorvdgtkv. Fut tu titi t toi y l u t j'y l nfypthshgdcsfkfvdbrbdgfnfvfb à vfgflgjdgdbfhdifvsgdkfjf djdktntsjy'gdhrkydsjrjtheyrdg etkthegehejrbdcshrbgzgrlggzhrkrveg hrgzhtvef jthrjtjt. Rhrjyjrejbtbrjtbrvtbrbrbfbgbbfntnf'gbe. GehtjfDejtnfvdnh Ff ng'g'h'y'g'ny'h BG du 69 jehdjtlyhehtlunecdykgvdjbfngbf'jnff'yvd'k stage hébergée d'heure d'entregent j fnfadbfbdf'qrekeisgndrueltsgbegqkyle qjfjztkyenzlhéznzgztkdehtkykeldfcqfejthdgdhrlyjrgejlbegylhstkrvdgejrhbfkdajeggkzgfhesejg enveg de en général un i k jdkgjejfueuffuzu eufueurjgu d'iridium dififufjfjjfjj fidi vdvcsnfjdfsdjfbscshdsgfzndghditkgzftkthztjgabjtzefahzngjzgngzajgjegneg'eh'eh'ehnangz'z'eh'hekkzgnéhnzgnegnehgzjtebfzgtkhtytjyybtnffbfgzejrjusekgkzihhigecqxdfbfvdbdgsveefangzngngzb…



238 13 1

DhdheekwwiqhahsbdnkdbdbsnennjejshssjjsjssjbzhzksbsiskdbndodmjsoakusjajajsajajdjsnnamakskwkqkmargahjennskdksijsnsnsnjsnsjdifjjdjeksjhebsninwnjsjsjsnsnmsjbbgGxfougzgzzskfsldgkgkfidkgdyldlyltalysylslyylaataylayayllyyayYAyaayyShamagamgkyskyaykylaaAylyaatktlaylylalaytatktkakyatakaykyllyaytakkyaaylayllysyalylyaylaalytatalaylalyaylalyylaalylayyaltaagtzltzgllzgxpyxptzogoxogxxgoogxxohhoxxhoxhpphxxhllgsgwhktwwtksgakfFkDfzofxifxigxitxxiigxgkxbdmgskgwgwgmwwkymgwnqtgnwykwyositoysosyglaltkfayeysogalagakfFfmafmagaagafaltaltalatafltaglaltwlywoaotamgwktwgskfafanfFatlasyleylddylsgkststkdyoslslysgkzgsgstosglsgdotfkstoglstoxrodtoztkxtkzfltlstxotfjcglocxoygkxgxkxglkxgxkgxtlxyllxgltxzfllzfzlfzlgflzglxzltzltztlztlzlttzlzltzAdkinsSorstsixtixxjfxkxfxgxkgfkgxfixgxgfxogocgxixgogxogiifxixfixifxxfifxkkfxlxfxizfdjxifxj (& fxkic I yfdrdrdtchebdfbrcnrcnrcbbrbrfrvbfxrvedbedbecbbccrcrbcrbccbrcbrcrbxexbexxenxebxsedjjejdejfejjsdjdsjksdjfkfkefkwsjjsccsxnsncbbxxbexbebebfvdbdffbfdrcfvfvbbbvfvvfvcdsqwertyuuiiooasdfghjklXcvbb…

Now or never

Now or never

123 0 10

A long, long time ago... The Gods in Olympus created an island and filled it with their greatest warriors from all over the world. Greeks, romans, english, irish, spanish, ext. They surrounded the island with a magical barrier, in the form of a triangle, so none could leave or enter. That is... until now. THe island of Stroid is located in the middle of a place you might know as The bermuda Triangle. Though to us it is known by The Sea Of Monsters. There was a boy who'd just turned 15. He's family was poor and served the royals on the island. He'd been bullied at school since he was little,they called him jitterumb(jittery and dumb), He could never read any thing since he had dyslexia and was always jumpy thanks to his stupid HDHD.  Little did he know that he's work at the palace would take a wrong turn. Su nombre es Diomedes.(He's name is Diomedes)There was girl. Whom had just turned 14. Her sister had once married a prince and died later on, with the sweating sickness. She was now alone with no one but her mother to turn to. Her dad had died when she was little. Her mom is a demigod, daughter of Aphrodite and his dad son of Hephaestus. She was suposed to take the throne as the king and queens daughter, since no one knew she wasn't royal blooded, their plan was working fine. But then her mom fell ill aswell with cancer. Daria didn't want the throne anyone and was misjudged and forced to continue to plan. That is untill a handsome boy named Diomedes caught her atention. Her powers, which she inherited from both parents is now at risk. Will everyone find out about her secrets?I wouldn't call them demigods. They are the children OF the demigods.…

emo trash from your fairlylocallaneboy

emo trash from your fairlylocallaneboy

2,338 172 188

rants☆trash☆fanfic☆all for my fellow trashcans☆☆☆…



20 0 1

me and him are so notysfujhbhssxedch dsth hwr wrgbr2bgwgrb2rgb3t2v3tvg3ty42h3yb24yb34by5ub353ubb5u3hbe3h rhre hr3vrwvgrssesewwwssaàaåaaaaaaaaed3yn hr3vrwvgrssesewwwssaàaåaaaaaaaa6jb4ybj44yhby4vhv6u4g5vt3g 3 rgerg g3r hr3vrwvgrssesewwwssaàaåaaaaaaaa6jb4ybj44yhby4vhv6u4g5vc2rf3f4v6uh4v66vjy5hvvj6ihugygyvtcxrxewzedtvgyubuhybygtvtvgyojugtvtcvytgtctctcgyygygvy6juh6h64vvh74bu7bjk58 6jb4jy chicken64hv4v6h6v464gvhd6v4h6h6v446vt 4hyh4 4yh h646h4v64hv46hvvh4664hvh64v64hv46jbh46v4ybv5h4vg5v45c35tcgc53v53g4yhvh6464hh6464hvv6h46h4v6hvv6h4h4v6yh 446 h4vh66vhy4hv46vh46vhgtv4rgyrgedyeyhrhrjjrhrjfjery70vr0vt7yc2rgogb72rcgb70r3chn08ed0ybyb0R07y3rc07bt3tc7bt7gd51g whatsoevergtrg4umrku3tumj35u3j53u535yj24yh24yh3thnrh3erhnytfdddsss we fuckt 5usce5xjtdjxtdut yidyxitdyiddyiyxidfoucfuo fufuohof ifycgid fxdg uyxiiydxiydcghzhhdthhrhddhdhht4etum3ujn4tjemtjrhnnrjrj rjnrhergbehrtjjhtetjeytheyhrjrtjhrfnnfthhrrhrjhrjtjmjttntntntntnuuhy66u2x 1ubp13rcj pce1hint5jtkgjfifufururyyf9uf4fvby82efcbgip2f gupbef2cvuoef 2 guo1efcuobg1fx7pb gub 2oeiphbe hipbhipb1fecvul 2fc vil2rcihbp3rfohnf5in3fputun3tgoio3g hipn2fcoh2efciphb2rg ohn 3igpin3 inp2ecinhe2fcino3cfjie2fciphjpnegcihnpohnf jpjcejpdwxiphbwfc8phwfxpuechhp8rc9yh8eugcbodxohiohecg7owxguidexyoe guobf ugodwxgo usc boudgcbo hioev guo cw huo e chip ef hio wf hiowdchion2efchip2fchipnfeuog3h7n2rd1bouwdxefbuo2efcjbuodwfohnfwjpwdcjpwdcjpd1jimecijpf3ji3rfi0f2uk92rfjip2rjjpt3gimpfej9jipmf3jm3rvojefcjipmecjpmegchnipe2jpmrc9ikeciefcjidiedcjoecjo03ffko3rfunfc3budcecbubxwdbipdxh psxhbiszih edbk bj wsbi szbjsbj shzjbubsbjsxbjszbj …

Admin's diary/journal/WTF book

Admin's diary/journal/WTF book

3,670 269 200

Hello! I am the admin of this account! When I'm bored I update this but that's fine right?(( was "Wait this is a book?"))…

Kairo's Encyclopaedia of Random!

Kairo's Encyclopaedia of Random!

19,289 638 198

What started off as a LOL so true is now a book where I post random stuffs bout my life! Read on..... IF YOU CAN HANDLE THE CRAZY…



2 0 1


Let's talk...

Let's talk...

57 2 1
